Category Archives: little funny

Lutefisk Sushi Volume D Opens This Friday! (August 6th)

Lutefisk Sushi Volume D opens this Friday! The show features a limited-edition (150), hand silkscreened, 3D bento box full of mini-comics by over 50 Minnesota cartoonists for only $25! See original art and other work by the cartoonists all over the walls of the gallery, including a bunch of work by featured artist Danno Klonowski (Manly Tales of Cowardice). Also, don’t miss little funny Series II, small boxes of micro-comics sold out of an old cigarette vending machine.

The show has been included in the A-List in this week’s City Pages.

Please tell your friends, blog readers, social networking website compadres, co-workers, parents, cousins, casual associates, and random people on the street of the opening this Friday, August 6th from 7 – 10 PM at Altered Esthetics!

Altered Esthetics • 1224 Quincy St NE, Mpls MN 55413   •   612.378.8888

Promotional materials below.

Postcard Resources!

Postcard front, small jpg

Postcard front, large pdf

Postcard back, small jpg

Postcard back, large pdf

Misc Show Sites

Sushi Website

Facebook Event

LSD – Facebook website

Lutefisk Sushi Artists Potluck this Saturday, July 31st!

The participating artist potluck for Lutefisk Sushi (and little funny Series II) is this Saturday, July 31st from 1-3PM at Altered Esthetics. If you participated in either project, I hope to see you there.

Some things to note:

– You can pick up your contributor Lutefisk Sushi Volume D box at the potluck! Don’t forget to get your name checked off the list when you do.

– This is the deadline to drop off your framed art to hang for the show. Please bring some, if possible. More than one item is great… too much art to fit on the walls is a much better position to be in than not enough! Note that it is not a requirement that the art you display be from your comic in the Sushi box.

– This is the deadline for dropping off your issues of little funny. There is still time to make one! Email me if you need a number:

– Pick up promotional Lutefisk Sushi Volume D postcards to distribute.

– Don’t forget to remind your friends, blog readers, co-workers, parents, cousins, casual associates, and random people on the street that the Lutefisk Sushi opening is Friday, August 6th from 7 – 10 PM! Promotional materials below.

– Bring one item of food… it is a potluck!

Postcard Resources!

Postcard front, small jpg

Postcard front, large pdf

Postcard back, small jpg

Postcard back, large pdf

Misc Show Sites

Sushi Website

Facebook Event

LSD – Facebook website

little funny Deadline Extended to July 31st

While we have had a great amount of participation in the Lutefisk Sushi Volume D box, the amount of submissions for little funny Volume II has been pretty disappointing thus far. So… we are extending the deadline to July 31st.

It is extremely easy and fun to participate (it really only takes a few hours to make one, especially if you just make a sketchbook out of stuff that you have lying around gathering dust). Please help make this part of the show as cool as it should be!

More info on little funny and participating can be found here.

Do You Feel a little funny?

Over 50 Minnesota cartoonists made the deadline for Lutefisk Sushi Volume Dyou can see the list of contributors here (note if you contributed and do not see your name on that list, please let us know).

Whether or not you made that deadline, there is another way you can participate in the Lutefisk Sushi Volume D show. The show will also include a vending machine filled with boxes of teeny-tiny minicomics, and you do not even have to live in Minnesota to make one!

little funny series II is intended as a prominent “sideshow” to the Lutefisk Sushi Volume D project. little funny is a series of mini-comics sold in an old cigarette vending machine at Altered Esthetics. The first series was compiled in conjunction with the BIG FUNNY show in 2009.

The deadline for participation is JULY 22nd.

Read more about how to participate in little funny series II here.

You can view pictures of little funny series I here.

You can see what the vending machine looks like here.

little funny series II: Deadline July 22nd

little funny series II is intended as a prominent “sideshow” to the Lutefisk Sushi Volume D project. little funny is a series of mini-comics sold in an old cigarette vending machine at Altered Esthetics. The first series was compiled in conjunction with the BIG FUNNY show in 2009, and it is almost sold out… it is time to restock the machine.

No entries will be rejected provided they follow the specs (these comics need to be a specific size to fit inside the boxes in the vending machine). You do not have to be a Minnesota artist to participate.

You can view pictures of little funny series I here.

You can see what the vending machine looks like here.

Additionally, we have a limited number of vending slots available for people who would like to vend a non-little funny comics project from the machine. All projects will need to fit in a 3” x 2” x 1” box. Email tonytudisco (at) for more information on this opportunity.


  1. Email us at webmaster (at) for an issue number. little funny is an ongoing numbered series. Make sure to put your number on your comic. If you choose to do multiple issues, you’ll need a number for each different issue.
  2. Draw your comic. Make sure to sign your work and include your contact info on it.
  3. Make 50 or more copies of your comic. The only requirements for the comic are that it fit in the 3” x 2” x 1” box, and that it have the title little funny and the issue number on the cover. You can get the little funny logo here, if you are inclined to use it. A template is available, but is not required. One double-sided copy of the template makes three copies of a 10-page accordion style micro-comic with two covers (or, alternately, 3 different issues).
  4. We request a minimum of 50 copies of each comic submitted. More is great and much appreciated. You can send us as many as you wish. Drop off or mail your copies here:ALTERED ESTHETICS
    1224 Quincy St NE
    Minneapolis, MN 55413

    In addition to the comics please include your name, address, phone number and email address.



  • Each participant will receive one vending box of minis… how many minis are included in a box will depend on our level of participation. No box will contain all of the minis. Each participant will be responsible for picking up their box some time during the month of the show, or for making special arrangements if they can not attend.
  • Participants names will also appear on the Lutefisk Sushi Volume D website as being a part of the little funny show.
  • These comics can be by a single artist or be collaborative.
  • You can do as many issues as you wish… if you want to do more than one, just ask us for another number.
  • Comics may be color, or black and white, or on colored paper, or decorated with glitter glue, or painted or whatever the hell you want to do as long as they fit in the box.
  • Two complete sets of all the comics will be kept for the Conspiracy archives.
  • All proceeds from the comics will go to support the gallery, Altered Esthetics, which is a non-profit, community and artist centered gallery. You can read more about AE here.
  • Submissions will not be returned.

Can’t afford BIG FUNNY? Well, how about some little funny?

I just put up a gallery of photos of all the issues in the little funny sideshow, which you can see here.

little funny is an ongoing series of mini-comics boxed and sold out of an old cigarette vending machine.

The little funny set 1 box sets each contain 6 accordion-style mini-comics.

The 6 comics in a set 1 box are randomly selected from the 29 issues in the first set.

Boxes sell for $2 each.

They are only sold out of a vending machine currently housed at Altered Esthetics gallery.

They will make their premiere at the BIG FUNNY show opening this Friday, August 7th, 2009.

By Mjöllnir! little funny deadline approacheth! (July 20th)

The deadline for little funny is on the 20th… so you have less than a week to get yours in. Which is probably not a big deal, as it will probably only take you one evening of fun to get an issue together.

little funny, again, is a series of micro-comic booklets authored by anyone who wants to do one that will be sold out of a vending machine at the BIG FUNNY opening. It is easy, fun and inexpensive to participate… and all entries will be accepted. You can read all of the details about the project here.

All participants in little funny will be listed on the BIG FUNNY website, and we’ll eventually have scans of all the covers posted there as well.

Some people have been confused by the instructions… I tried to clarify them some more in the text. Additionally, here is a photo of two copies of little funny #8 by James Powell (the front of one and the back of the other).

Click to embiggen.

BIG FUNNY Postcard

Here is a preview of the postcard for our upcoming BIG FUNNY show (opening August 7th). The gorgeous art is by Zander Cannon, and the design is by Local Hero Kevin Cannon and myself. The art is from the header of the newspaper, and includes Zander’s interpretations of characters from all 45 strips in the paper, I believe. We should have postcards available at the next Conspiracy jam meeting on July 2nd for everyone to help distribute everywhere (although not by the artist pot-luck this weekend, unfortunately… participating artists, check your email for info on that).

We go to press this week! I can’t wait to hold a copy in my mitts!

Note that there is still time to participate in our little funny sideshow! All submissions to that will be included in the show.

Click the images below to see larger versions.

Note that

Participate in little funny: a BIG FUNNY Sideshow

little funny

little funny is intended as a prominent “sideshow” to the upcoming BIG FUNNY project. little funny will be a series of mini-comics sold in an old cigarette vending machine at Altered Esthetics during the month of the BIG FUNNY show. No entries will be rejected provided they follow the specs (these comics need to be a specific size to fit inside the boxes in the vending machine).


  1. DOWNLOAD THE TEMPLATE. The template includes a little funny logo on the front and back covers. One double-sided copy makes three copies of a 10-page accordion style micro-comic (or, alternately, 3 different issues).
  2. Email us at webmaster (at) for an issue number. little funny will be a numbered series. Make sure to put your number on your comic. If you choose to do multiple issues, you’ll need a number for each different issue.
  3. Draw your comic. Make sure to sign your work and include your contact info on it if you want to.
  4. Make copies of it. Copy, fold and staple them.
  5. We request a minimum of 18 copies of each comic submitted (which is 6 double sided xeroxes). More is great, and you can send us as many as you wish. Mail your copies to:ALTERED ESTHETICS
    1224 Quincy St NE
    Minneapolis, MN 55413

    In addition to the comics please include your name, address, phone number and email address.



  • Each participant will receive one vending box of minis… how many minis are included in a box will depend on our level of participation. No box will contain all of the minis. Each participant will be responsible for picking up their box some time during the month of the show, or for making special arrangements if they can not attend.
  • Participants names will also appear on the BIG FUNNY website as being a part of the little funny show.
  • These comics can be by a single artist or be collaborative.
  • You can do as many issues as you wish… if you want to do more than one, just ask us for another number.
  • Comics may be color, or black and white, or on colored paper, or decorated with glitter glue, or painted or whatever the hell you want to do as long as you stick with the basic template.
  • Two sets of all the comics will be kept for the Conspiracy archives.
  • All proceeds from the comics will go to support the gallery, Altered Esthetics, which is a non-profit, community and artist centered gallery. You can read more about AE here.
  • Submissions will not be returned.