Category Archives: Local Hero Kevin Cannon

Cartozia Tales Kickstarter — now with more rewards!


A Kickstarter campaign is underway for Cartozia Tales, an all-ages fantasy series based on a collaboratively-created map. The comics in the anthology are filled with imaginative creatures, memorable characters, secret messages and fantastical landscapes. It has been incredibly fun to work on, and the contributors’ enthusiasm really shows in the final product. Our regular contributors are Sarah Becan, Lucy Bellwood, Isaac Cates, Shawn Cheng, Tom Motley, Mike Wenthe, Jen Vaughn and me, Lupi. Each issue also contains stories by FABULOUS GUEST ARTISTS, including Dylan Horrocks, Jon Lewis, James Kochalka, Adam Koford, Kevin Cannon, and more.

The vicuñicorn: invented by Adam Koford, named by Mike Wenthe, and drawn by me.

Read more about the project, our process, and the guest artists we have lined up for the next couple issues.

For a pledge of only $28, you can get a full color 8×10 print of one of our covers or promo images.

For $36, you get an original custom watercolor portrait on a trading card from ME!

Also, digital subscriptions are now being offered as a reward, for those of you who don’t want to pay for shipping, or don’t have a lot of room on your shelves for books. Great option for readers outside the U.S.!

Minneapolis Jam and Double Barrel Party at Big Time Attic Tonight! (Thursday, June 7th)

Party at Big Time Attic tonight to celebrate the release of their fantastic Double Barrel anthology, currently taking the world by storm! Click the image below for more info.


This month’s Nordeast Comics Summit topic: The History of Comics with Jon Sloan

TIME: 6 – 6:30 pm (right before the Cartoonist Conspiracy Jam)

LOCATION: 1618 Central Ave NE, Ste. 216, Nordeast MPLS


And, of course:

Please join us to draw some jam comics, socialize and drink caffeinated beverages. Afterwards, we often have uncaffeinated beverages somewhere else.

The Minneapolis Cartoonist Conspiracy meets at 6:30 until 10:00 the first Thursday of every month at Diamond’s Coffee Shoppe in Northeast.

The meetings are open to anyone who wants to draw with us, and the results are posted here sooner or later (and sometimes even printed). Diamond’s Coffee Shoppe 1618 Central Avenue Northeast Minneapolis, Minnesota

Bus info here.

Please spend some money at Diamond’s while you’re there, even if it is just a cuppa coffee… they are excellent hosts, and we wanna stay welcome there.

Just Add Ink Deadline Reminder Graphic by Kevin Cannon (June 15th!)

Kevin Cannon recently made some “reminder images” for the Just Add Ink deadline for people to post to their blogs, websites, social networking sites, or to relay via tin cans attached with taut string. Please link them to:

If you are not inclined to upload the image yourself, here is embed code for the 200 pixel wide version:

<a href=""><img src=""></a>

They are also available in 150, 300, 400, 600 and 800 pixel wide sizes. You can embed any of these sizes by replacing the 200 in the embed code with the appropriate number.

Click here to download Just Add Ink Submission Reminder images like the one above in all sizes.

Please do help spread the word!

Volunteers Needed for Altered Esthetics 7th Anniversary Fundraiser Drawing Event Friday April 29th!

Pictured above: Local Hero Kevin Cannon’s fantastic art donation to the Altered Esthetics fundraiser. See a gallery of other donated artwork here.

We will be drawing cartoons to raise funds for Altered Esthetics, the wonderful non-profit community gallery we collaborate with, at their 7th anniversary party next Friday. We need cartoonist volunteers to draw pictures for patrons offering donations. Bring your All-Seeing-Eye of Agamotto! Using our amazing ecto-ink, we will “read” the patrons to bring them personalized:

Psychic Readings
Dream Interpretations
Spirit Animals
Inner Demons

It should be a good time. We will be working in shifts, so you will have plenty of time to peruse, schmooze and booze as well. As always, any interested cartoonists are welcome to participate… but please, let me know you’re coming so I can get you on the schedule. To participate, email me at webmaster(at)

Read more about the event here.

Minnesota Cartoonists in the Press

There has been a whole lot of coverage of the Minnesota cartooning scene recently… here is a round up.

First of all, the excellent Star Tribune story about the Twin Cities cartooning scene by Tom Horgen from last Sunday’s paper can now be read in its entirety online. Don’t miss the video with Peter Gross and the gallery in the sidebar.

In their ongoing 100 Creatives series at the City Pages, they have now covered Local Hero Kevin Cannon, Zander Cannon, Lars Martinson, DWITT, Adam Turman and Altered Esthetics’ own Kara Hendershot, among many other great local artists.

Twin Cities Public Television recently did a feature on Zak Sally.

The Daily Crosshatch just posted videos of Lars Martinson‘s “How to Self-Publish a Graphic Novel in 8 Hard Steps” presentation from the 2010 Graphic Novel Writing & Illustrating Conference sponsored by the Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis, MN.

The Daily Crosshatch also recently ran an interview with Pete Hodapp the cartoonist responsible for what was probably my favorite comic in the Lutefisk Sushi Volume D box, The Possum and the Pepper Spray. Apparently part 2 of the interview is coming soon.

Tom Kaczynski was recently interviewed at the Comix Claptrap.

We Need a Name for the Comic Cookbook show

I know it seems awfully early, seeing as we haven’t even had the opening for Lutefisk Sushi Volume D yet (opening August 6th… potluck this Saturday for participants), but Altered Esthetics is printing their calendar for next year soon, so we need a catchy title for the comic cookbook show we will be putting on there next year. Local Hero Kevin Cannon has generously volunteered to draw something for the calendar. We need something quick, so make some suggestions in the comments and let’s get it figured out. Possibilities so far:

The Comic Cookbook
Just Add Ink
Culinary Comics
The Gourmet Cartoonist
Gastronomical Giggles
Gag Comics: A Cartoon Cookbook

Please only participate in this discussion if you plan to participate in the show. Note that this will not be a regional show, and cartoonists from all over the world are encouraged to participate.