Can’t afford BIG FUNNY? Well, how about some little funny?

I just put up a gallery of photos of all the issues in the little funny sideshow, which you can see here.

little funny is an ongoing series of mini-comics boxed and sold out of an old cigarette vending machine.

The little funny set 1 box sets each contain 6 accordion-style mini-comics.

The 6 comics in a set 1 box are randomly selected from the 29 issues in the first set.

Boxes sell for $2 each.

They are only sold out of a vending machine currently housed at Altered Esthetics gallery.

They will make their premiere at the BIG FUNNY show opening this Friday, August 7th, 2009.

One thought on “Can’t afford BIG FUNNY? Well, how about some little funny?

  1. once again when i ask ppl to involve this person they seem to ignor her. she is in my oppinion a brilliant funny artist who does a comic on line and offline called barista girl

    i have yet to see you guys ever invite her or even know she exists. i find it odd that in the past 3 years no one ever says anything…. we have made every effort to find venues to participate in and still 3 years later, nothing at all, in fact doors are slammed in our face all the time, this is a prime example of non supportive community who continue to clique out
    those who they never met.

    please please please give this artist a chance
    she is so worth it.

    minnesota is notorious for clique-out’s and I for one would like to see this person’s art displayed in at least some shows….

    why so snooty minnesota?
    this is a talent you repeatedly ignor?

    its time you stepped up!

    stop ignoring the talent!

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