Here is a preview of the postcard for our upcoming BIG FUNNY show (opening August 7th). The gorgeous art is by Zander Cannon, and the design is by Local Hero Kevin Cannon and myself. The art is from the header of the newspaper, and includes Zander’s interpretations of characters from all 45 strips in the paper, I believe. We should have postcards available at the next Conspiracy jam meeting on July 2nd for everyone to help distribute everywhere (although not by the artist pot-luck this weekend, unfortunately… participating artists, check your email for info on that).
We go to press this week! I can’t wait to hold a copy in my mitts!
Note that there is still time to participate in our little funny sideshow! All submissions to that will be included in the show.
Click the images below to see larger versions.
Note that
Super cool guys! Great job!! I want one!!!