Category Archives: Cartooning Projects

Ask Not What Your Conspiracy Can Do for You… Call for Volunteers for Lutefisk Sushi Volume E Project

We are looking for a few more volunteers to help us put our upcoming Lutefisk Sushi Volume E event together (reminder… deadline this Saturday September 15th!). Specifically, we are looking for:

– A person to help promote the event online, ideally someone who digs using the social networking stuff the kids seem to like using these days.
– A person to help make signs for the event
– A person to coordinate food for the event

We’ll also want additional help with collating the boxes when the time comes… but it is usually pretty easy to find people for that.

Thanks for considering helping out.

To volunteer, please contact lmcginty(at)

Lutefisk Sushi Volume E Deadline in Less Than Two Weeks!

The Lutefisk Sushi Volume E Deadline is in Less Than Two Weeks!

And, gee… that is really more than enough time to get something together! We’re not building the freaking Taj Mahal, here! I’ve seen mini-comics masterpieces drawn and printed in under eight hours! What the hell are you freaking out about? Don’t make me slap you! I swear, I’ll do it!

We want your mini-comics!*

To participate:
-Draw, print and deliver 160 copies of a mini-comic (any format) to Altered Esthetics before September 15th.
-Show up for the opening gallery celebration November 2nd at Altered Esthetics and have a good time.

That’s it. All submissions are accepted until the unlikely event that we can no longer cram them into a box. Every person who submits 160 mini-comics gets a box.**

Lutefisk Sushi is a hand-silkscreened, limited-edition box set of Minnesota mini-comics. This is the fifth edition… previous editions have contained between 35 and 55 comics each. This year’s featured artist and box-cover creator is Eisner-Award-winning cartoonist Zander Cannon (Double Barrel, Top 10, Chainsaw Vigilante).

Read more about submission details here.

* You must be Minnesotan to particiapte.
** limit one per artist regardless of number of works submitted, and artists who team to create a comic must share a box

Mini-Comics Day is Tomorrow! (Saturday, April 9th)

Mini-Comics Day is tomorrow (April 9th)! On Mini-Comics Day, participating cartoonists from around the world will write, draw, and print copies of a mini-comic, completing the entire process from start to finish in a day or less. Anyone in the world can participate.

We currently have sixteen sites listed around the world planning events for Mini-Comics Day. If you are interested in hosting an event, let me know… email me at webmaster(at)

Here is the scoop about the Minneapolis event:

As with all our events, it is free and open to anyone who wants to participate. Table space is provided on a first-come, first-served basis. We hope to be getting started at 10:00AM sharp.

The copier on site, provided by our generous hosts at The Minnesota Center for Book Arts, will be available for use for a $5 donation… however, Big Brain Comics is giving us $50 to put towards this fee, so the first 10 people to use the copier will have their fee covered. Obviously, there will be a lot of demand for the copier at certain times of the day, so please be courteous of others and don’t bogart the machine. You’ll want to bring a $5 bill if you plan on using the on-site copier.

Wet Paint will be providing some free supplies, and will have useful items for sale for part of the event.

Big Time Attic will be donating some paper.

The Cartoonist Conspiracy will be providing some copies of our How to Make Mini-Comics mini-comic for folks to assemble and refer to.

We’ll be having an after party, where we will be giving out the prize for the Best Local Mini-Comic of the Day. This will be a block away from Book Arts in the side room at Grumpy’s Downtown (1111 Washington Ave. S.) from 5:30 to 9:00PM. We’ll clear out of the side room at 9:00 (a band will be taking over the space), and the fun will continue until whenever in the main room of the bar.

There will be a prize given out for the Best Local Mini-Comic of the Day. The prize will include a copy of the book Newave! The Underground Mini Comix of the 1980s, courtesy of Big Brain Comics, a Lutefisk Sushi box set and a copy of BIG FUNNY courtesy of Altered Esthetics, and probably some other goodies.

Obviously, only comics made entirely on the day of the event will be eligible for the prize. To enter your mini-comic, drop 4 copies of it in the box we will have at the Book Arts event, or bring it before 6:30 to the side room of Grumpy’s Downtown. Make sure to include your name, address, email address and other contact information you think is pertinent with your submission. All submitted comics will also be included in a reading rack at the upcoming Art? show at Altered Esthetics in May.

The submitted comics will be read and a winner will be determined by three local non-cartoonists; author of Superheroes, Strip Artists & Talking Animals: Minnesota’s Contemporary Cartoonists Britt Aamodt, Big Brain Comics proprietor Michael Drivas, and Altered Esthetics founder Jamie Schumacher.

Please do spread the word to everyone you know who likes to make comics! If you use facebook, you may want to check out the Mini-Comics Day facebook page.

The Minnesota Center For Book Arts
1011 Washington Ave S
Minneapolis, MN
April 9, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
(in the Flexispace and Gallery Space)
Copier will be available on site.
Table space will be provided on a first come, first served basis.
We’ll also be having an after party, where we will be giving out a prize for the Best Local Mini-Comic of the Day. This will be a block away in the side room at Grumpy’s Downtown (1111 Washington Ave. S.) from 5:30 to 9:00PM. We’ll clear out of the side room at 9:00 (a band will be taking over the space), and the fun will continue until whenever in the main room of the bar.
Contact: Steven Stwalley

Just Add Ink Meeting at Psycho Suzi’s Tomorrow (March 15th) at 9PM

Again, way too late notice… my apologies. Please, please do come and get involved if you are wanting to help get our cartoonist cookbook together for our Just Add Ink show at Altered Esthetics in August.

Agenda from Jamie:

Hello All,

Just a reminder that we’ve got a meeting scheduled for tomorrow, 9:00pm, Psycho Suzi’s.

Preliminary Agenda
Decide roles
Decide on how submissions will work (Maybe a “Plan A” and “Plan B” depending on funding)
Talk about print processes and options (bring budgets and figures if you have any)
Website stuffs

Tuesday March 15th, 9:00pm – Psycho Suzi’s.

Action Items (from last meeting)
Everybody to look into the cost of printing various types of pages and books. (binders, etc.)
We can bring this information with us to the next meeting to make an educated decision.
Everybody think about roles and how you want to be involved.
Jamie to draft sponsorship level and create spreadsheet for sharing
Jamie will bring a few budget drafts to the next meeting
Danno to bake us all a cake

Some things to establish:
Submission guidelines
“Mini-grants” guidelines and budget (and checklist for Ae staff)
Distribution guidelines (This came up last time. 1 book per artist? Or 1 book per entry?)
What will go on the preliminary site (and who is creating it?)

Looking forward to seeing all of you tomorrow!

Lutefisk Sushi Artists Potluck this Saturday, July 31st!

The participating artist potluck for Lutefisk Sushi (and little funny Series II) is this Saturday, July 31st from 1-3PM at Altered Esthetics. If you participated in either project, I hope to see you there.

Some things to note:

– You can pick up your contributor Lutefisk Sushi Volume D box at the potluck! Don’t forget to get your name checked off the list when you do.

– This is the deadline to drop off your framed art to hang for the show. Please bring some, if possible. More than one item is great… too much art to fit on the walls is a much better position to be in than not enough! Note that it is not a requirement that the art you display be from your comic in the Sushi box.

– This is the deadline for dropping off your issues of little funny. There is still time to make one! Email me if you need a number:

– Pick up promotional Lutefisk Sushi Volume D postcards to distribute.

– Don’t forget to remind your friends, blog readers, co-workers, parents, cousins, casual associates, and random people on the street that the Lutefisk Sushi opening is Friday, August 6th from 7 – 10 PM! Promotional materials below.

– Bring one item of food… it is a potluck!

Postcard Resources!

Postcard front, small jpg

Postcard front, large pdf

Postcard back, small jpg

Postcard back, large pdf

Misc Show Sites

Sushi Website

Facebook Event

LSD – Facebook website



Local Comics Week is a chance to show off local and independent talent.
Other cities besides Minneapolis have organized their own events
nationwide, and have even joined forces to create Indy Comic Week
( which is aiming to do what we
have all set out to do with our event.

Our event is changing a bit. The Source Comics and Games in Roseville, MN
( is participating in Indy Comics Week and
after a few discussions with Nick, the organizer of their event, we have
decided to join forces and allow our event to be folded into Indy Comics

What does this mean? Quite a lot, actually.

Big Brain Comics is stepping out of the event, and our comics will now be
sold at the Source. Nick is also preparing for a signing event for
participating artists.

So, here is what you need to know:

-I will no longer be collecting the comics that you would like to submit
for the event. Instead, any material (mini comics, zines, trade
paperbacks, graphic novels) must be brought to the Source between December
21 and December 26th. Mind they will likely have shorter hours on
Christmas Eve and closed on Christmas. The nice thing is that the Source
WANTS to purchase your hard worked creations. How much they will purchase
items for, quantity, etc is up to the Source.

Remember, what you bring to the Source does NOT need to be new material!

-The material will be put out on the racks on Sunday December 27th and will
remain there until January 2nd.

-Wednesday, December 30th is the BIG event. The Source will be hosting a
signing for indy cartoonists. Space IS limited. In order to be a guest at
the signing, you MUST email Nick at the Source with “Attention Nick/Indy
Comis Week in the first line of ‘your message’ to request a spot. The
signing will be 4pm until 8pm.

-You DO NOT have to provide anything to the Source to sell in order to be a
guest at the signing.

-You DO NOT have to be a guest at the Source in order to sell them your

That’s about it. If there is anything you want to know, please email me (bob(at)

Danno Klonowski Voted to be Featured Artist in Lutefisk Sushi Volume D!

And the winnah is… Danno Klonowski, by a nose!

The people have spoken! Danno will be the featured artist in Lutefisk Sushi Volume D (or LSD, as we like to call it), coming to Altered Esthetics next summer. Congratulations, Danno!

Thanks to all the participating artists who agreed to be nominees… any of you would have been great choices.

I’m excited we had so many people vote (36)… since everyone who voted intends to participate, it should be a very full box! Everyone, start drawing your minis… now!