Monthly Archives: May 2009

CCSF Comic Book Jam at the Cartoon Art Museum May 31, 2009 report

Well, today 26 people came to the Cartoon Art Museum to create comics and art. Members of the Cartoonist Conspiricy San Francisco joined with the Cartoon Art Museum Bookstore for a Comic Jam.

Starting at 11 am artist begin to arrive at the Museum and were given a special custom lanyard while we finished setting up in the Museum’s lobby.

First off, artist were invited to help design the Bookstore’s online persona ‘Sparky Joe.’ Sparky Joe is a mash up of Olive Oyl, Wendy the good little witch, wolf girl from Lil’ Abner, and Disney’s version of Tinkerbell.

At noon we started the comic jams. One table did a series of illustrations that had an adventuring girl over the course of a day. The other table had two groups who worked on comics on Sticky Notes. The Sticky Notes allowed for us to create a collaborative story that can be rearranged and adjusted creating a more solid tale. The jams will be on-line in the next few weeks.

Later in the day we tried something new, Speed Comic Jams. We took pre-printed pages with three cinema scope panels and posted four of them on a tablet on a stand. The first time had each artist taking turns filling in the panels one by one with only one minutes per panel. We drew in pencil with a random theme with the words: Cinderella and Detective Tale. That produced loose rough drawings. The next version had two artist drawing two pages at the same time with two minutes per panel. The theme was Glam Rock Beach party. This time we drew with Sharpie pens which made the artist work simpler and cleaner. We did the challenges a few more times, finially returing to panel by panel at two minutes a time.

Around 4pm we had a few more artist finish some “Sparky Joe” drawings and then at 5pm we all voted along with shoppers in the Bookstore. Manager Heather had a hard time picking from all the designs so this made it easier. In the end there was  a three way tie, so we had another round of voting with the winner being artist Audry Soffa (of the web comic the Bunny System) who’s art will be uploaded soon to Facebook.

If you want to be a friend of the Cartroon Art Museum Bookstore, just search Facebook for Sparky Joe or you can follow on Twitter as well.

It seemed that everyone had a really good time and we were really productive. We hope to have some comics on-line soon and look forward to returning to the museum sometime soon.

CCCC Comic Book Show (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada)

Is anybody interested in showing at the 2009 CCCC show in Winnipeg, CA? I’ve signed up and if someone else was interested in ride-sharing, I would be happy to have him/her along to split gas and lodging. The Artist Tables are free of charge and they provide snacks to the artists. email “Maria” to get yourself setup; her email is: You will need a passport to get into Canada. Damn Terrorists.

-Spanky Cermak
Data Red Comics (Space Sheriff)

Want to Advertise in BIG FUNNY’s Classified Section?

Congratulations to the nearly fifty artists who made it into this summer’s BIG FUNNY newspaper and gallery show. We had over seventy outstanding submissions and it was very difficult to whittle it down. We usually like to be as inclusive as possible, but for this project the budget and limitations of printing an actual newspaper limited the amount of entries we could accept.

But there’s still a spot for people to get their name in lights: the classifieds!

The newspaper is going to press in a few weeks, and we’re looking for advertisements to throw in our CLASSIFIEDS section in the back of BIG FUNNY. You get 50 words for $20, and all proceeds go to helping the BIG FUNNY show exist — Altered Esthetics Gallery is a community-based nonprofit and can’t exist without your help!

Get all the details here.
Hurry, though — deadline is May 31

St. Paul Cartoonist Conspiracy Jams – April and May 2009

I failed to scan in last month’s St. Paul Cartoonist Conspiracy Jam in a timely manner, so you will get double your pleasure this month! Beware that each jam is a PDF that weighs in at a respectable 4 MB. The theme for the April 2009 jam was “The Fury of Facebook and Lost in the Wilderness.” May’s jam is entitled “Wolverine On Ice and Off Broadway Batman: The Superheroes Take to the Stage.”


Participate in little funny: a BIG FUNNY Sideshow

little funny

little funny is intended as a prominent “sideshow” to the upcoming BIG FUNNY project. little funny will be a series of mini-comics sold in an old cigarette vending machine at Altered Esthetics during the month of the BIG FUNNY show. No entries will be rejected provided they follow the specs (these comics need to be a specific size to fit inside the boxes in the vending machine).


  1. DOWNLOAD THE TEMPLATE. The template includes a little funny logo on the front and back covers. One double-sided copy makes three copies of a 10-page accordion style micro-comic (or, alternately, 3 different issues).
  2. Email us at webmaster (at) for an issue number. little funny will be a numbered series. Make sure to put your number on your comic. If you choose to do multiple issues, you’ll need a number for each different issue.
  3. Draw your comic. Make sure to sign your work and include your contact info on it if you want to.
  4. Make copies of it. Copy, fold and staple them.
  5. We request a minimum of 18 copies of each comic submitted (which is 6 double sided xeroxes). More is great, and you can send us as many as you wish. Mail your copies to:ALTERED ESTHETICS
    1224 Quincy St NE
    Minneapolis, MN 55413

    In addition to the comics please include your name, address, phone number and email address.



  • Each participant will receive one vending box of minis… how many minis are included in a box will depend on our level of participation. No box will contain all of the minis. Each participant will be responsible for picking up their box some time during the month of the show, or for making special arrangements if they can not attend.
  • Participants names will also appear on the BIG FUNNY website as being a part of the little funny show.
  • These comics can be by a single artist or be collaborative.
  • You can do as many issues as you wish… if you want to do more than one, just ask us for another number.
  • Comics may be color, or black and white, or on colored paper, or decorated with glitter glue, or painted or whatever the hell you want to do as long as you stick with the basic template.
  • Two sets of all the comics will be kept for the Conspiracy archives.
  • All proceeds from the comics will go to support the gallery, Altered Esthetics, which is a non-profit, community and artist centered gallery. You can read more about AE here.
  • Submissions will not be returned.

CCSF Comic Jam at the Cartoon Art Museum Bookstore.

CCSF San Francisco comic jams

Come to the Cartoon Art Museum Book store and help create a
Collaborative Jam Comic on Sunday May 31, 2009.

Join the creative folks of the Cartoonist Conspiracy of San Francisco
(CCSF) in a fun all-ages Comic Jam hosted by the Cartoon Art Museum
Bookstore. Artist of any age or skill level can join the CCSF in
making a collaborative comic where anything can happen. It’s FREE so
come join us from 11 am to 5 pm outside the Bookstore. Also featuring
book signings from many of the CCSF comic creators who work can be
purchased in the Bookstore.

So come on down and join the Comic Jam with the Cartoonist Conspiracy
San Francisco.

Details of featured artists will available soon.

You can follow the Bookstore on Facebook by looking for Sparky Joe or on Twitter by following CAMBookstore

Ken Avidor and Kevin Cannon Both Win the Gold in The Society of Professional Journalists Page One Awards

Big congratulations to Conspirators Ken Avidor and Kevin Cannon on both winning a gold in the Society of Professional Journalists Page One Awards. Ken won a gold (with Steve Kaplan) for best commissioned illustration for his piece The 2008 Republican National Convention: A Graphic Novelette. Kevin won a gold for best Editorial Page Cartoon for his piece Xcape from Xcel (done for the City Pages Comix Issue last year). Nice work, fellas!

Magazine – Story, Design and Photography: Best commissioned illustration — LESS than 50K
First Place
The 2008 Republican National Convention: A Graphic Novelette
Ken Avidor/Steve Kaplan – Minnesota Law & Politics
More “graphic” than “novelette,” Avidor and Kaplan do a nice job summing up the RNC in a format that gives the reader the gist of the event far more efficiently than paragraphs of prose would do. Well done.

Newspaper – Editorial and Opinion: Editorial page cartoon — 50K+
First Place
Xcape from Xcel
Kevin Cannon – City Pages
This is not a “get it at a glance” editorial cartoon. The detail and thought that went into it took some time to appreciate. The political faces are well done. Just the idea of politics as a game gives this another level of meaning. We identify with “electrocuted while punching a TV”!

Read more at the Big Time Attic Blog here.

“Pendulum” anthology.

Hey all, passing on info on an upcoming Anthology produced by Bay Area artist Erin Milligan.
I have only posted the basic info. To find out the full information, contact Erin at erinmmilligan AT gmail DOT com. Check out Erin’s comic at:

These are just the general guidelines.

Possible Title: Pendulum (If anyone has any other ideas for the title, I would love to hear them!)
Theme: Supernatural, mythological
Audience: Pre-Teen to Teen. (No nudity, graphic violence or sex. Keep the language PG.*)
Submission format: Black and white. Please submit all files as 300 dpi TIFF files.
Size: 6.85″w X 10.25″h
Length: 4 to 12 pages per story.
Deadline: August 1st, 2009.
Reimbursement: You will be able to buy it off me for a set price**; any profits you make off of the book are yours to keep. You may sell the book at conventions, at shops, and/or online.
Rights: You may not submit the same story to other publishers until nine months after the anthology has been printed. Also, you may not post more than half of your story online until that nine month period has passed.

Thank you!
Erin Milligan

Mpls Conspiracy intrudes on ART-A-WHIRL

    See this coffee shop? Its called Diamonds( . Its where the MPLS cell holds it’s monthly meeting.  It’s also where this weekend we will be having a “gallery show”, promoting our group, drawing, and selling our various comics during Northeast Minneapolis’ annual ART-A-WHIRL (

     We will be in the hallway BEHIND Diamonds doing the above mentioned drawing and selling.  We’ll be ther:

     Friday from 5-10pm, Saturday from 12-8pm, and Sunday from 12-5pm.

     Stop by and say “Hey” on your whirly tour of Minneapolis art.

     Diamonds Coffee Shoppe
     1618 Central Avenue Northeast
     Minneapolis, Minnesota