All posts by Spanky Cermak

About Spanky Cermak

A.k.a. Justin "Spanky" Cermak. Born in Minneapolis, MN. Graduated Minneapolis College of Art and Design '00. Lived in Minneapolis +10 years. Currently writing and drawing Dynamite Pilot and Space Sheriff comics(+).

The Big Book of Space Sheriff (Graphic Novel)

Hey All!

The “Big Book of Space Sheriff & Happy Space Boy” Graphic Novel is complete! I’ll be debuting this HUGE book at the upcoming @MNCBA SpringCon (May 18th – 19th). Advanced digital and print copies and  are available through my website,

Twitter: @dataredcomics

Space Sheriff and Happy Space Boy Big Book Graphic Novel
Space Sheriff and Happy Space Boy Big Book Graphic Novel

The Data Red Comics Update

Hey All! I just thought I would drop a note and say that I’m off to 2011 San Diego Comic-Con in a few weeks. This will be my third time there. I’ll make MPLS proud.

In addition, I’ve got a Twitter account @dataredcomics. I’ll be tweeting all the crazy as it happens. I hope to meet Bruce Campbell, chainsaws up!

In other news, I’ve signed a digital distribution deal with iVerse comics+. I should have my first few books up soon. We’ll see where it goes.


Justin “Spanky” Cermak

New Dynamite Pilot for Fall-Con, MPLS

Hey All,

I’ll have a new issue of Dynamite Pilot for Fall-Con. You may ask, what’s new with the series? First and foremost, I’ve gone to ALL COLOR COMICS. No more black and white for me. I’ve even went back and colored Issue #1. The plot? Check out the cover (titillating, no?) and read the book. Pre-orders are being taken; 36 page Graphic Novel bound, full color, $10.

-Spanky Cermak

Dynamite Pilot Issue #2 Cover
Topless girl and a gun?! Sounds interesting...

CCCC Comic Book Show (Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada)

Is anybody interested in showing at the 2009 CCCC show in Winnipeg, CA? I’ve signed up and if someone else was interested in ride-sharing, I would be happy to have him/her along to split gas and lodging. The Artist Tables are free of charge and they provide snacks to the artists. email “Maria” to get yourself setup; her email is: You will need a passport to get into Canada. Damn Terrorists.

-Spanky Cermak
Data Red Comics (Space Sheriff)