Quick and dirty Summer edition!
Tag Archives: comic jam
SF Comic Jam in August 12, 2010 – 6:30pm Borderland Café
Our next comic jams are on:
This Thursday August 12
and August 26, 2010
both at the Borderland Cafe in San Francisco. 6:30pm to 9/10pm.
Mark your calendars and come and draw.
We might work on some group comics for Zine Fest.
Reminder: San Francisco Comic Jam on Thursday May 27th, 2010
Reminder that the ‘Last Thursday’ Cartoonist Conspiracy San Francisco meet up is in a few days on May 27, 2010
When: The SECOND and LAST Thursday of the Month
Time: 6:30pm to 10pm
note: The café will not be making coffee drinks after 9pm since they need to clean-up the equipment, but we can stay and draw.
Borderland Cafe
870 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 970-6998
Reminder: San Francisco Comic Jam this Thursday MAY 13, 2010
Reminder that the ‘Second Thursday’ Cartoonist Conspiracy San Francisco meet up is in a few days on May 13, 2010
When: The SECOND and LAST Thursday of the Month
Time: 6:30pm to 10pm
note: The café will not be making coffee drinks after 9pm since they need to clean-up the equipment, but we can stay and draw.
Borderland Cafe
870 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 970-6998
April 2010 Cartoonist Conspiracy SF Comic Jams
Hey all,
This is your monthly reminder for the April Cartoonist Conspiracy San Francisco meet ups, so mark your calendars.
April 8, 2010 (second Thursday)
April 29, 2010. (last Thursday)
– There are multiple birthdays this month so maybe one/some of the recipients will lead the comic jam for us.
– John C talked about changing what Thursdays we meet to make it less confusing, maybe say every other Thursday instead. We can discuss it at the meeting.
When; The SECOND and LAST Thursday of the Month
Time: 6:30pm to 10pm
note: The café will not be making coffee drinks after 9pm since they need to clean-up the equipment, but we can stay and draw.
Borderland Cafe
870 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 970-6998
Thursday night Comic Jam in San Francisco March 25, 2010
The next Cartoonist Conspiracy San Francisco Comic Jam is this Thursday, March 25, 2010 at the Borderland Cafe on Valencia St. 6:30 to 9/10.
We will draw up a storm and maybe we can chat about the upcoming Wondercon 2010 on Easter Weekend and plans to network.
Location: 870 Valencia Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
(415) 970-6998
NOTE: The event is FREE, but don’t forget to maybe buy a drink or snack when you come to the Jam. Alan, the owner has been staying open an extra hour for us and we should make it worth his while.
Read: Once Upon a Frame – a jam comic from the Cartoonist Conspiracy San Francisco
Thanks to the hard work of Stan Heller we have last weeks comic jam all ready to read on-line. The challenge was to use a randomly chosen page layouts (thanks to Stan) as well as a randomly picked Gerné and a Classic Story (on scraps of paper) and have each artist draw a page or more with these elements.
Click below to see the final result. (note: Flash required to read the comic on-line.

ccsf CAM-JAM2010 #1 – Sunday Feb 21, 2010!
The Cartoonist Conspiracy San Francisco and the Cartoon Art Museum Bookstore present CAM-JAM 2010 – #1 on Sunday February 21, 2010! 11:30 am to 5:30 pm
It’s a New Year and time for more collaborative comic jam fun with the artist from the Cartoonist Conspiracy San Francisco. Spend the day drawing and creating with a local talent while we challenge ourselves to create and print a mini-comic with the events theme(s) by the end of the day. The themes for this CAM-JAM are: Brush and Ink, Samurai and Superhero, Poetic and Wordless.
Where: Lobby of the Cartoon Art Museum, 655 Mission St. San Francisco CA
When: Sunday February 21, 2010 – 11:30 am to 5:30 pm
Cost: FREE, but copies of the final mini comic will cost the price of printing. ++
What (to bring): Yourself and your favorite drawing tools, especially your favorite brush pen. Feel free to bring clippings/copies of reference that fits the theme as well as your networking paraphernalia.
How – Schedule below: (note: you are not required to attend the whole day, but you are encouraged too)
11:00 am – Set-up and schmooze.
11:30 am – Warm-Up Jam: Group Mash-up Character Design.
12:00 pm – Our Warm-up Jam drawings will taken and scanned while we set up for the mini-comic jam. Note: If you worked on the Warm-Up Jam drawings and stay till the end, you get to take a drawing home with you. Free art, woot!
Feel free to bring printouts/clippings of inspiration based on this sessions themes to share.
Set up to draw. Take a break for a quick lunch or snack.
12:30 pm Start the Comic Jam!
We will break into small teams of 2-4 artists who will be tasked with creating a short 2-8 page comic using the themes of the event. Card stock will be provided to draw on and some ink and brushes to try, but feel free to bring your favorite tools too.
A few volunteers will be helping us to scan pages when your team finish one, so we should be able to get the work on-line/printed faster then last year.
4:30 pm STOP
While any last pages are quickly prepped/scanned to make copies, the group will work on the final cover.
Everyone cleans up! Shop at the bookstore!
A team of expert copiers will jet on over to the copy store while any remaining artist will help vote on their favorite Warm-Up Jam drawings that are now displayed on the Bookstore Wall. There might be a possible prize as well.
5:00 pm ish Book arrive for you to take home with samples of everyone’s work. **
** Each artist can get copy(s) of the final Mini-Comic at cost; a few extra copies will be available at the bookstore for a full price as our way of helping this wonderful non-profit museum out.
++ (Legal stuff) By participating in the Jam you are giving permission for your work to be placed on-line by the Cartoonist Conspiracy San Francisco and that a limited number of books can be sold as a fundraiser for the Cartoon Art Museum through its bookstore. Every effort to give credit and promote the participants will be made.
Random Numbers will be given by anyone who did the Warm-Up and we will go in order with each person taking an original drawing home.
5:30 go out for food/drink and schmooze, draw more, network, have fun.
So, why not join us?
Questions: Contact the CCSF organizer Brian Kolm at staff@atomicbearpress.com
Hope to see you there.
CCSF: Thursday Comic Jam January 28, 2010 w/ NEW LOCATION!
The second comic jam of January 2010 in San Francisco CA(we meet the second and last Thursday of each month) is going to be on Thursday January 28, 2010 at 6:30 PM AND at a new location.
The next jam will be at The Boarderland Cafe (next to the Boarderland Sci-Fi Books) on Valencia St. The place is new with hardwood floors and big tables. Should be a nice change.
Location: 870 Valencia Street, San Francisco, CA 94110(415) 970-6998‎
Time: 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm ish
What to bring: drawing materials, sketchbook, your latest work, samples of favorite artists and artwork, stuff.
See you there.
Thursday Night Comic Jam in San Francisco, October 29, 2009.
Well, it’s time for another Comic Jam at the Church St. Café this Thursday Oct 29, 2009 from 6:30 to 9ish. So bring your favorite materials and come make comics and art.
This week we can discuss ‘what we learned from APE 2009’ as well as share some of the goodies we picked up.
I think it would also be cool to work on a comic that would tie into the magic of the upcoming holiday season. I have an ulterior motive that I hopefully can talk about next week and I think a book that we can sell during the festivities.
Description: The San Francisco cell of the International Cartoonist Conspiracy meets twice a month from on the second and last Thursday of the month from 6:30-10PM
location: Church St. Cafe. 260 Church Street San Francisco, CA 94114
Don’t forget to join our Google Group where you can discuss with other artists all sorts of cool stuff.