Monthly Archives: July 2010

Lutefisk Sushi Artists Potluck this Saturday, July 31st!

The participating artist potluck for Lutefisk Sushi (and little funny Series II) is this Saturday, July 31st from 1-3PM at Altered Esthetics. If you participated in either project, I hope to see you there.

Some things to note:

– You can pick up your contributor Lutefisk Sushi Volume D box at the potluck! Don’t forget to get your name checked off the list when you do.

– This is the deadline to drop off your framed art to hang for the show. Please bring some, if possible. More than one item is great… too much art to fit on the walls is a much better position to be in than not enough! Note that it is not a requirement that the art you display be from your comic in the Sushi box.

– This is the deadline for dropping off your issues of little funny. There is still time to make one! Email me if you need a number:

– Pick up promotional Lutefisk Sushi Volume D postcards to distribute.

– Don’t forget to remind your friends, blog readers, co-workers, parents, cousins, casual associates, and random people on the street that the Lutefisk Sushi opening is Friday, August 6th from 7 – 10 PM! Promotional materials below.

– Bring one item of food… it is a potluck!

Postcard Resources!

Postcard front, small jpg

Postcard front, large pdf

Postcard back, small jpg

Postcard back, large pdf

Misc Show Sites

Sushi Website

Facebook Event

LSD – Facebook website

We Need a Name for the Comic Cookbook show

I know it seems awfully early, seeing as we haven’t even had the opening for Lutefisk Sushi Volume D yet (opening August 6th… potluck this Saturday for participants), but Altered Esthetics is printing their calendar for next year soon, so we need a catchy title for the comic cookbook show we will be putting on there next year. Local Hero Kevin Cannon has generously volunteered to draw something for the calendar. We need something quick, so make some suggestions in the comments and let’s get it figured out. Possibilities so far:

The Comic Cookbook
Just Add Ink
Culinary Comics
The Gourmet Cartoonist
Gastronomical Giggles
Gag Comics: A Cartoon Cookbook

Please only participate in this discussion if you plan to participate in the show. Note that this will not be a regional show, and cartoonists from all over the world are encouraged to participate.

City Pages Comix Issue :: NEW DEADLINE!

Hi Everybody,

I have some news!  The submission deadline for the 2010 City Pages Comix Issue is now much closer than before!  The publication date has bumped up, and so has your submission deadline.

Monday, August 2nd — submissions are due
Wednesday, August 11th — Comix Issue will hit newsstands

I apologize for the abrupt change of plans.  I hope most of you can rearrange your schedules accordingly and still submit something on time.  We’d like to see Minnesota well-represented in the print and web editions!

For specific submission criteria, please refer to the website:
Write me with any questions:

Sarah M.

little funny Deadline Extended to July 31st

While we have had a great amount of participation in the Lutefisk Sushi Volume D box, the amount of submissions for little funny Volume II has been pretty disappointing thus far. So… we are extending the deadline to July 31st.

It is extremely easy and fun to participate (it really only takes a few hours to make one, especially if you just make a sketchbook out of stuff that you have lying around gathering dust). Please help make this part of the show as cool as it should be!

More info on little funny and participating can be found here.

San Francisco Comic Jam tomorrow night July 22, 2010!

Hey all, just a reminder that the second comic jam of July is tomorrow night, July 22 2010 at the Borderland Cafe on Valencia St. 6:30 to 9/10.


We will be celebrating that were not at the San Diego Comic Con by making art.


Check out the photos from last Sundays CAM-JAM 2010 on the blog:
The printed book will be for sale next month and the online version hopefully by next week.

La Mano “2nd ANNUAL REPORT”/ Eclipse Records THIS SATURDAY 7/24

Got the below email from Zak Sally… pass it on.

hello all–
you know, when you’re putting on an event, it’s always good to send out any sort of announcement/ press release WAY in advance. MONTHS in advance, if you’re really on top of it.
therefore, i’m sending this out less than a week in advance.


so, last year we did a La Mano benefit show here in minneapolis, which ended up being just an astoundingly great time for everyone involved. so much so that we’re doing it AGAIN THIS YEAR!!!
hosted at the same place: minneapolis’s (actually it’s in St. Paul) favorite all ages record store/ venue ECLIPSE RECORDS, right on university ave (1922 to be exact).
same as last year, there will be zines and posters and art and weirdness set up all over the place for sale (i think more than last year), but there will also be MUSIC.

starting at around 5 pm, these folks will entertain you:

CAMDEN (Cole from Daughters Of The Sun project)
PINK TEETH (me and Tooth making a racket)
NOSE QUEAN ANT (newly reconstituted)
TUNNELER (a couple guys from Moonstone doing “a hair metal project about drills”, whatever the hell that means…)

(not in that order, though…). whole thing wrapped up by 11ish (at the latest).

$6 door (redeemable for that amount off of most La Mano products). i know it’s crazy.
it’s KIND of a benefit (because La Mano seems to be perpetually broke since the economy tanked…), but mostly it’s just an excuse to get a bunch of people together in a big room: good music, zines, art and whathaveyou.
i must again stress: last year, ridiculously fun. don’t believe me? then look at this:

this year should be just as good.

plus the whole thing is being sponsored by the good people at RADIO K (and i’ll be talking about it on-air on the Off The Record show this friday, as well…)
if you miss this, i don’t know what to say to you. i’ll be there.

as always, write/ blog if that’s your thing, spread the word, or just come down (also, if you feel like you have some zines/ art whatever– ok, not music, we don’t want to step on Eclipse’s feet– that you’d like to sell at this thing let me know asap at this email. or, again, just bring it on down, we’ll try to find room at a table for it.)

ok you all. yeh it’s a bulk email but hope it finds you well.
best, zak sally.

Subject for the 2011 comic art show at Altered Esthetics… Comic Cookbook

Well, the Comic Cookbook idea thoroughly throttled its competition in the voting for a subject for next year’s art show at Altered Esthetics. So, unless someone objects in the comments here in the next few days, let’s just go with that, huh? Also, if you think of any good names and other ideas for this show, I also encourage you to put them in the comments here. Bon Appétit.

Influence young minds!

My name is Jenny Sullivan and I work for the School Age Care program for ISD #197.

The week of July 26th I will be teaching a comic book making class for the School Age Care summer program.

I am contacting you to see if you may know of any local cartoonist that would be willing to volunteer their time to come speak to my students about their careers?

If you are interested, please send me an e-mail.

jenjer925 [“at” symbol]


REMINDER: CAM-JAM2010 #2 is this Sunday July 18th at the Cartoon Art Museum in SF

CAM-JAM 2010 #2 logo

REMINDER: The second Cam-Jam comic jam of 2010 will be this Sunday July 18, 2010 a the Cartoon Art Museum.

This is an event I am organizing, so of course I will be there and I hope you will be there too.

Find out more at: