Monthly Archives: May 2008

Kevin Cannon Nominated for an AltWeekly Award

Not satisfied with merely getting a bunch fantastic press, Kevin Cannon just went and got nominated for quite an award for this stunning piece of work:

Kevin says:

I’m thrilled to announce that the “Twin Cities Rock Atlas” has been nominated for a 2008 AltWeekly Award in the category of “Innovation.”

The Rock Atlas originally appeared in the 11/19/07 edition of City Pages, the Twin Cities’ big weekly alternative paper. The Atlas was written by Peter S. Scholtes and art directed by Nick Vlcek.

Read more on the Big Time Attic blog here.

The award is for innovation. I pity the newsweekly editors around the world who want to do something like this and go looking for someone to give them that “Barton Fink feeling.”

“Can’t you just apply the Kevin Cannon filter in Photoshop?”

More Press for Kevin Cannon and Far Arden

Here is more press for Kevin Cannon and his graphic novel Far Arden that he recently printed 100 copies of… note that Far Arden can be read in its entirety online here.

The Broken Frontier Interview I posted the other day now has the second part up.

Far Arden is reviewed at Kleefeld on Comics here.

Note that if you are in Minneapolis and you want a copy, I’d buy it soon at the Lutefisk Sushi show at Altered Esthetics. There aren’t many left.

Lutefisk Sushi Art-A-Whirl Fun this Weekend

If you haven’t seen the Lutefisk Sushi Volume C show in Minneapolis yet, this weekend (May 16-18) is a great time to do so. It’s Art-A-Whirl weekend, the biggest art event of the year in Nordeast Minneapolis!

We have some special events this weekend:

Friday night we have My Art School Summer, a feature length animated cartoon made by David and Mary Sandberg. It is showing for free at 8:30 Friday night at Altered Esthetics… if you miss it there you can catch it at The Ritz at 2:00 on Saturday. Note that this cartoon is very much adults-only, and if you are under 18, we’ll have to give you the boot when it starts.

Saturday afternoon, the fantastic Roe Family Singers (who also were nice enough to play at the opening) will be playing from 3:00-5:00 or so.

Many of the artists in the show will be hanging out, drawing and socializing throughout the weekend. There will be jam comics that anyone can participate in. People will also have the opportunity to create animations for the zoetrope Ken Avidor made for the show.

Participating artists will be stopping by at random throughout the weekend, but in addition to that, you can come and meet some of them at specific times, if you’re inclined:

Vas Littlecrow
David Sandberg 8:30-10:00
Mary Sandberg 8:30-10:00
Damian Sheridan 5:00-10:00
Jon Sloan 6:00-10:00
Steven Stwalley 8:30-10:00
Mike Toft 6:00-10:00

The Roe Family Singers (which includes cartoonists Quillan Roe and Adam Wirtzfeld) 3:00-5:00
Kevin Cannon 12:00-2:00
Zander Cannon 12:00-2:00
Ryan Dow 1:00-?
Mike Sgier 1:00-?
Steven Stwalley 1:30-3:30

Danno All Day
Peter Groynom 12:00-2:00
August Schwerdfeger 12:00-3:00
Adam Wirtzfeld 12:00-2:00

There are still boxes available at this point, but it is very likely there might not be after this weekend… so if you want one, I strongly encourage you to stop down!

Art-A Whirl hours are:
5-10PM Friday May 16th
12-8PM Saturday May 17th
12-5PM Saturday May 18th

Lutefisk Sushi Volume C
at Altered Esthetics (
May 1-31
1224 Quincy St. NE
Minneapolis, MN 55413


Regular gallery hours are:
Tuesdays and Thursdays 1-7
Saturdays 1-5

Call to ACTION – Orphan Works Bill – Updated 5-21-08

I got this email from artist Michael Jantze (creator of “the Norm”) with a call to action on the possible changes to the copyright laws that will affect creative folks both professional as well as hobbiest.

Here’s a life and death issue for all of us. The Orphan Works Bill in front of congress…meant to strip us of our copyright and trademark rights as artists. Read more here and use the forms to send letters to your senators and representatives.

Michael Jantze
Jantze Studios

The bill would make much of our work “Orphans” unless we registered them with a for-profit company. I urge you to read the information at the link and sign a letter to our congress people. This is going to be bad, I believe, if it passes.

To find out some more about the bill including a podcast, visit here.


Thanks to artist Colleen Doran we have some more information. I think this sums up both some pros and cons of the bill. The idea of having a bill to deal with Orphan Works is not the issue as much as some of the other items that accompany the bill. This is from the folks at the Graphic Artist Guild who are focused on protecting the work of professional artist.

Press release, in its entirety.

Graphic Artists Guild Opposes Senate Orphan Works Bill

NEW YORK – The Graphic Artists Guild’s Board of Directors voted unanimously Friday to oppose the Senate’s passage of the Shawn Bentley Orphan Works Act of 2008 that significantly alters copyright protection rights. The Guild says the bill approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee is incomplete legislation, insufficient protection and indifferent to American workers.

The Guild has been advising members of Congress about the “orphan works” issue since 2006 and participated in discussions with the Copyright Office since 2005. The Guild withheld comment about the Senate bill until work was finalized. That position changed when the completed version was announced only hours before the Senate committee vote last Thursday.

“This is a disappointment,” Guild President John P. Schmelzer said, “We’re encouraging creative people from all industries to contact their senators to express their disapproval before the full Senate vote later this year.”

Orphan works legislation is intended to limit monetary rewards and injunctive relief to stop further infringement of copyrighted works for which the user has been unable to determine the identity of the copyright owner. The Guild and the artist community are concerned that the manner in which the limitations are imposed could produce an incentive for theft in the highly competitive industry that contributes $13 billion a year to the U.S. economy.

Guild leadership was pleased that lawmakers agreed with their recommendation to exclude artwork used on “useful items” such as textiles or wallpaper from being subject to the bill, but they say the measure otherwise has a long way to go before sufficiently protecting copyright owners.

The bill is incomplete because three key provisions the Guild sought to protect artists were left out. At the center of the controversy are the “best practices,” “database certification” and “notice of use” clauses.

When artwork is being considered for use but the artist’s identity is unknown, the bill’s provisions state the user is to attempt to locate the artist by following the best practices outlined by the Register of Copyrights. These practices have not yet been drafted however, and the bill will go into effect prior to their adoption.

The bill also references a database that’s supposed to make the search for copyright owners possible, but no such database exists for graphic, pictorial or sculptural work. There are no plans for the Copyright Office to create this database, and Congress cannot mandate one be made by a private company. In this case, no matter what best practices the Copyright Register might determine are appropriate for finding a copyright owner, the capacity to do so is not possible at this time.

The Guild proposed a further compromise that the legislation include a publicly accessible “notice of use” filing statement. This provision requires an individual or organization to submit a copy of the visual work believed to be orphaned to the Copyright Office prior to using it.

The Copyright Office would then post the filed information on the Internet so copyright owners could review the website and self-identify themselves as the owner. The virtual “lost and found” department would additionally ensure bad actors could not falsely assert they fulfilled the diligent search requirement of the law prior to using copyrighted work.

The Guild says copyright law was established to protect the creative community that made America the inventive capital of the world. The bill in its current state does too much to protect the interests of possible infringers and reduces protection for creators. The measure is indifferent to artists because it fails to take into consideration the long-term effect to the income potential for a workforce whose yearly median income is only $39,900 according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. People who use artistic works, such as advertising and promotion managers, make a median average of $73,060 per year.

Guild Administrative Director Patricia McKiernan says the group will remain engaged to resolve these high priority shortcomings of the legislation.

“Copyright protection is an important issue for our membership and the economy they serve,” McKiernan said. “When anyone’s economic rights are reduced, it has enormous implications for the country as a whole. We will remain steadfast for the artist’s interests and this important industry.”

Write to the US Senate about the Orphan Works Act now!
Take Action!

Urge the Senate to protect creators’ rights on S. 2913

“The Shawn Bentley Orphan Works Act of 2008″ S. 2913 has passed the Senate Judiciary Committee, and has now moved to the full Senate for a vote. We were unable to achieve significant changes to the bill to better protect the rights of visual creators and rights holders.

Now is the time to write to Senators. The bill may still be amended while under debate of the full Senate. Write to Senators and urge them to amend the bill, and ask them to vote against the bill if it is NOT amended.

Click on this link for a sample letter to use. You may also personalize your own letter. The letter will automatically be emailed to the US Senate. We recommend you also print out the letter and mail it.

Thank you for taking action!

Interviews with Kevin Cannon

Kevin Cannon has been getting some press for his fantastic graphic novel Far Arden that he recently printed 100 copies of… note that Far Arden can be read in its entirety online here.

Daily Cross Hatch Interview with Kevin Cannon Part 1 Part 2

Broken Frontier Interview with Kevin Cannon. Note that they have promised a second part to the interview tomorrow.

Note that if you are in Minneapolis and you want a copy, I’d buy it soon at the Lutefisk Sushi show at Altered Esthetics. There aren’t many left.

Vote Now

Cast your vote today to determine the subject of the jam comic to be created by the St. Paul cell of the International Cartoonist Conspiracy at their Thursday, May 15, 2008 meeting.

To view the candidates and cast your vote, go here.

Please cast only one vote.  The polls will remain open until shortly before the meeting begins.

The St. Paul cell meets on the third Thursday of every month, from 6:30PM – 9:30PM.  All are welcome to join us at:

Cosmic’s Coffee
189 N. Snelling Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55104

Afterwards, more often than not, the party continues across the street:

O’Gara’s Bar & Grill
164 Snelling Avenue North
St. Paul, MN 55104

Vote for your favorite concept, and then join us to help make that concept a reality.

Comic Art Indigène

Comic Art Indigène | May 11, 2007-January 4, 2009, | Museum of Indian Arts and Culture | Santa Fe, NM

Santa Fe’s Museum of Indian Arts and Culture presents the exhibition Comic Art Indigène, an examination of how American Indian artists articulate identity, reclaim stereotypes, worldview, politics, and culture through the kinetic expression of sequential art.

There is a preview party tonight, Saturday, May 10, 5:30-7:30 PM; the show officially opens on Sunday, May 11 at 10:00 AM and runs through January 4, 2009. Remember that admission to the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture and all other New Mexico state museums is free for New Mexico residents on Sundays.

The Santa Fe New Mexican has an article on the exhibit, and The Santa Fe Radio Café interviewed the curator.