Category Archives: Interviews

1987 BBC Documentary About R. Crumb

Hello. Mike “Brain Food” Toft here. I just watched this BBC documentary about R. Crumb from 1987 that’s worth a look. Crumb wrote it himself, so I assume it’s showing him the way he wanted to be shown.

The Confessions of Robert Crumb: A Portrait Scripted by the Underground Comics Legend Himself (1987)

It’s not that much new information if you’ve seen “Crumb” (1994), but still worth checking out. This Open Culture web site looks interesting, too. You’re welcome.

Cream City Conversations

Here’s the link to my interview/conversation blog.

It’s a space I use to promote other independent work… be it music, literature, film… ESECIALLY COMIX. If you’d like to be included to the collection of ‘conversations’ on the site, simply drop me a line or copy’n’paste the questions from the blog with your answers and send them to me in an e-mail.

Also included on the blog are links to other artists, art supply sources, etc.


More Press for Kevin Cannon and Far Arden

Here is more press for Kevin Cannon and his graphic novel Far Arden that he recently printed 100 copies of… note that Far Arden can be read in its entirety online here.

The Broken Frontier Interview I posted the other day now has the second part up.

Far Arden is reviewed at Kleefeld on Comics here.

Note that if you are in Minneapolis and you want a copy, I’d buy it soon at the Lutefisk Sushi show at Altered Esthetics. There aren’t many left.

Interviews with Kevin Cannon

Kevin Cannon has been getting some press for his fantastic graphic novel Far Arden that he recently printed 100 copies of… note that Far Arden can be read in its entirety online here.

Daily Cross Hatch Interview with Kevin Cannon Part 1 Part 2

Broken Frontier Interview with Kevin Cannon. Note that they have promised a second part to the interview tomorrow.

Note that if you are in Minneapolis and you want a copy, I’d buy it soon at the Lutefisk Sushi show at Altered Esthetics. There aren’t many left.