All posts by Staplegenius

AUTOPTIC is next weekend! PODCASTING now!!!


AUTOPTIC–the 2 day festival of Independent culture on AUGUST 8th and 9th–is next weekend!
If you don’t know what that means–On the 103rd episode of the WAYNE GALE VARIETY HOUR podcast DANNO KLONOWSKI is joined by cartoonist, sequential art instructor, and festival co-organizer ROBERT “BOB” ALGEO to explain all!

We get into what the event is, how it differs from what your idea of a comic convention is,and have an overview of the special guests and exhibitors. DANNO and BOB also pick an Autoptic exhibitor highlight in Autoptic’s own self-defined mission statement topics of: COMICS, MUSIC, ZINE, PRINTS and ART!  

….And BOB has to take a spelling test.

Danno Still Talks To Cartoonists…

Remember Danno Klonowski? He used to draw comics and and interview cartoonists on the LUTEFISK SUSHI PODCAST? Well, he’s still not drawing comics, but he has been talking to cartoonists again lately on his WAYNE GALE VARIETY HOUR podcast, including: MIKE DAWSON (ANGIE BONGIOLATTI, TROOP 142), PETE SICKMAN-GARNER (HEY, MISTER!, COME HELL OR HIGHWATER PANTS), ZANDER CANNON (HECK, KAIJUMAX), and ALEX ROBINSON (TOO COOL TO BE FORGOTTEN, BOX OFFICE POISON).  Please enjoy!





Minicomics Dumptruck

MINICOMICS DUMPTRUCK seeks committed minicomics creators to join in the minicomics makin’ fun.

MINICOMICS DUMPTRUCK is a collective of cartoonists from around the country who join together via a podcast and their webpage to create and exchange minicomics in 4 month-long “rounds”.

The next round begins January 6th, 2009.

Here’s how the MINICOMIC DUMPTRUCK works:

1) Pre-register your name, email address, physical address (or PO Box), and a link to your website/blog with DUMPTRUCK poo-bah Kevin Cross at the MINICOMICS DUMPTRUCK forum.

2) During the live podcast on January 6th, 2009 at 9pm CST (7pm PST) they will pick some “items” which MUST be used SOMEWHERE in the course of the minicomic you are going to create. The items can be used as a central theme, a plot device, or even just a background gag. But the chosen items have to show up somewhere.

3) During the same podcast, a book LENGTH (generally 12 to 24 pages) will be assigned, as will a specific SIZE for your finished minicomic (in the first”round” they chose “quarter-size”-4.25″x5.5″–but this could and probably will change for round 2).

4) You then have 4 months to complete, print, and mail-off one copy of your minicomic to all the other “Truckers”. (All the other Truckers addresses will be emailed to you after the 6th.)

5) During the 4 month period, there will be a new podcast every two weeks or so where you are encouraged to call-in or participate via live chat on how your work is going, and to give thoughts and suggestions to your fellow Truckers (you will need to set up a Talkshow account to do this).
Phone Number: (724) 444-7444
Call ID: 24924

6) You are also encouraged to post your work-in-progress and to particiapte in the DUMPTRUCK forum.

7) Again, please only sign-on if you are 100% committed to the project.

Anyway, the DUMPTRUCK sounds like lots o’ fun to me, and I can’t wait to get started!
Hope to see you all at the dump!


In addition to our usual antics, we will be distributing LUTEFISK SUSHI ‘C’ boxes to contributors at our monthly jam meeting this Thursday.

Boxes may also be picked up Friday May 2nd at the LUTEFISK SUSHI ‘C’ opening at Altered Esthetics, but this is your chance to get one a day early, read it, and then have something to talk about at the opening (not that cartoonists are socially backwards and NEED something pre-planned to talk about… but it helps).

Sadly, if you didn’t contribute you’ll have to wait until Friday to buy a box of your own (less than a hundred available to the public!).

So come on by, pick up your box, then stay around and draw for a while.

The Minneapolis Cartoonist Conspiracy meets at 6:30 until 10:00 the first Thursday of every month at Diamond’s Coffee Shoppe in Northeast.

Generally, we draw collaborative “jam” comics, socialize and drink caffeinated beverages. Afterwords, we often have uncaffeinated beverages somewhere else.

The meetings are open to anyone who wants to draw with us, and the results are posted here sooner or later (and sometimes even printed).

Diamond’s Coffee Shoppe
1618 Central Avenue Northeast
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Bus info here.

Please spend some money at Diamond’s while you’re there, even if it is just a cuppa coffee… they are excellent hosts, and we wanna stay welcome there.

Big Time Attic

Big Time Attic hosts our monthly jam meetings at Diamond’s… they will be supplying us with a big old plate of pastries or something. Thanks fellas!

SAM HITI class @ Book Arts

Developing Comics 101
with Sam Hiti
Wednesdays, May 7 & 14; 6-9pm
Saturdays, May 10 & 17; 12-5pm
All skill levels welcome

Sam Hiti is an independent comic book creator whose credits include
work for
Nickelodeon, Disney and The New York Times, and his work is being
courted by
major Hollywood studios for possible live action films. Learn Sam¹s
and process in developing ideas for comics and breaking down the key
of making a comic book, minicomic or graphic novel.

$225 ($200 members) + $5 supply fee

Thank you! Again- if someone mentions the Comic Conspiracy when
we’ll wave the supply fee!


The jam the Minneapolis cell did in February–“MPLS vs STPL”–will be on display all month at Altered Esthetics Gallery in lovely Northeast Minneapolis as a part of their show entitled–surprise–“MPLS vs STPL”.

The opening is TONIGHT–Friday April 4th–so go check it out tonight or sometime this month.

And remember, next month at Altered Esthetics—LUTEFISK SUSHI C!!!

 Altered Esthetics
1224 Quincy St. NE
Minneapolis MN 55413

Gallery Hours
Tuesdays & Thursdays 1pm-7pm
Saturdays 1pm-5pm

Opening Receptions:
Every First Friday 7pm-10pm

Will Dinski to teach “Mini-Comics” at Book Arts

Minicomics as Artist Books
with Will Dinski
Mondays: March 24, 31, April 7, 14
All skill levels welcome

With so many new comics going directly to the web, many minicomic
have started making higher quality books with a lower print run.
Screen-printing, letterpress, inkjet as well as photocopying are three
trusted printing techniques of these artists. This workshop will review
these techniques and discuss their usefulness as a storytelling
vehicle. By
the end of the four weeks, students will have crafted their own

$170 ($155 members)
$10 supply fee
Mention the CARTOONIST CONSPIRACY to waive the supply fee.

Alan Moores ‘TWILIGHT’

I’m probably in the “last to know” category on this one, but…

I found out today from an article on the ONION’s AV CLUB ( that in the late 80’s following the success of WATCHMEN Alan Moore was asked to construct and write a universe-spanning crossover for DC.

I think we all know that DC and Alan Moore went their seperate ways pretty soon thereafter, but not before he could write-up a pretty cool sounding synopsis–which can be found here:

Not surprisingly its pretty detailed and lengthy(it prints out at 19 pages).
Alan Moore–never the slacker.


Minneapolis JAM this Thursday

This just in from the front:

The Minneapolis Cell of the International Cartoonist Conspiracy(cell #0001) will be holding their 63th consecutive monthly jam comics meeting this Thursday–March 6th–at Diamonds Coffee Shop from 6:30pm to 10-ish pm.

Diamonds Coffee Shoppe

1618 Central Avenue NE

Northeast Minneapolis, Minnesota

We draw jam comics. Eat delicious yummies provided by BIG TIME ATTIC(Thanks Cannons!).

Occasionally we talk. We even sporadically go out for drinks afterwards.

Good times had by most.