Thursday Night Comic Jam in San Francisco, October 29, 2009.

CCSF San Francisco comic jams

Well, it’s time for another Comic Jam at the Church St. Café this Thursday Oct 29, 2009 from 6:30 to 9ish. So bring your favorite materials and come make comics and art.

This week we can discuss ‘what we learned from APE 2009’ as well as share some of the goodies we picked up.

I think it would also be cool to work on a comic that would tie into the magic of the upcoming holiday season. I have an ulterior motive that I hopefully can talk about next week and I think a book that we can sell during the festivities.

Description: The San Francisco cell of the International Cartoonist Conspiracy meets twice a month from on the second and last Thursday of the month from 6:30-10PM
location: Church St. Cafe. 260 Church Street San Francisco, CA 94114

Don’t forget to join our Google Group where you can discuss with other artists all sorts of cool stuff.

About Brian Kolm

Brian Kolm is a Artist and Instructor working in the San Francisco Bay Area. His work can be seen at

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