Tag Archives: 24 hour comic book day

24 Hour Comic Book Day San Francisco is TOMORROW! Oct 2-3

Saturday October 2nd is the official date for 24 Hour Comic Book Day. This year, The SF Cartoonist Conspiracy has once again helped organize the event for the 4th year in a row. 34 cartoonists in the Bay area will be drawing at Mission Comics, Comic Relief, and Noisebridge. If you live in the area, you can stop in anytime between 11am Saturday to 11am Sunday and watch us work.

Organizer and SF Cartoonist Conspiracy founder Doc Pop will be also broadcasting his progress:

This will be my 6th 24HCBD project. As in previous years, I’ll be live-streaming my progress (and short bits of recorded updates) on my Ustream channel. As an added challenge, I’m considering creating my entire book with a BIC pen and some white ink. Check out my previous 24hr comics Robots Don’t Know Twitter, Boof!, and Ideas. I’m also printing full color copies of Robots and Boof! which will be available in 3 weeks!

So we hope that you can come out and join us for this exciting challenge.

Documentry: 24 Pages by Gary Buechler

Film maker and former owner of Comic Outpost in San Francisco created this short documentary about 24 Hour Comic Book Day 2009 in San Francisco. The documentary was filmed at Comic Outpost and Mission: Comics and Art. There are tons of CCSF artist on hand so give it a look and let Gary know what you think.

The video does not seem to show up in the post so visit: 24 Pages from Gary Buechler on Vimeo.

CCSF San Francisco comic jams

San Francisco 24 Hour Comic Book Day update 6am Sunday Oct 4, 2009

Well, some of us are still drawing here in San Francisco at Comic Outpost with one finished comic and unfinished comic exiting all ready. 7 artists are striving to finish their work. We still five hours to go and we are all in for the long hall.

We will post links through out the next few weeks when the final results come online.

If you want to see photo of the Mission: Comics jam, visit Doc Pop’s flickr account: http://www.flickr.com/photos/docpopular/sets/72157622511923512/

24 HCBD 2009 San Francisco update

Hey all, with 24 Hour Comic Book Day just three days away, I wanted to encourage folks in the area to come and out and visit the artist as they are hard at work. We are close to having a full house of artist at both locations, so it should be a pretty amazing year for drawing comics with very little sleep. Below is all the information on how to either a) Visit in person or b) Visit virtually

Saturday October 3, 2009 – Sunday October 4, 2009 from 11:00am Saturday – 11:00am Sunday

Both stores will be open for business the entire time!

First off, we would like to THANK our sponsors….

Self Edge http://www.selfedge.com/
North Beach Pizza http://northbeachpizza.com/
RoboGames http://robogames.net/
Ritual Roasters http://www.ritualroasters.com/
Anthony’s Cookies http://www.anthonyscookies.com



(in-person and virtual)

Cartoonist Conspiracy San Francisco

Twitter: http://twitter.com/cartoonistSF (thanks Romy)

Blog: https://www.cartoonistconspiracy.com/conspire/?cat=6 (Brian and Doc)


location: Mission: Comics & Art
3520 20th ST. STE B
San Francisco, California 94110

Twitter: http://twitter.com/missioncomics

Blog: http://blog.missioncomicsandart.com/

Live Video Feed: (thanks to Doc Pop) http://www.ustream.tv/channel/doctor-popular-does-stuff


location: Comic Outpost
San Francisco, California 94127

Twitter: http://twitter.com/TheComicOutpost

Blogger: http://comicoutpost.blogspot.com

Live Video Feed: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/the-comic-outpost-live!

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/pages/San-Francisco-CA/Comic-Outpost/89701400231?sid=a59cf5bbd9a4ff8da7c45819834932a3&ref=s

AND the “Insane Zombie” sale

trade paperbacks/toys/back issues will be 50%

between the hours of 1:00 to 4:30 on Sunday October 4th!

We’ll see you on Saturday!

On-Line tools for 24HCBD

Creating a 24 Hour Comic Book means trying new crazy things. Here are some on-line tools to help get some ideas. If you will not have web access during the challenge you can always print out some and then pick one at random.

On-Line Tools:

Random Log-Line Generator – Random plot seeds

Samples: A therapist watches TV with a monk in a yogurt shop, Ravishing street performers discover their true selves.

Oblique Strategies (by Brian Eno) – Random Ideas

Samples: Don’t be afraid of things because they’re easy to do, Do we need holes?, What mistakes did you make last time?

“These cards evolved from our separate observations of the principles underlying what we are doing. Sometimes they were recognized in retrospect (intellect catching up with intuition), sometimes they were identified as they were happening, sometimes they were formulated. They can be used as a pack (a set of possibilities being continuously reviewed in the mind) or by drawing a single card from a shuffled pack when a dilemma occurs in a working situation. In this case the card is trusted even if it appropriateness is quite unclear. They are not final, as new ideas will present themselves, and others will become self-evident.”

Seventh Sanctum – Random Name and Ideas – Here you’ll find tools for writers, gamers, and artists; randomly assembling names, concepts, and more for when you need inspiration, or just a bit of amusement.

Samples: Superheros, RPG characters, Names, etc.

Random Plot Generator – Random fantasy/epic plot elements Sample:Advice for the Hero: If I maintain a secret identity, I will keep my transformation ritual as simple and quick as possible so that I cannot be interrupted during it.

Behind the Name – Random names

Lee’s useless Superhero Name Generator – Random Superhero Names Samples: Emerald Z, Doc Kid, Shadow Cavalier

50 Random Superhero Names (From the Men and Supermen RPG) Sample: 46 Blue Brain Maria Martinez female

Hero Machine On-Line – Design and Randomize Superhero art

Random Romance Generator

Irony Games random Maps for RPG

Band-o-Matic – Random band names Samples: Filth Elder, Net Lard

Random Emo Band Names

Script Vault name generator – Random names

24HCBD 2008 San Francisco October 18t to October 19th

Update: I got the info wrong, Doc is going to have a LIVE VIDEO FEED!

Hey all, 24 Hour Comic Book Day is just two days away and I know lots of us are getting ready for the big challenge. Here in San Francisco we will be at Comics Outpost from 11 am to 11 am this weekend and drawing up a storm (as well as ingesting caffeine a lot).

Doc Popular as set up a live VIDEO FEED for the event and it can be checked out at:

“…I’ll be attempting to livestream the entire event from here http://www.ustream.tv/channel/doctor-popular-does-stuff They will be able to watch and chat whenever someone is near the computator.”

The store will also will have an official blogger who will be posting on the official blog as well as the stores myspace page.

FAQ for 24 Hour Comic Book Day in San Francisco’s Comics Outpost.

Location: 2381 OCEAN AVE. SAN FRANCISCO, CA. 94127 (415) 239-COMX (2669) – http://www.comicoutpost.net. Comics Outpost will remain open the whole time, so your friends can
come and visit at any point.

Reservations and Fees: Pre-register by emailing Doc Pop at ( yoyogenius at gmail dot com ), there will be a $5 to support the venue

Goal: To create a 24 Page Comic in 24 HOURS!

Set-up: Arrive by 10 am (or 10:30 at the latest) to set-up your work space and to Pow-Wow before we start our challenge

Times: Starts 11 am on Saturday October 18th and Ends at 11 am on Sunday October 19th

Location Resources: Comic Outpost will have free wi-fi and powerstrips. I HIGHLY recommend bringing your own desklamp, 24 hours of drawing in low lighting can really wear you down.


Bus: During the day the MUNI K line is the fastest with the only night service being the 91 Night Owl – visit 511.org to find out more
Bikes: can be locked up in the front of the store

Car Parking Behind the store

Dress: The weather has been lovely the last few days in San Francisco, but since we will be working for 24 hours  dress accordingly. The city always gets cold and you don’t want to freeze while you dash to 7-11 for a snack.

Materials: We won’t be able to provide any materials, but you can bring whatever
art supplies you want, as long as you can clean up after yourself when
your done.

Xerox/Copystore: Copy Edge – open 12-5 and there is a Fed-Ex Kinkos (more information coming)

Food: The store will be providing drinks, snacks and Pizza, but you should also bring your own food and drink of choice. There are places to buy food in the area, but most are not open 24 hour and might take time walking to them.

In Walking Distance:
7-11 – 4 blocks away
Right Aid – regular hours
Wallgreens – regular hours
24 Hour Pizza place
Stonestown Galleria – restaurants and such / http://www.stonestowngalleria.com / Monday – Saturday: 10:00am-9:00pm – Sunday: 11:00am-7:00pm

History: a reminder of the Scott McCloud’s original 24 hour challenge you can find it here:http://www.scottmccloud.com/inventions/24hr/dare/dare.html

Tips: We also recommend checking out Kevin Cannon and Zander’s tips to making 24 hour comics!

– http://24-hourcomic.blogspot.com/2007/10/kevin-cannons-24-hour-comic-tips.html
