The Cartoonist Conspiracy will be participating in another comic art extravaganza with our friends at Altered Esthetics gallery in Northeast Minneapolis next August. We want to get input from our membership about the two different directions we are considering pursuing for this event. If you are a Minnesota Conspirator, please vote in this poll, and give us your opinions in the comments. Please only vote if you are a Minnesota cartoonist who plans to participate in the event.
Direction one: Lutefisk Sushi Volume D
Another big limited edition box set collection of Minnesota Mini-comics. To read about the last one, go here.
Direction two: Newspaper Project (working title “Big Funny”).
This would be a large newspaper full of full page comics, funded by grants and sold cheaply. The plan would be to have a broader scope than the Sushi shows, and to include Conspirators from around the world rather than just regional artists if we pursue this direction.
Note that voting for direction two DOES NOT mean that direction one will never happen. In fact, direction one will almost certainly happen some time in the next couple of years. The question is whether that should be what we pursue for the show next August or if we should mix it up and do something else before the next Sushi show. Note that the Sushi shows have never been annual in the past… it has merely been assumed that they are annual. In fact, a year and a half to two and a half years has passed between these events. People just assume they are annual. They will most likely continue to do so whether we do a Sushi show next year or not.
Note that the poll expires July 16th.