Monthly Archives: July 2008

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised Opens Friday at Altered Esthetics

Another great show Friday from our good friends at Altered Esthetics… the Minneapolis cell’s “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised–a Tijuana Bible” jam will be on display there, among many other things. Here is the info from Jamie at AE:

Hello friends and supporters of The Revolution Will Not Be Televised group show!

Thank you so much for all your help making this an awesome exhibit and event. We’re in the final stages of hanging and tagging the show, and WOW what a great exhibit. This is by far one of the most powerful exhibits we’ve hosted as a gallery, and we thank you so much for the part you played in this political and global statement.

A few updates and notes for you as the opening draws near:


-Opening Reception-

A reminder: the opening reception for the Revolution Will Not Be Televised exhibit is this Friday August 1! The public reception is from 7pm-10pm; the artist reception is from 6pm-7pm and everybody on this list is invited to join us for the earlier more intimate gathering. It is going to be a warm evening and we anticipate a large crowd – so dress lightly and comfortably. Note: extra parking is available in the school-district lot next to the gallery.

-Gallery Grooves-

The Rake has chosen Altered Esthetics as the location for their August “Gallery Grooves” event!
Join us on Thursday August 7, 7pm-9pm for a Pan African Art-Fest and Jazz party!

In addition to featuring The Revolution Will Not Be Televised exhibit, they will also highlight the work of Rabi Sanfo. Rabi Sanfo is one of the artists in the Revolution exhibit as well as our friend and fellow building-mate at the Q’arma Building. You can find out more about Rabi and his work at:

-Stimulating Dialogue – Artists’ Discussion-

Join us on Saturday, August 16th from 1pm-3pm for an Artists’ discussion panel about the show. The curators as well as a few artist from the Revolution exhibit will facilitate the discussion and anybody is welcome to join the dialogue. Tea and snacks will be provided.


– City Pages-

Great news! We were listed as a City Pages – A -List Featured Event!

– Mpls St.Paul Mag-

We are also in this month’s issue of Mpls St.Paul Magazine. Grab a copy or check out the online gallery:

Thank you thank you! Looking forward to seeing all of you on Friday.


Altered Esthetics
@ the Q’arma Building
1224 Quincy St. NE
Minneapolis MN 55413

Gallery Hours
Tuesdays & Thursdays 1pm-7pm
Saturdays 1pm-5pm

Opening Receptions
Every First Friday 7pm-10pm

Altered Esthetics is a nonprofit community gallery run by artists, for artists. We work to sustain the historical role of artists as a true voice of society through our exhibits, events, services, workshops and programs.

Your donations are tax-deductible and help keep our doors open!

paypal button

Donations can be sent securely via paypal to:

Sat. Open Studio, Aug. 2, noon – 4 p.m.

Surfing Artist

Dog Days Saturday Open Studio
Sat., Aug. 2, noon to 4 p.m., MCBA bindery (the high tables)

Has it been just two weeks since the last Open Studio? Yup. Stop by the Minnesota Center for Book Arts for cartooning, talk and air conditioning. If you can’t find us in the MCBA building, ask the friendly person working in the MCBA bookstore. This is open studio time — all are welcome.

Minnesota Center for Book Arts
(Just down the street from Big Brain Comics)
1011 Washington Ave S, Suite 100
Minneapolis, MN 55415
Phone: 612-215-2520

St. Paul Cartoonist Conspiracy Jams – June and July 2008

For those who are “Not in the Know” every third Thursday of the month, a group of cartoonists descend upon Cosmic’s Coffee Shoppe in St. Paul, Minnesota to concoct a jam comic*. The staff at Cosmic’s have been gracious hosts despite the “uneasy tension” between the cartoonists, gamers**, and LARPers***. This last Thursday we said farewell to Kevin McCarthy; one of the three “founders” of the St. Paul cell. He is moving to Milwaukee where he will motivate, perhaps through violence, the Cream City Cell**** to post their jams.

I’ve posted our last two jam comics below for all to enjoy!

Please Note:
* jam comic – a collaborative effort to create a comic in a defined, usually short, amount of time, with few formal regulations.
** gamers in this instance refers to those generally playing World of Warcraft while we sit at the coffee shop and draw.
*** LARPers – Live Action Role Players – a group of individuals that attempt the craft of socializing by enacting various scenes and, sometimes, dressing up as characters found within a role playing game; in this instance it refers to people who think they are vampires.
**** Cream City Cell – also known as the Milwaukee Cell – who belongs to this cell? Does it even exist, or is it a myth? I’ve never seen anything posted on this site other than a cute little community link in the right sidebar. Please correct me if I am wrong.

St. Paul Cell Meeting July 17th, 2008


(You can find graffiti like this near the intersection of Snelling and Selby; near Cosmic’s)

Come and see Kevin McCarthy take part in his last St. Paul Conspiracy Meeting (that is unless he comes to visit)!

The St. Paul cell meets on the third Thursday of every month, from 6:30PM – 9:30PM. 

All are welcome to join us in the creating a “jam comic” and smack-talk each other at:

Cosmic’s Coffee
189 N. Snelling Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55104

Afterwards, but not recently, we get our drink on across the street at:

O’Gara’s Bar & Grill
164 Snelling Avenue North
St. Paul, MN 55104

Remembering the Vegan Ninja August 9th

It is hard to believe almost a year has passed since the Vegan Ninja, Eric Lappegard, left the planet. Please come and raise a drink or three to his memory with us August 9th at Grumpy’s downtown (1111 Washington Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN), and do take some time to revisit his wonderful comics. Below is an open invite from Eric’s family.

Hello to everyone,

I can’t believe a year has gone by. We think about Eric everyday and have decided that we would like to have a get together with his friends to remember him. We would like to get together with as many of his friends that can make it on Saturday August 9th. We have reserved the party room at Grumpy’s downtown that evening starting at 7:30 pm. We hope that you can make it and if you know of anyone I may have missed please pass the word around. We want it to be a fun time remembering Eric and in the way that he would have enjoyed. Hope to see you there.

Cindy, Boyd & Jessica Lappegard

Lutefisk Sushi for Sale Online

I’m happy to report that we now have Lutefisk Sushi Bento Boxes volumes B and C available for sale online here (or by clicking the below picture). The Lutefisk Sushi boxes feature an enormous quantity of mini-comics by Minnesota cartoonists… around 40 minis in Volume B and around 50 minis in Volume C. You can buy them online for thirty bucks each, which is one hell of a deal.

Both boxes were limited to 150 copies, and both are getting close to being sold out, so if you want one, order soon. They can never be reprinted, so when they are gone, they are gone for good. All profits from the Sushi boxes go to support Altered Esthetics, a wonderful non-profit Minneapolis gallery that we collaborate with.

Note that in addition to the Sushi boxes, you can buy our 2006 and 2007 collections of 24 Hour Comic mini-comics for $10 each.

More Comics In City Pages Comix Issue Online

Above: A teeny view of Zander Cannon‘s contribution to the Comix Issue.

Due to some confusion at City Pages, a number of excellent entries to the previously mentioned City Pages Comix issue did not make it into the print and, initially, the online edition. Some have now been added to the online edition… go check them out!

“Five Blind Elephants” by Zander Cannon
“Republican Party Loyalists” by Andy Singer
“The Republicans are Coming… To Get you!” by Spanky Cermak
“When the Elephants Come to Town” by King Drowns