All posts by Staplegenius


The COMICS REPORTER is going about updating their list of “WHO’S WHO and WHERE” list:

So check it out. See if you’re listed. See if your website is accurate.
If not, email Tom at:


I recommend everyone do this.

And on a side note to my fellow Minnesotans– lets show the world that MINNEAPOLIS/St PAUL is INDEED a MECCA FOR CARTOONIST!!!


I just remembered!
In addition to doing pointless film reviews no one but Steinlicht reads,
I’m also supposed to remind citizens of the Minneapolis/St Paul area that our


This month we’ll be doing a jam on the topic of “MINNEAPOLIS vs. ST PAUL”,
which will then be displayed in April at ALTERED ESTHETICS(the same fine gallery
which will host our LUTEFISK SUSHI ‘C’ show in May!).

Also, the original multi-pieced “EVIL EYE #1” will be there for–hopefully–a unified re-rendering of this modern classic.

The Minneapolis Cartoonist Conspiracy meets at 6:30 until 10:00 the first Thursday of every month at Diamond’s Coffee Shoppe in Northeast.

Generally, we draw collaborative “jam” comics, socialize and drink caffeinated beverages.

Afterwards, we often(sometimes) have uncaffeinated beverages somewhere else.

The meetings are open to anyone who wants to draw with us, and the results are posted on our website sooner or later(later) and sometimes even printed(…well…).

Diamond’s Coffee Shoppe
1618 Central Avenue Northeast Minneapolis, Minnesota
In the back hallway.
If there are D&D nerds there they spook easily so tell’em to skeedaddle.

Bus info here.

Please spend some money at Diamond’s while you’re there, even if it is just a cuppa coffee… they are excellent hosts, and we wanna stay welcome there.

Big Time Attic is now officially hosting our monthly jam meetings at Diamond’s… they will be supplying us with a big old plate of pastries or something each month. Thanks fellas!

See you Thursday!

Don’t Do What "DONNIE DON’T" Does…

Quick reviews from the world of second-run theatres and bootleg DVD screeners….

Robert “Special Effects” Zemekis brings us an age-old tale of men and mosters and a Barbie doll with high-heels that LITERALLY comes out of its heels. OH! And it has Angelina Jolies head. (Cause who’s second on the list after Barbie for “unreal expectations of self-image for little girls”?)
Honestly, I dont know that I can properly review this movie since it was made for a 3-D IMAX screen. I saw it at the Roseville 4 dollar theatre which offered neither 3D glasses, nor does it have an IMAX screen (which lead to a good 1/3rd of the movies action taking place with the HEADS OF THE CHARACTERS CUT OFF!!!).
I will say this—John Malkovich should NEVER be let within 500 miles of film shoot EVER AGAIN!

Whats more fun than teen pregnancy?
You’ve earned that little golden oscar nod, Diablo.
The Christian right thanks you more than you’ll ever know.


We’re a little less than 2 months from the MARCH 15th deadline to submit comics and art for the 3rd LUTEFISK SUSHI, to be held at ALTERED ESTHETICS in May (during ART-A-WHIRL!).

A reminder of what you need to do in order to particiapte:

1) You must live in Minnesota.

2) You must provide us with 160 copies of your comic. Not 161, not 159, not 2,364. 160.

Your mini-comic canbe no larger than 5.5″ x 8.5″, or it won’t fit. It can be any format and length.

Please only submit one title, as space is limited.

3) You must matte, frame, or otherwise make presentable and hangable any originals you intend to have displayed.
If you don’t do this we will not hang your work… frames can be purchased cheaply easily enough at thrift stores and other places.
It is not required that you display originals, but it is encouraged.
Submitting multiple peices is encouraged, be know we may not have space for everything.
Put your name and the price of the piece on the back of the piece (note when pricing that the gallery gets 30% of the sales price).
All art SHOULD be priced to sell.

4) You must submit everything by no later than March15, 2008.

5) You must include the form at the bottom of this call with your submission(You’ll have to highlight and print off).
Submissions without forms will not be included in the show.
There is also an ADDITIONAL submission form for the gallery you will have to fill out when
you drop off your comics/original art at BIG TIME ATTIC.

6) You may submit up to 20 other comics you’ve previously done to be sold at the gallery during the show. They MUST have your name and a price clearly visable. Please also include a little placard with the comics title/your name/ price.

7) Every participant will receive a bento box.

You must show up on opening night to pick up your BentoBox, or you must make other arrangements before thenif you plan on getting one.

8) You must pick up your remaining original artwork,unsold comics and money (if any) at the end of the show. Any money or artwork not picked up by the artists will be kept by the gallery to do with as theyplease.

9) While it is not required, your assistance would be greatly appreciated collating the Bento Boxes at the collating party. We will also be looking for many volunteers to hang out and draw jam comics during art-a-whirl. You’re also encouraged to suggest and organize other related activities for the month.

We intend to include in the box all submissions thatmeet ALL these criteria.

Please read the criteriacarefully before submitting, as it takes a LOT of ourtime and resources to go back and hassle people foritems they are missing.

Entries not meeting ALL of the above criteria will NOT be included in the box.

First come, first served, so get your submissions in early.

Profits from the originals and comics will be split with the artists and gallery 70 (artists)-30(gallery).
Profits from the Bento Boxes will go first to reimburse our miscellaneous production expenses,and then to the gallery (which is a wonderfulnon-profit organization we are thrilled to be involvedwith).

Lutefisk Sushi Volume C is being sponsored andorganized by The International Cartoonist Conspiracy(, Altered Esthetics( and Big Time Attic(




Phone Number:

Email Address:

Name of the work you are submitting to the Bento Box:

Indicate prices of any originals included here (and onthe backs of the originals):

Indicate prices and titles of any comics you are selling here (and on the books.. also include a folded 3×5 card with the name and price of each book you aregiving us to sell):

I am aware that The International Cartoonist Conspiracy, Big Time Attic, and Altered Ethetics donot insure or agree to be responsible for any theft,damage, or loss of any article. I freely choose toexhibit in Altered Esthetics and I agree to accept anyand all loss, theft, or damage resulting directly orindirectly from registrant’s participation in theseactivities. In return for the benefits I will receive fromparticipation, I agree to not sue or to hold theorganizers, their directors, officers, employees,agents, and volunteers responsible for any loss,theft, or damage connected with registrant’sparticipation in the exhibition.

Send this form along with your submissions to:
1618 Central Ave. NE Suite 216
Minneapolis, MN 55413
(612) 521-7423

Questions? Contact Danno at staplegenius at



Not the complete awesome experience some make it out to be(I’m looking in your direction aintitcool), but a great time at the theatre nonetheless.

It was like THE MIST without the emotional attachment that made my soul ill afterward, but it very much pleased my inner Grand Theft Auto Demon.

Granted, both my wife and daughter got motion sickness from the BLAIRWITCH-cam, but I think can only adds to the rollercoaster that is the JJ AB-sperience CLOVERFIELD.

Now…if KEN AVIDOR will only do a comic about a giant multi-limbed beast that destroys Washington DC called “KLOVERCHAR”…


Bud Burgy/Cream City Comics invite you to a celebration of one of the most brutal anthologies of all time, Muscles & Fights 2: Musclier & Fightier ! Battle and claw your way to the burliest of parties!

WHEN: Saturday, January 19th, 2008
7:00pm-10pm(or later)

WHERE: Diamonds Coffee Shoppe
1618 Central Avenue northeast
Minneapolis, MN 55418

WHO: Meet the contributing artists of the book! They
will be making art, giving live battle demos
(sword fighting by Sa-Bom Jim’s Jon Sloan)
and signing/selling copies of 1 and 2 for $10!

WHAT: Original work from the artists will be hung in
the shoppe. Music, food, & beverages! Meet
the artists. Purchase an original page! Tell an
artist how much you love or hate his/her work!!

This event will be preceeded by an in-store signing at the Source Comics and Games from 3-6pm.

Man, were we DRUNK(With IAN)

So, about 3 and a half years ago Conspirators KEN AVIDOR, SEAN TENHOFF, and myself(DANNO) appeared on an early episode of Minneapolis’ own cable access hit DRINKING WITH IAN(
And man…did we get drunk!
Then we filmed an interview.
I’m still not sure if thats a good premise for a talkshow.
The other day at the library I noticed DRINKING WITH IAN SEASON 1 on DVD. I checked it out, and lo and behold there was commentary on our episode.
So here are some exerpts of IAN and Co.’s thoughts on drunken cartoonists:

**The commentary of our segment begins with Ian saying: “Speaking of drunken buffoons…”
and he goes to suggest we were “not familiar with bars or drinking…except (Avidor).”
**He points out “Danno is the only one coherent…intelligible, and can talk….but has no mike.”
As well, Danno is a “Good guy (Ian) still see(s) around town.”
**They sat Ken next to Ian because of his long history in comics and his plan to run for (drunk) mayor of Minneapolis, hoping that would produce good interview material. However Ken was so inebriated the interview was “not spectacular”.
**Ken is “Funny, despite how embarrassing he is”. All of Ken’s comments are “drunken gibberish” that was painful to edit.
**Sean had done a pre-interview with lots of good stories that were “gone” by the time we took the stage.
**The audience “couldn’t give a shit” and Ian “couldn’t blame them”.
**The people doing the commentary wished they could just fast-forward thru our interview.
**Kens drunken rant on enviormentalism at the end is the “best part of the interview” but it’s “no wonder he didn’t get elected”.
**Ian rated it as for sure one of the “fifteen bad interviews”.

There you have…cartooning, drinking, and talking don’t mix.
And thats one to grow on!




The third Cartoonist Conspriacy organized Lutefisk Sushi event, Lutefisk Sushi Volume C will be happening at Altered Esthetics in May 2008 (the month of Art-A-Whirl!).
For those of you who aren’t familiar with the previous events/compilations, you can see more about them here and here.
We need submissions!
The focus of the show will again be around a big ol’ fancy hand-serigraphed box of mini-comics with a cover by featured artist Kevin Cannon.
It will be limited to 150 copies… every participant will receive one.
To participate:
1) You must live in Minnesota.
2) You must provide us with 160 copies of your comic.
Not 161, not 159, not 2,364. 160.
Your mini-comic can be no larger than 5.5″ x 8.5″, or it won’t fit.
It can be any format and length. For the first set we even had a scroll hand-silkscreened in invisible ink. Please only submit one title, as space is limited.
3) You may also include other comics or other items you wish to have sold at the gallery. Make sure your name is in the comic somewhere and put a price on the cover. Also include a folded 3×5 card with the name of the comic and the price on it for each comic you are selling. If we do not have an obvious way of telling how much your comic costs, we will not sell it (note when pricing that the gallery gets 30% of the sales price).
We will do our best to be fair about the limited display space we have for various items… if you submit a lot of items, we may not have room to display them all.
4) You must matte, frame, or otherwise make presentable and hangable any originals you intend to have displayed. If you don’t do this we will not hang your work… frames can be purchased cheaply easily enough at thrift stores and other places. It is not required that you display originals, but it is encouraged. Put your name and the price of the piece on the back of the piece (note when pricing that the gallery gets 30% of the sales price).
5) You must submit everything by no later than March 15, 2008.
6) You must include the form with your submission. Submissions without forms will not be included in the show.
7) Every participant will receive a bento box. You must show up on opening night to pick up your Bento Box, or you must make other arrangements before then if you plan on getting one.
8) You must pick up your remaining original artwork, unsold comics and money (if any) at the end of the show. Any money or artwork not picked up by the artists will be kept by the gallery to do with as they please.
9) While it is not required, your assistance would be greatly appreciated collating the Bento Boxes at the collating party. We will also be looking for many volunteers to hang out and draw jam comics during art-a-whirl. You’re also encouraged to suggest and organize other related activities for the month.
We intend to include in the box all submissions that meet ALL these criteria.
Please read the criteria carefully before submitting, as it takes a LOT of our time and resources to go back and hassle people for items they are missing.
Entries not meeting ALL of the above criteria will NOT be included in the box.

No previous comic book making experience is necessary to participate.

While we plan on having all entries meeting the criteria included in the Lutefisk Sushi Volume C Bento Box, if we get a lot of entries, we may have to cut it off somewhere- we’ll let you know if the limit is getting close on the conspiracy website.
We had around 50 participants last time, and the box was packed to overflowing. First come, first served, so get your submissions in early.
In addition to the boxes, there will also be a lot of original artwork from the participating cartoonists on the walls. Using the artwork from the comic you submit to the Bento Box is preferred, although it is not required. ALL artwork should be priced for sale… let’s make the gallery some money. Submitting multiple items for display is fine, although we can’t guarantee we will have room for everything.
In addition to the main show, there will also be a “sideshow” featuring the art of Kevin Cannon.
Profits from the originals and comics will be split with the artists and gallery 70 (artists)-30 (gallery).
Profits from the Bento Boxes will go first to reimburse our miscellaneous production expenses, and then to the gallery (which is a wonderful non-profit organization we are thrilled to be involved with).
Lutefisk Sushi Volume B is being sponsored and organized by The International Cartoonist Conspiracy (, Altered Esthetics ( and Big Time Attic (




Phone Number:

Email Address:

Name of the work you are submitting to the Bento Box:

Indicate prices of any originals included here (and on the backs of the originals):

Indicate prices and titles of any comics you are selling here (and on the books.. also include a folded 3×5 card with the name and price of each book you are giving us to sell):

I am aware that The International Cartoonist Conspiracy, Big Time Attic, and Altered Ethetics do not insure or agree to be responsible for any theft, damage, or loss of any article. I freely choose to exhibit in Altered Esthetics and I agree to accept any and all loss, theft, or damage resulting directly or indirectly from registrant’s participation in these activities.
In return for the benefits I will receive from participation, I agree to not sue or to hold the organizers, their directors, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers responsible for any loss, theft, or damage connected with registrant’s participation in the exhibition.


Send this form along with your submissions and the standard Altered Esthetics exhibition contract ( to:

1618 Central Ave. NE Suite 216
Minneapolis, MN 55413
(612) 521-7423
Questions? Contact Danno at staplegenius at