Please Help Promote Lutefisk Sushi

I’m happy to report that it sounds like we are going to be getting a lot of press coverage for the Lutefisk Sushi show opening this Friday. I’ll be posting links to all the press I see here… if you see any coverage, please let us know about it.

Let’s make this the best attended Sushi show yet (the last two were both packed houses). You can help promote the show! If you are participating in the show… please, feel obligated to do so!

Here are some suggestions:

  • Grab one of the banners at the bottom of this post and put it on your websites, blogs, social networking sites, and message boards you frequent with a link to the Sushi site.
  • Write about the upcoming show and your preparations for it on your websites, blogs, social networking sites, and message boards you frequent with a link to the Sushi site.
  • Pick up some of our postcards at Altered Esthetics and distribute them.
  • Know reporters? Hit them up for a story. Here is the press release. Here are high-resolution images they can download.
  • Most importantly: TELL YOUR FRIENDS in person or via phone or email and tell them to spread the word.



Additionally, we bombarded folks at MicroCon with postcards and information about the show this weekend… I think we are going to be in really good shape for getting the word out. BUT PLEASE HELP!!! Thanks!

3 thoughts on “Please Help Promote Lutefisk Sushi

  1. this is a way cool project ! I’d love to get my hands on a box like this. What would it cost to send it to me ? I live in Belgium, which is across the big pond to the left of you (if you’re looking away from Canada).

    thankee !

  2. Thanks much for your interest, sparehed! Altered Esthetics ( is planning on having an online store up in the near future where any extras we have left (in the fairly likely event we have some left after the show… it is limited to 150 boxes) will be available. I don’t know what the details of overseas orders will be, but I imagine it will be the cost of the box ($25) plus whatever the shipping ends up being to a particular location.

  3. For those of you wondering how to get a Sushi box online, you can now do so here:

    They are going fast… we probably aren’t going to publicize the link much until the end of the month, as we are still anticipating a lot of local sales this weekend for Art-A-Whirl, which require considerably less work to fulfill… but it is working now if anyone wants to use it before then.

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