Thanks to all that helped celebrate the one year anniversary of our off-shoot, rebelious, trash-talking St. Paul cell by jamming out at Cosmic’s Coffee on October 16th, 2008! We even had a newbie show up, which is always nice to see! Please, show up next time too! In fact, bring your friends!
Last October, Kevin McCarthy, Bud Burgy, and myself (Daniel Olson) met at Cosmic’s to crank out a four page jam entitled “Tussles and Tights” – an homage to the great Muscles and Fights anthology. This year, with Kevin (now living in Milwaukee) and Bud (now living in a cave somewhere?) gone, I was the lone original. Although I was not alone! Scott Gallatin, Ryan Dow, Meredith (didn’t catch your last name), Roy T. Cook, Jon Sloan, and Tom (still can’t remember your last name) joined me as we descended upon the coffee shop to jam out and possibly rumble with some LARPers. To those that showed up this past month and those that have joined us before, I thank you. As stated in the past, any and all are welcome to join us!
An update on the status of the Milwaukee Cartoonist Conspiracy/Cream City cell… still forthcoming. Hey, McCarthy and Amado we’re still waiting!
I’ve posted our latest jam comic below. With the election just weeks away, this month’s title was “Presidential Smackdown (and also featuring) We Spent the Bailout on Pizza and Beer.” In order to view the jam, you can click on the image below, which will link you to the PDFs directly
Want to start up your own cell? It’s easy! Just follow this link: Start a Conspiracy in Your Community. Are you one of the many rival cells that we trash? Perhaps you are a LARPer and would like exact some “internet revenge.” If so, maybe you should do something about it and post something here.
You should really know all of this stuff by now.