Monthly Archives: September 2008

24 Hour Comics Day 2008 in Albuquerque and Santa Fe

24 Hour Comics Day 2008 | Sat. Oct. 18 – Sun. Oct. 19 | Noon – Noon | Harwood Art Center | Albuquerque, NM | Warehouse 21 | Santa Fe, NM

In Albuquerque:
Harwood Art Center
1114 7th Street NW
Albuquerque, NM 87102

In Santa Fe:
Warehouse 21
1614 Paseo de Peralta
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501

Be a part of 24 Hour Comics Day 2008 — accept the challenge to create 24 consecutive comic book pages in 24 consecutive hours. Join thousands of artists of all skill levels, from around the globe, and this annual event — again, being held in New Mexico in Albuquerque and Santa Fe. This event is open to all ages (with parental permission for minors) and is free!

Co-sponsored by 7000 BC, Harwood Art Center, Warehouse 21, and True Believers Comics and Gallery.

For more about the event, please visit the official Web site, or sign up to participate by emailing

Thank you to Walter Burke Catering, Java Joe’s, Upper Crust Pizza, Winning Coffee Company, and La Montanita Co-Op for their gracious food donations.


Check out some of the comics produced in 2007 — click here to download a Zipped PDF at MediaFire of 24 Hours In New Mexico, a sampling of work from Santa Fe and Albuquerque.

The Orphan Works Bill

There is an interesting discussion on the Orphan Works Bill on the Comics Journal message board here.

There Matt Feazell points to a link where you can read the full text of the bill. I have read so much information and misinformation about this bill it is nice to actually be able to read it for myself.

I encourage you all to go read the actual bill (which isn’t all that long) and form your own opinion about it.

Orphan Works Bill passes Senate by Hotlining

From the Illustration Partnership Orphan Works Blog:

Orphan Works Opposition: Plan B

SEPT 27 Yesterday, in a cynical move, the sponsors of the Senate Orphan Works Act passed their controversial bill by a controversial practice known as hotlining.

With lawmakers scrambling to raise 700 billion dollars to bail out businesses that are “too big to fail,” the Senate passed a bill that would force small copyright holders to subsidize big internet interests such as Google, which has already said it plans to use millions of the images this bill will orphan.

With the meltdown on Wall Street, this is no time for Congress to concentrate our nation’s copyright wealth in the hands of a few privately owned corporate databases. The contents of these databases would be more valuable than secure banking information. Yet this bill would compel creators to risk their own intellectual property to supply content to these corporate business models. That means it would be our assets at risk in the event of their failure or mismanagement.

As David Rhodes, President of the School of Visual Arts has said, the Orphan Works bill would socialize the expense of copyright protection while privatizing the profit of creative endeavors. Copyright owners neither want nor need this legislation. It will do great harm to small businesses. We already have a banking crisis. Congress should not lay the groundwork for a copyright crisis.

– Brad Holland and Cynthia Turner, for the Illustrators’ Partnership


We MUST try to stop the House Judiciary Committee from folding their bill (HR5889) and adopting the Senate version.

If you’ve done it before, do it again!

It takes only a minute to use our new special letter.
Click on the link below, enter your zip code, and take the next steps.
Thanks to all of you who heeded the call to action yesterday.

Over 70 organizations oppose this bill, representing over half a million creators.
Illustrators, photographers, fine artists, songwriters, musicians, and countless licensing firms all believe this bill will harm their small businesses. The Illustrators Partnership Capwiz site is open to professional creators and any member of the image-making public.

Guide to Pimping the Conspiracy at Fallcon

Fallcon is almost here. It’s that magical time of year in the Twin Cities where you can meet all of your favorite local cartoonists and promote your comics. It’s also a good time to plug the Cartoonist Conspiracy and help it grow! Here are some good ways to promote the Conspiracy at Fallcon:

Ask people if they like to draw – This is a great conversation starter because it indicates that you are not trying to sell them something (at least at the moment). If the person likes to draw, let them know about our jam sessions in Minneapolis (First Thursday at 6:30) and Saint Paul (Third Thursday at 6:30). If they don’t like to draw, odds are they have an artist friend who might be interested. Hand out flyers, and don’t forget to mention the upcoming 24-hour comic day!

Tell them about past Conspiracy Projects – The Lutefisk Sushi boxes are great attention-getters. At Microcon people would stop and stare at them, saying, “Lutefisk Sushi? Really?” Exploit their captured attention by telling them what Lutefish Sushi is all about! If they’re still paying attention, you can also tell them about the Eric Lappegard tribute book Alley Cats and the 24 Hour Comic Day box sets.

Hand them a copy of “How to Make Minicomics” – This is a great little manual on what minicomics are all about! You can find a pdf of the comic here. I will be assembling a bunch of these for Fallcon, so stop by my table and pick up a few.

Show your Conspiracy love with style – Wear an official Cartoonist Conspiracy Fez! E-mail Steve Stwally for details at .  Also, feel free to wear any Lutefisk Sushi, Vegan Ninja, or other Conspiracy-related apparel you may have.

Volunteer at the Conspiracy Lounge – We need YOU! See this post for more details.

HOT INK: Comic Art in Minnesota

Hot Ink: Comic Art in Minnesota is an exhibit opening October 3rd (and staying up until January) at The Minnesota Museum of American Art. Featured artists include a number of folks in the Conspiracy… here is the full list…

Big Time Attic
Kevin Cannon
Zander Cannon
Will Dinski
Tom Kaczynski
Reynold Kissling
Lars Martinson
King Mini
Tyler Page
Evan G. Palmer
Brittney Sabo
Zak Sally
Barbara Schulz
Tim Sievert
Andy Singer
Tom Spence
Steven Stwalley

The opening party is October 3rd. It costs $10 to get in to the opening ($5 if you are a member or student), but is free if you visit another time. For the opening there is a members preview from 7-8PM, and then it is open to the public from 8-10PM.

Minnesota Museum of American Art
50 West Kellogg Blvd.
St. Paul, MN 55102


Well! Response so far has been nothing short of… pathetic! Help! Please! Your Conspiracy needs you!

Thanks much to stand-up guys Dan Olson, Ryan Dow, Matt Kriske, Bud Burgy, Zander Cannon and Scott Gallatin for letting me know they can help out… I assume there are a lot more of you out there who plan to help and haven’t let me know. Please do, as I need to make sure we are covered for the whole convention, ideally with at least 3 people at all times. Volunteer for as little as an hour or as much as two days! Here is the info again…

The Conspiracy is organizing a lounge again for FallCon this year, and we need volunteers to help run it. Note that if you are not a guest at FallCon, you can still volunteer, and if you are a guest at FallCon and have your own table, you can still volunteer (we’ll have signs you can leave at your table during your time spent in the lounge). You can volunteer for as little as a couple hours or as much as the whole weekend.

To volunteer, drop me a line at:

When you email me, please also let me know what hours you want to volunteer for. We are looking for volunteers the evening of Friday October 3rd (for set up), 9AM-5PM Saturday October 4th, and 10AM-6PM October 5th.

You can also email me with any further questions, or, better yet, ask them in the comments so others can benefit from them.

As with last year the focus will be on hanging out, meeting folks, drawing jam comics, shooting the poop, talking Conspiracy, and reading funny books. We will also be hosting a mini-comics station where people will be able to create and print their own mini-comics live for free… the MNCBA will be providing a copier, and I’m hoping to have a sponsor for supplies as well.

PLEASE ALSO NOTE: In addition to volunteers for time, we also need some folks who are willing to loan us and haul some furnishings for the lounge… couches needed in particular! Other items: comfy chairs, rugs, bars, tables, coffee tables, drawing tables, loungy decorations, etc.


24 Hour Comic Book Jam in San Francisco CA, October 18th – 11 am to 11 am

Well, it’s that time of year when artist take on the night (and morning) to create unique comic works. It’s time for the official 24 Hour Comic Book Day.

Your artist pals form the Cartoonist Conspiracy in San Francisco have joined forces with Comics Outpost to take on this unique challenge where artist work to complete a 24 page comic in 24 hours.

Crazy…..yes, of course. But an excellent challenge none the less.

On August 31st, 1990, Scott McCloud (Understanding Comics), originator of the 24 Hour comic concept, completed his first creative marathon. On April 24th, 2004 Nat Gertler organized the first 24HCD bringing together legions of participants all over the world in this annual event. In the years since, thousands have tried and many have succeeded in creating their own 24 hour comics.

So, wouldn’t you like to give it a try. If so, join our smelly/rude/caffeinated band of artist for a day/night of Cartooning fun.

How? We will be hosting up to 20 artists at our event, and we are requiring a $5 donation to reserve a space (this is going to Gary at CO to cover his expenses). To reserve a space, contact Doc Pop at (yoyogenius at

Time/Date: 11am Sat Oct 18th, 2008 to 11am Sunday Oct 19th

Location: Comics Outpost – 2381 OCEAN AVE. SAN FRANCISCO, CA. 94127 (415) 239-COMX (2669) –

Still not sure, check out these samples by: Mike Hale and Brian Kolm

Bellow is the fantastic poster by Mike Hale.


The Conspiracy is organizing a lounge again for FallCon this year, and we need volunteers to help run it. Note that if you are not a guest at FallCon, you can still volunteer, and if you are a guest at FallCon and have your own table, you can still volunteer (we’ll have signs you can leave at your table during your time spent in the lounge). You can volunteer for as little as a couple hours or as much as the whole weekend.

To volunteer, drop me a line at:

When you email me, please also let me know what hours you want to volunteer for. We are looking for volunteers the evening of Friday October 3rd (for set up), 9AM-5PM Saturday October 4th, and 10AM-6PM October 5th.

You can also email me with any further questions, or, better yet, ask them in the comments so others can benefit from them.

As with last year the focus will be on hanging out, meeting folks, drawing jam comics, shooting the poop, talking Conspiracy, and reading funny books. We will also be hosting a mini-comics station where people will be able to create and print their own mini-comics live for free… the MNCBA will be providing a copier, and I’m hoping to have a sponsor for supplies as well.

PLEASE ALSO NOTE: In addition to volunteers for time, we also need some folks who are willing to loan us and haul some furnishings for the lounge… couches needed in particular! Other items: comfy chairs, rugs, bars, tables, coffee tables, drawing tables, loungy decorations, etc.


St. Paul Cartoonist Conspiracy Jam Comic – September 2008

For those that couldn’t wait, the latest St. Paul Cartoonist Conspiracy Jam Comic has been posted. Thanks to the contributors that decided to take a break from the nice weather we were having to come and join us.

Also, thanks to the nice weather, which kept the LARPers* at bay, for the most part. Instead of gaming inside Cosmic’s, they’ve found a not-so-secret backdoor to the deck, where they can fantasize about biting each other’s necks.

Next month’s jam will mark the one year anniversary of the off-shoot, rebelious, trash-talking St. Paul cell**. Any and all are welcome to join us! In fact, I dare those that live in the Twin Cities and have yet to attend a St. Paul jam to show up. I can’t say you’d be glad that you did, but at the very least you would have challenged my dare.

Speaking of challenging dares, I corresponded with both Kevin McCarthy*** and Amado “Arex” Rodriguez**** about the status of the Milwaukee Cartoonist Conspiracy/Cream City cell*****, and, well, it looks like it might happen. Stay tuned as I continually harrass them until the dream becomes a reality.

It was nice to see our cross-town rivals, the Minneapolis Cartoonist Conspiracy cell, which is also the first Cartoonist Conspiracy cell, have the time and guts to post one of their jams. I noticed that Kevin Cannon****** of Big Time Attic fame has posted the last two jams and I must say they are rather classy. Kevin implements a little tool I like to call page numbers******* at the bottom of each page. Way to go Kevin!

I’ve posted our latest jam comic below. This month’s title was “How to End the World in Ten Days.” Special thanks goes out to Ryan Dow******** for coming up with the title. For those who haven’t been reading Ryan’s online graphic novel “Weekends With Carl,” you should be ashamed. It is a great read and is updated Wednesdays and Sundays. In order to view the jam, you can click on the image below.

Want to start up your own cell? It’s easy! Just follow this link: Start a Conspiracy in Your Community. Are you one of the many rival cells that we trash? Perhaps you are a LARPer and would like exact some “internet revenge.” If so, maybe you should do something about it and post something here.


* LARPers – Live Action Role Players – a group of scary individuals that attempt the craft of socializing by enacting various scenes and, sometimes, dressing up as characters found within a role playing game; in this instance it refers to people who love Halloween, think they are vampires, are horrible at doing impersonations of obscure Jewish actors, and can somehow manage to be outdoors without combusting into ashes.
** St. Paul cell – an International Cartoonist Conspiracy cell started in October of 2007 by Kevin McCarthy, Bud Burgy, and Daniel J. Olson. Thus far only two of the three original conspirators remain as Kevin decided to move to the land of milk and cheese.
*** Kevin McCarthy – a comic book writer, artist and editor that began working professionally in 1995, and, despite his better judgment, continues to write, draw and edit comic books.
**** Amado “Arex” Rodriguez – is an indie comic creator who released his own graphic novel Heavee Underground in 2007, and, along with Bud Burgy, has helped build the Muscles and Fights empire. Amado is also known for being a huge music fan and Bruce Lee geek.
***** Milwaukee Cartoonist Conspiracy/Cream City cell – apparently it is not a myth, but rather an idea that has yet to take fruition. We have been promised that it will begin producing jams at some point in the future.
****** Kevin Cannon – a well respected, all around nice guy that recently self-published his online graphic Far Arden to much fanfare. Word has it that movie rights for Far Arden have been sought out by Vivid Entertainment.
******* page numbers – a formulated plan of procedure for a group of numerals to facilitate a consumer of literature to depict printed sheets of paper in an orderly fashion.
******** Ryan Dow – a web cartoonist whose webcomic “Weekends with Carl” tells the tale of a sometimes awkward relationship between the two main characters “Ryan” and “Carl.” It is often assumed that the character “Ryan” is in fact the author. However, there is much dispute to this assumption as the character “Ryan” is a mild mannered person, while the author has a horrible temper and tends to be extremely violent.