Monthly Archives: March 2009

BIG FUNNY Deadline in One Little Month (May 1st)

Things are moving fast… we are now a month from the BIG FUNNY deadline (May 1st). From the estimates we have received, it looks very likely that we will be able to do the whole publication in full color… so I hope participants will all strongly consider taking advantage of it!

Unless you make posters, there aren’t a lot of opportunities to get printed at such a huge size and in color… I can’t wait to be dazzled by what people do with it. It will be quite a unique publication… please do let all your cartoonist/poster artist/printmaker/designer/illustrator friends know about it, and encourage them to participate.

Specs and other information for the project can be found here on the BIG FUNNY website. There is also a text-only version of the information here.

I urge you to carefully read ALL of the information there before digging in, as the specs are particular… and we would really hate to have to reject people’s work because people didn’t follow the specs.

Here is a description of the project in the words of Kevin Cannon at the Big Time Attic blog:

So I was over at the watercooler today, and a co-worker leans over his cubicle wall and says, “Hey Kev, what’s this ‘BIG FUNNY’ all the kids are talking about?” So I say, “Well, Doug, check the BTA blog in a few minutes and I’ll tell you!”

So here’s the scoop:

Minneapolis cartoonists have a tradition of curating a yearly show at the Altered Esthetics gallery in Nordeast Minneapolis. Last year we mounted Lutefisk Sushi: Volume C, which was a huge hit, had a ton of great contributors, and had an absolutely packed opening night party.

This August we’re doing something a little different: Big Funny, a nod to the glorious & wacky full page (and often full color) newspaper comics of the turn of the century). Where Lutefisk Sushi asked participants to create mini-comics and gathered them all up in a BOX, Big Funny is asking people to draw a 15.5″w x 20″h comic strip (color or bw) which will then be printed in a big fat NEWSPAPER.

The Big Funny gallery show this August will have original art from the Big Funny newspaper, as well as vintage turn o’ the century comics (thanks to collector extraordinaire Steve Stwalley). You’ll also be able to get your hands on the Big Funny newspaper — right now we’re thinking it’ll be 48 pages.

Interested in having your cartoon grace one of those pages? Here’s a quick guide to get you started:

1. Read through That should answer most of your questions.
2. Create your comic. Keep these specs in mind:
* Art should be 15.5″ (wide) x 20″ (high)
* If you’re doing color, make it 300 dpi
* If you’re doing black and white, make it at 1200 dpi
* You can submit more than one cartoon
* All submissions must be DIGITAL
* [This is a truncated list to get you started — PLEASE read the info on the Big Funny website!]

3. Content: This show is a nod to the old-timey comics, but your comic can be any style, theme, etc. Just try to be funny (it is called Big Funny, after all)
4. Deadline is MAY 1, 2009

Unlike Lutefisk Sushi, this is a juried show, which means that some comics won’t make it in the show. This has less to do with us being art snobs, and more to do with the complicated nature of putting a physical newspaper together on time and on budget.

We’ve already got a few submissions in (which, for a month before the deadline, is pretty outstanding), and they look great, so keep ’em coming!

If you have any questions, please read the Big Funny website. If you still have questions, please leave them in the comments section, and we’ll answer them there.

Here’s a BIG FUNNY chicklet for your website or blog:


Time to update the family photo...
Time to update the family photo...

One day we’ll remember to put off the post until the last minute….

One of the themes will be “BIKE ART IV”…..FOUR!?!  Geez, so I guess bring you best for the amusing worlds of bikes and the “Four-Part Trilogy”.  Kriske will also pick more topics  by rifling thru the filth of a City Pages. 

The Minneapolis Cartoonist Conspiracy meets at 6:30 until 10:00 the first Thursday of every month at Diamond’s Coffee Shoppe in Northeast.

Generally, we draw collaborative “jam” comics, socialize and drink caffeinated beverages. Afterwords, we often have uncaffeinated beverages somewhere else.

The meetings are open to anyone who wants to draw with us, and the results are posted here sooner or later (and sometimes even printed).

Diamond’s Coffee Shoppe
1618 Central Avenue Northeast
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Bus info here.

Please spend some money at Diamond’s while you’re there, even if it is just a cuppa coffee… they are excellent hosts, and we wanna stay welcome there.

Big Time Attic

Big Time Attic hosts our monthly jam meetings at Diamond’s… they will be supplying us with a big old plate of pastries or something. Thanks fellas!

St. Paul Cartoonist Conspiracy’s March 2009 Jam!

Another great turnout! This is the third month in a row that the St. Paul jam has occupied multiple booths at Cosmic’s! Thanks to all that participated!

And for those that showed up, you witnessed history. The LARPers that once shared the coffee shop with us cartoonists every third Thursday of the month were BANISHED from Cosmic’s! I’d like to say it was a game of chance, or some sort of contest, but it turns out there was some legal issues involved. However, no more vampires! No more makeup! And no more horrible Andrew Dice Clay impersonations! The Cartoonist Conspiracy St. Paul Cell wins!

For our documented rivalry with the Cosmic’s Coffee LARPers/vampires, click on the links below:

June and July 2008 Jams
August 2008 Jam
February 2009 Jam

Otherwise please enjoy our latest jam. It’s titled “Where Have All the Vampires Gone?” Yes, we are rather happy about this development. Be forewarned, the PDF is a whopping 5.7 MB!

If you’d like to participate in the next St. Paul jam, just show up on Thursday, April 16th, 2009 to Cosmic’s Coffee! Bring yourself and bring your friends, by force if you have to! Cartoonists have forced their friends to show up before! What’s stopping you?

April 7000 BC Meeting

7000 BC · independent comics from new mexico

Saturday, April 4 | 1:00 | New York Pizza Department | 2nd and Central | Albuquerque, NM

7000 BC, the northern New Mexico comics creators collective, will hold its monthly meeting at New York Pizza Department on the northwest corner of 2nd and Central.

Start time is 1:00, which means that anyone coming from Santa Fe can ride the Rail Runner to the meeting.

We’ll be working on a jam comic, collecting work for the next string, making plans for our educational programs, and making last-minute preparations for 7000 BC’s appearance at ComicFest.

New members are always welcome. Send an email with any questions.

San Francisco Comic Jam March 26th, 2009

CCSF San Francisco comic jams

The Cartoonist Conspiracy San Francisco comic jam is this week, Thursday March 26, 2009 the Church St. Café at 6:30pm.

Bring your favorite art materials and supplies if you like. You can even come and work on a personal project and just come for the commendatory.

Info: The Cartoonist Conspiracy San Francisco (CCSF) meets twice a month at 6:30 pm on the second and last Thursday of the month at the CHURCH STREET CAFé in San Fransisco CA.

WHEN: Thursday March 26, 2009 6:30 pm to usually sometimes between 9 and 10 pm.
WHERE: Church St. Cafe 260 Church Street San Francisco, CA 94114
MATERIALS: Bring your favorite drawing tools, paper, etc.

Altered Esthetics’ Fifth Anniversary!!!

The Cartoonist Conspiracy is immensely fortunate to have found Altered Esthetics gallery to collaborate with. A non-profit, community and artist centered gallery, we have collaborated with them on the Eric Lappegard Benefit and Lutefisk Sushi Volume C, and this Summer we will be working with them to put together Big Funny (submissions due May First!).

Mark your calendars, because next month is Altered Esthetics fifth birthday, and to celebrate they are having a party/art show/fundraiser April 17th!

They are requesting wood-themed art donations for their fifth ‘wood’ anniversary. Find out the details of how you can donate art to them here.

One other very cool way you can contribute is by donating art to be in the Art Vending Machine
… mini-comics seem made for this.

Please consider donating art, and please let them know the Conspiracy sent you!

Celebrate Ae!

April 2009 marks our fifth birthday! We’re having a giant celebration to commemorate the occasion, in conjunction with our Spring Fundraiser.

Please join us on April 17, 2009 for a celebration and fundraiser featuring:

– A wood-themed art exhibition and silent auction
– A raffle with awesome prizes and goods from local businesses
– Live music
– Refreshments
– Wood themed games
– Awesome company
– And more!

Schedule of Awesomeness
5:00pm: Raffle, Silent Auction, Games, DJ
9:00pm: Silent Auction and Raffle ends, winners announced
9:30pm: Live music begins, festivities continue, the people rejoice.

Jamie Chase Sketchbooks Now Available


From Jamie Chase, creator of Muse, illustrator on Death, Cold As Steel and The Darkness From Warsaw — and a modernist figurative painter — three new sketchbooks are now available. Some sketches are development for other projects, others are just for the fun of it.

We’re working on an update to the 7000 BC store. In the meantime, send an email if you’re interested in purchasing and we’ll work something out. Sirens is more pages and is $5, the other two are $3; we’ll do $10 for the set; we’ll have to add something in for shipping. They’re also available in Santa Fe at True Believers.

Microcon Volunteers Needed! Sunday April 26th

FALLCON’s sassy little sister MICROCON is coming up very soon! Sunday April 26th from 10AM to 4PM… a whole lot of fun packed into six little hours. The Midwest Comic Book Association always does a wonderful job making cartoonists feel welcome… you won’t want to miss it.

We need volunteers to meet and greet, draw, and spread the good word. Please let me know if you’re interested in the comments or via email at webmaster (at)… thanks!

Here is a chicklet to put on your website to help promote it:

string #12

Now available for download — the latest issue of string, the regular anthology of comics from 7000 BC.

Download a PDF of string #12 and check out future issues every month. In this one, the latest Peoplings, ruminants, enlightenment, and Danny with The Funniest Frickin’ Comic Strip in the Whole Damn Universe.

Previous issues: string #1 | string #2 | string #3 | string #4 | string #5| string #6 | string #7 | string #8 | string #9 | string #10 | string#11