San Francisco JAM Thursday Dec 11,2008 and cheap-ass-white-elephant exchange info

Reminder that the last Comic Jam of 2008 is on this Thursday Dec 11, 2008 from 6:30 to 9/10 ish at the Church St. Café.

Info: The Cartoonist Conspiracy San Francisco (CCSF) meets twice a month at 6:30 pm on the second and last Thursday of the month at the CHURCH STREET CAFé in San Fransisco CA.

WHEN: Thursday Dec 11, 2008. 6:30 pm to usually sometimes between 9 and 10 pm.
WHERE: Church St. Cafe 260 Church Street San Francisco, CA 94114



GOAL: to celebrate the holidays by being CHEAP and getting rid of comics, books, zines, art materials, postcards, cool art, stickers, left over Halloween candy and other cartoonist/artist friendly things AND to get some new stuff in return.

WHO: Participation is OPTIONAL.

WHEN: 8:00 PM Dec 11, 2008 at Comic Jam (Jam runs from 6:30pm to 9/10ish pm)

RULES: Bring a cheap-ass-white-elephant gift and get one in return. No complaining about what you get, but trading at the end is encouraged.

HOW: WIth the economic state our country is in it’s a perfect time to have some holiday fun that is CHEAP CHEAP CHEAP.

1) Just grab some comics/books, drawings/art, etc. that you don’t want anymore and think other artist would like — CHEAP.
2) Get a free mailing envelope from work or the post office or fed-ex Kinko’s (the cardboard flat rate mailers would be great since they make it harder to tell what’s in it–CHEAP.
3) Stuff stuff into envelop and seal envelope.
4) Put a secret mark so you don’t pick your envelope when it’s your turn.
5) Come to CCSF jam

6) at 8pm any one who brought a CAWEgift will draw a number. Person 1 can pick one of the packages and then open it up for all to see. Person 2, 3, 4 etc have the option of ‘stealing’ from someone else the whole package (not just part) or picking a new one. The person who was ‘robbed’ can then pick a new package from the pile. The rules can be modified by the group if need be.

7) Enjoy out packages of goodies or trade with others the contents.

NOTE: If you really fee inclined to buy something for the cheap-ass-white-elephant gift exchange, try to keep it cheap and fun (comics for $0.10 are a good idea for instance)

About Brian Kolm

Brian Kolm is a Artist and Instructor working in the San Francisco Bay Area. His work can be seen at

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