2nd St. Paul Comic Jam Comic Contest

Once again, we’re running a contest to determine the subject of the jam comic produced every third Thursday by the St. Paul cell of the International Cartoonist Conspiracy.

I’m asking anyone who cares to, to post a reply here suggesting a topic/title for the comic to be produced at the May 15, 2008 meeting. 

The week of the meeting, if any suggestions have been made, they’ll be put to a vote, and the winner will not only see their idea brought to life, but will be awarded the original jam comic pages, compliments of the city of St. Paul.

Past jam comic contest winner, Steven Stwalley, won with his entry ELEPHANTS IN UNDERPANTS . . . surely, you can do better than that.

The winner will be awarded their prize after it has been scanned for posterity and posted to the ICC site. If the winner is unable or unwilling to pick up their prize in person, it will be mailed to them at our expense.

The St. Paul cell is accepting entries until Monday May 12, when the voting begins.

Enter now, and may the best concept win.

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