Hi Folks!
Hope everyone had a great New Year’s, and that 2012 is starting off on a good note! Just a reminder…I am still looking for guest strips for my webcomic, www.sa-bomjimcomic.com
If you would like to do a guest strip, please send your submission to me at jsloan28@hotmail.com. I would like to get jpegs, a rough size guideline is that many of my strips are roughly 8.5 inches by 11 inches. Along with your submission, I would like you to send a small writeup of your work so I can plug your site and other projects you have been working on.
I would like to get these on or after Jan. 15.
What I am looking for:
I am just looking for others to do a strip with my characters that doesn’t have to tie in with any of my regular story lines. It can be just a pin-up if you’d like. Just a small word on content…my stuff is generally regarded as “G” to “PG” rated, so if you could please work within that framework, it would be greatly appreciated!
If you have any questions, please reach me at the above email address.
Thanks to whomever can submit a strip. Again, hope 2012 is treating you all very well!
Jon Sloan