Zander Cannon is the Featured Artist for Lutefisk Sushi Volume E!

Few people realize that Zander Cannon is actually only eight inches tall!

We voted the other week to pick who would be the featured artist for Lutefisk Sushi Volume E, and Zander Cannon won in a close race (thanks to everyone who participated). Congratulations Zander! Zander, if you do not know, is an Eisner-Award winning cartoonist whose best-known work includes The Replacement God, Top Ten, Smax, and numerous non-fiction graphic novels with his partner Kevin Cannon at Big Time Attic. Zander has around 20 years of professional cartooning under his belt… it is going to be hard to pick what pieces to feature in the exhibit. Next year will also be the debut of Zander’s wonderful romp into Hell, Heck! from Top Shelf Comix.

Lutefisk Sushi Volume E will be debuting November 2012 at Altered Esthetics gallery in Nordeast Minneapolis. As with the four previous Lutefisk Sushi shows it will feature a big, limited-edition bento box of handmade mini-comics by Minnesota cartoonists. The cover will be hand-silkscreened with a design by Zander Cannon. Any resident of Minnesota is welcome to contribute their mini-comics to be included in the box… watch this site for details.

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