In addition to the recent addition of numerous useful site feeds you can subscribe to on the site, I’ve recently made a number of other major improvements.
- I switched the Cartoonist Conspiracy Events and Conspire! Cartooning Gig Deadline feeds to be Google Calendars, which are intuitive and easy to use. They are in the sidebar of the blog, as well on their own pages at the previous links.
- I upgraded the message board to the latest version and got some help from conspirator Jeff Faust to hopefully fend off the spam robots. Thanks Jeff! Hopefully we will no longer be a good resource for links to porn, pharmaceuticals and malware.
- I split many of the feeds in the side nav of the blog out to their own pages (they are still in the side nav as well) to make them easier to browse. I mentioned the events and cartooning gig pages… there is also a news page that puts the Conspiracy News, Conspirators and Comics News feeds in one place.
- I altered and simplified the header to the site.
- I added tags to a number of the old blog posts from before we had a tagging system.
I also wanted to note some cool opportunites for conspirators to promote themselves and their local cell:
1) Any conspirator with an RSS feed can be added to the Conspire! Conspirators feed… just contact me with the feed info and I’ll get you added.
2) If you are helping manage a cell or starting a new cell, I can get you set up to add events to our calendar, and to blog on our Conspire! group blog (i.e. what you are reading right now). Again, contact me and I’ll get you added.