Monthly Archives: July 2011

Rain Taxi Brings Craig Thompson to MCAD to Speak September 26th

Info at Rain Taxi here.

Monday, September 26, 2011, 7:00 pm
Minneapolis College of Art and Design, Auditorium
2501 Stevens Ave., Minneapolis
Click here for directions

Acclaimed graphic novelist Craig Thompson returns from a seven-year hiatus this fall with the publication of Habibi, an epic romance that investigates the history of religion and storytelling. Habibi is a hugely anticipated release that Thompson says looks at Islam the way his previous graphic novel, Blankets, looks at Christianity. Blankets was once banned from some libraries, and Habibi is expected to be no less controversial and no less enthusiastically received as a watershed moment in the art form of comics.

At this special Twin Cities appearance, Thompson will give a visual presentation and discussion of his work. Not to be missed!

. . . his brilliantly realized artwork transforms whatever potential for triteness lies in his message into profundity. . . . Goodbye, Chunky Rice is a heartfelt masterpiece.
—Rain Taxi Review of Books

Blankets magically recreates the high emotional stakes of adolescence. Thompson has set new bars for the medium not just in length, but breadth.
—Time Magazine

Craig Thompson’s previous graphic novels include Blankets (for which he received three Harvey Awards for Best Artist, Best Graphic Album of Original Work, and Best Cartoonist; and two Eisner Awards for Best Graphic Album and Best Writer/Artist); Goodbye, Chunky Rice; and Carnet de Voyage. He lives in Portland, Oregon.

St. Paul Cartoonist Conspiracy Jam! This Thursday, July 21, 2011!

Join the St. Paul Cartoonist Conspiracy Cell and create a jam comic at Cahoots Coffee! This locale provides us with not only a spacious room in the back of the shop, but also they have tasty mediterranean food for sale!

The jamming is easy and it’s a fun time! Just bring some drawing utensils, an idea for the jam, and a few bucks to get a tasty beverage or some chow — don’t forget to tip, the baristas really do appreciate that!

The jam will start promptly at 6:30 and run until 10:30 at the latest. Come earlier to reserve your space! Seating can be limited at times!

The meetings are open to anyone who wants to draw with us, and the results will be posted here at some date yet to be determined.

To join us come to:
Cahoots Coffee
1562 Selby Ave
St Paul, MN 55104
(Southeast corner of Snelling and Selby)

More not than often we head on over to grab a brew at:
O’Gara’s Bar and Grill
164 Snelling Ave N
St. Paul, MN 55104
(Right next to Cahoots!)

Bus info here.

Hope to see you there!

The Data Red Comics Update

Hey All! I just thought I would drop a note and say that I’m off to 2011 San Diego Comic-Con in a few weeks. This will be my third time there. I’ll make MPLS proud.

In addition, I’ve got a Twitter account @dataredcomics. I’ll be tweeting all the crazy as it happens. I hope to meet Bruce Campbell, chainsaws up!

In other news, I’ve signed a digital distribution deal with iVerse comics+. I should have my first few books up soon. We’ll see where it goes.


Justin “Spanky” Cermak

Minneapolis Jam: July 2011

Summary: Act I: Zander Cannon introduces himself and sets the tone for the discussion. Act II: Zander dives into his talk, deftly describing how he structures a three act story, emphasizing how to weave in characters, theme, and flow. Act III: In a final heroic push, Zander answers questions and wraps up this month’s Summit. As always, we videotaped the Summit, and those videos will be posted online eventually.

Next month (August 4) the Nordeast Comics Summit is pleased to welcome Rob Stenzinger to the stage for a talk that’s tentatively titled, “Using your comics characters as a basis for a videogame.” We’ll have more detailed info on later in the month. Rob tells me there’re a lot of different directions his talk can take, so come with questions! And on September 1 Danno Klonowski will take the stage. Details on that are forthcoming as well!

If there’s a topic you’d like to see or even lead yourself, contact me at nordeastcomics [at] The next available date is October 6, 2011.

Follow us on Twitter! handle: NORDEASTCOMICS

We have some sad news to report. Two of our favorite local cartoonists — Lars Martinson and Red Tenderson* — are leaving our fair state to pursue greener pastures. A few of us had a going away BBQ for Lars last weekend, and for Red Tenderson we decided to devote this month’s Cartoonist Conspiracy jam to his favorite topic:

Friendship is Magic

Hello, Friend.
Click image for pdf — a syndicated 7 mb!

Please enjoy, and godspeed Lars and Red.

*In the interest of him not losing his new job, Red’s real name is hidden from this google searchable blog post.

July 7000 BC Meeting

Saturday, July 9 | 1:00 | New York Pizza Department | 2nd and Central | Albuquerque, NM

7000 BC · independent comics from new mexico

Join us for an afternoon of socializing, planning, talking about — and maybe even making — comics. July’s 7000 BC meeting will be at New York Pizza Department on the northwest corner of 2nd and Central.

Start time is 1:00, which means that anyone coming from Santa Fe can ride the Rail Runner to the meeting.

We especially hope to see all the people we met at ACE — new members are always welcome. Send an email with any questions, or check out the new Membership page.


TOPIC: “Brainstorming, Plotting, and Structuring a 3-Act Story” 


DATE: Thursday, June 2, 2011
TIME: 6 – 6:30 pm
LOCATION: 1618 Central Ave NE, Ste. 216, Nordeast MPLS

More info on the Nordeast Comics Summit website here. You’ll want to check out that site regardless of whether you plan to attend, as it links to a wealth of educational material that Big Time Attic has written.

Follow the Nordeast Comics Summit on Twitter! handle: NORDEASTCOMICS

The Minneapolis Cartoonist Conspiracy meets at 6:30 until 10:00 the first Thursday of every month at Diamond’s Coffee Shoppe in Northeast.

Afterwards, please join us to draw some jam comics, socialize and drink caffeinated beverages. Afterwords, we often have uncaffeinated beverages somewhere else.

The meetings are open to anyone who wants to draw with us, and the results are posted here sooner or later (and sometimes even printed).

Diamond’s Coffee Shoppe
1618 Central Avenue Northeast
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Bus info here.

Please spend some money at Diamond’s while you’re there, even if it is just a cuppa coffee… they are excellent hosts, and we wanna stay welcome there.