Monthly Archives: March 2007

March 7000 BC Meeting this Sunday

Sunday, March 11 | Noon | One World Coffee and Second Street Brewery | Santa Fe, NM

This month’s meeting begins around noon at One World Coffee &#151 where we’ll be working on a jam, with participants contributing a panel to a group story. Later in the afternoon, we’ll head next door to Second Street Brewery, and do the business portion of the meeting around 5:00. Note: even though it’s a brewery, all ages are welcome at Second Street.

Send an email with any questions.

Rice Cartoonist Conspiracy

The Rice Cartoonist Conspiracy is meeting from 7:00 -9:00 pm on March 10, 2007 at the Rice Print Shop art gallery on the 2nd floor of 310 Division St S, in Rice, MN. Join us for a pleasant evening of art, pizza and conversation. Art supplies are available for those who lack them, but for maximum joy, bring your favorite implements of destruction.

Also on the same night get a preview of our new photography exhibit featuring the work of Sloan Thrasher, Linda Tenney and David Carlyon.

Hope to see you there!

Questions? Call 320-393-3349 or, our weekend like at 492-0475. Alternatively, you may email us at

Thanks! 🙂

Date Set For 24 Hour Comics Day This Year

As most of you already know, the date for 24 Hour Comics Day changes from year to year. This year it will be October 20th. Read more on the 24 Hour Comics Day Blog.

I picked this date after consulting with the hosts of the 2006 events. While there is certainly nothing they all agreed on, they were generally happier with a fall date for the event, and generally happy with this particular date.

The next step is to start signing up hosts. We’ve already started to hear from people who wanted to host events in countries that have not had events in the past, so there’s a very good chance that this year will once again be bigger. However, we resisted officially taking any sign-ups before now. We’re ready — go to to see what hosts are required to agree to, and fill out the form there if you agree to it all (there’s an email address there if you have relevant questions.)

The step after this will be to try to organize some of those hosts into also taking care of some of the behind-the-scenes aspect of running this event. I think there’s a lot of growth left in this thing, but we’re reaching the limits of my competencies in a lot of aspects. And besides, I’d really like to participate in the Day, if not this year then in 2008.

Anyway, set Saturday, October 20, 2007 aside on your calendar. You won’t get much sleep, but you’ll get a lot done.