Category Archives: Opportunities

Submit to Creative Property Show at Altered Esthetics (Deadline July 15th)

Besides putting on the annual comic art show (like this year’s Lutefisk Sushi event, deadline September 15th), Altered Esthetics gallery somehow manages to put on a show every month… which is incredibly impressive for a non-profit, community-run gallery. You can keep up with all of their open calls for submissions here.

Another event many of you may want to consider submitting to is the Creative Property show (deadline July 15ht). The show features a look at the issues surrounding and the boundaries of intellectual property ownership, issues that are certainly often on the minds of cartoonists.

Can a person claim ownership of an intangible asset? Artists face the issues of copyright and trademark as they relate to originality and creativity.

Go here to submit.

Mini-Comics Day Minneapolis 2012 (This Saturday, May 26th) Info… You Could Win the Stapler Award! Judges Announced.

Pictured above: 2011 Stapler Award Winner Dan Murphy holds his prize.

The self-descriptive “2012 Stapler Award for the Best Minnesota Mini-Comics Day Mini-Comic” will be given out around 8PM or so in the side room at Grumpy’s downtown after the event at Book Arts. You will need to submit three copies of your completed-that-day comic to enter.

This year’s judges for the “2012 Stapler Award for the Best Minnesota Mini-Comics Day Mini-Comic”

Eric Lorberer, Editor of Rain Taxi Review of Books
Courtney Algeo, Editorial Director of Paper Darts and Marketing Coordinator at The Loft Literary Center
Miles Johnson of the Read My List blog and Altered Esthetics gallery (hosts for the upcoming Lutefisk Sushi Volume E project)

UPDATE: Besides the award, there will be cool prizes for the winner… a $25 gift certificate to Big Brain Comics courtesy of Big Brain Comics, and a free pass to the Northeast Ride ($25 value), courtesy of the Northeast CDC.

Here is the previously posted event info:

Mini-Comics Day is this Saturday! On Mini-Comics Day, participating cartoonists draw and print a mini-comic in a day. Any cartoonist in the world can participate in the event… if you would like to host an event in your community, contact us and we’ll get you set up.

Here is the information for those of you participating in the Twin Cities:

The Minnesota Center For Book Arts
1011 Washington Ave S
Minneapolis, MN
May 26th, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
A copier will be available on site. Copies will cost $.02 each, but Big Brain Comics and Big Time Attic will generously be helping defray some of the expense.
Table space will be provided on a first come, first served basis.
Bring your own drawing materials.
Afterwards, we will move a block over to Grumpy’s to give out “The Stapler Award for the Best Minnesota Mini-Comics Day Mini-Comic 2012.” To enter we will need three copies of your mini-comic before 7:30PM.
1111 Washington Ave S
Minneapolis, MN
Contact: Steven Stwalley

This may be a good opportunity for you to get a mini-comic ready for the upcoming Lutefisk Sushi Volume E project happening at Altered Esthetics in November.

Help promote the event! Here are assets for the Minneapolis event by 2011 Stapler Award Winner Dan Murphy.

Here is a poster you can print and hang.

Here are flyers to leave around town.

Here are graphics for your website, social-networking site, etc.:

If you use facebook, you may want to sign up here.

Submission Info For City Pages 2012 Comix Issue

City Pages is putting together another one of their fun Comix issues. Here are the details.

Also, Sarah Morean asks in the comments:

Will contributors be paid this year?

And City Pages replies:

Yes! City Pages always pays a predetermined fee for comics that appear in print. Those not chosen for print are offered to be displayed in honorarium online for no fee. If you download the Size & Compensation pdf it explains rates further.

Compensation is delineated in the pdf here.

Mini-Comics Day 2012 is this Saturday! (May 26th)

Mini-Comics Day is this Saturday! On Mini-Comics Day, participating cartoonists draw and print a mini-comic in a day. Any cartoonist in the world can participate in the event… if you would like to host an event in your community, contact us and we’ll get you set up.

Here is the information for those of you participating in the Twin Cities:

The Minnesota Center For Book Arts
1011 Washington Ave S
Minneapolis, MN
May 26th, 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Copier will be available on site.
Table space will be provided on a first come, first served basis.
Afterwards, we will move a block over to Grumpy’s to give out “The Stapler Award for the Best Minnesota Mini-Comics Day Mini-Comic 2012.” To enter we will need three copies of your mini-comic before 7:30PM.
1111 Washington Ave S
Minneapolis, MN
Contact: Steven Stwalley

This may be a good opportunity for you to get a mini-comic ready for the upcoming Lutefisk Sushi Volume E project happening at Altered Esthetics in November.

Help promote the event! Here are assets for the Minneapolis event by 2011 Stapler Award Winner Dan Murphy.

Here is a poster you can print and hang.

Here are flyers to leave around town.

Here are graphics for your website, social-networking site, etc.:

If you use facebook, you may want to sign up here.

Writer seeking artist for pitch

My name is Ted Anderson, and I’m looking for an artist to collaborate with on a pitch, and potentially the full project if it’s picked up. The book is a young adult graphic novel–maybe a one-off, maybe a multi-book series–relatively mature (i.e. drugs, alcohol, talking about sex but probably not showing it). It’ll have a dark, realistic tone with very small elements of fantasy/sci-fi. Main characters will be three teenage girls with very different body types, and side characters will include a wide variety of body types, styles, facial features, etc. I’ll pay standard page rate for character sketches, and maybe a few sample pages. Contact me at ted [dawt] anderson [ate] gmail [dawt] com with samples of your work.

24 Hour Comics Day is This Weekend! Come to the Minneapolis Event!

24 Hour Comics Day is this weekend!

Thanks to Carlos Merino for drawing the above poster for the Minneapolis event.


Want to participate? Just show up. Table space is available on a first come, first served basis.

Please consider bringing some snacks to share and help fuel us into the night.

Late night pizza will be sponsored by our friends at the Midwest Comic Book Association and The Source!

Wet Paint will be there to help supply you with needed art supplies early in the event!

24 Hour Comics Day Minneapolis
October 1-2 9AM-9AM

Minnesota Center for Book Arts
Open Book building
(Just down the street from Big Brain Comics)
in the gallery, flexi space (after 12:30 on Saturday), and bindery (until 9am Sunday)
1011 Washington Ave S, Suite 100
Minneapolis, MN 55415
Phone: 612-215-2520

Questions about Mpls’s 24-hour Comic Day?

Write to:

Mpls. 24-hour Comic Day Facebook page.

Mpls. 24-hour Comic Day tweets.

The 24-Hour Comic Day Minneapolis Blog

Here is a promotional chicklet you can use for your social networking site or blog or pong or whatever.

Not in Minneapolis? Not to worry… find a location on the international event site! Click the image below to go there.