Altered Esthetics is gearing up for its 2014 Art Shows, including a new Comic Art Show. This show will be a stripped down version of Rock Ink Roll and Lutefisk Sushi. Instead of focusing on publications and mini-comics, this show will strip comics down to it’s very atom, the single panel comic. Think Family Circus. Think Far Side. Think your Friendly Neighborhood Political Cartoonist!
Altered Esthetics is looking for a Featured Artist for this show. This year we will be having a Featured Artist Contest. To apply to be a Featured Artist, draw up a single panel cartoon as submit it using this form. Be sure to select “Comic Art” as the show you are submitting for.
The best cartoon will be used for the shows promotional material, and the cartoonist will be the Featured Artist for the show! More information about AE’s Featured Artist Contests can be found here.
The deadline is August 31, so get drawing!