Summary: Last night we took a quick tour of InDesign, the second in our tour of the big three Adobe programs that we’ll be covering this winter. InDesign is great for making books, large and small, from press-ready documents to web-viewable pdfs. If you missed last night’s Summit, you can watch the whole thing here:
InDesign Boot Camp:
And here is the pdf we produced during the Summit:
Coming up next!:
MAR. 1: Adrean Clark, “Getting Rich in the Ebook Gold Rush: A Mining Kit for Comic Artists”
APR. 5: Jamie Schumacher, “Tips for Organizing Groups, from Comic Book Clubs to the Next Marvel”
MAY 3: Gordon McAlpin, “Illustrator Boot Camp” – Making digital comics & using digital lettering.
If there’s a topic you’d like to see or even lead yourself, contact me at nordeastcomics [at] The next available date is June 7, 2012.
Follow us on Twitter! handle: NORDEASTCOMICS
I’m not sure where this particular subject came from, but it’s making me extremely sleepy. So while I take a snooze, you should check out:
Relaxation Comfort Home
Click image for pdf — a sleepy 3 mb!
Please enjoy.
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