Minneapolis Jam: June 2011

Summary: Ryan Dow led a spirited discussion about self-promotion. Before we knew what was happening we had all purchased copies of his book, “Failing Buddhism.” As always, we videotaped the Summit, and those videos will be posted online eventually.

Next month the Nordeast Comics Summit is pleased to welcome Zander Cannon to the stage for a talk entitled, “Conceiving, Plotting, and Structuring a 3-Act Story.” Get your clipboards ready for that one. And after that look for Rob Stenzinger to discuss bringing your comic book characters into a video game context (Aug. 4) and then Staplegenius himself, Danno Klonowski, will be taking the floor on September 1 (details forthcoming).

If there’s a topic you’d like to see or even lead yourself, contact me at nordeastcomics [at] gmail.com. The next available date is October 6, 2011.

Follow us on Twitter! handle: NORDEASTCOMICS

Since you’re reading this you’ve probably figured out that the world didn’t end as predicted. As such, self-proclaimed prophets get a right proper skewering in:

The Prophet Speaks: AIDS and Toast

Hello, Friend.
Click image for pdf — a butter side down 3.5 mb!

Please enjoy.

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