Hey artist, it’s time for another fun and collaborative comic jam at the Cartoon Art Museum in San Francisco. The last one was pretty awesome and allowed us to make THIS comic. If you are close, why not come and join us for a day of drawings and fun.
The Cartoonist Conspiracy SF and the Cartoon Art Museum Bookstore present…
CAM-JAM 2010 – #2:
Retro Tikis and Texture
Sunday July 18, 2010! 11:30 am to 5:30 pm
It’s time for the 2nd comic jam of 2010, brought to you by the Cartoonist Conspiracy San Francisco and the Cartoon Art Museum Bookstore. The goal is to create a 40 page Mini-Comic Jam anthology with this session’s theme: Retro Tikis and Texture.
The event is FREE to any artist who wants to participate, but spaces are limited and on a first-come-first serve bases.
A printed version of our final mini-comic will be available to participants for $5** each (includes printing and shipping) and will be mailed out in the following two weeks.
To see our last jam comic: CAM-JAM #1, “Samurai Sunday†… http://issuu.com/cartoonistconspiracysf/docs/samuraisunday_camjam
Where: Lobby of the Cartoon Art Museum, 655 Mission St. San Francisco CA
When: Sunday July 18, 2010 – 11:30 am to 5:30 pm
Cost: FREE to participate, but copies of the final mini comic will cost $5**
What (to bring): Yourself and your favorite drawing tools, especially tools to make textures (stamps, rubbings, stencils, etc), inspiration and reference that fits the theme, and your networking paraphernalia.
(note: you are not required to attend the whole day, but you are encouraged too since it’s fun.)
11:00 am – Sign-in, set-up and schmooze.
11:30 am – Warm-Up Art Jam
12:00 pm – Post the warm-up drawings in the bookstore. Set up to draw. Take a break for a quick lunch or snack if you like.
12:30 pm Start the Comic Jam!
We will break into small teams of artists who will be tasked with creating a short portion of our 40 page mini-comic using the themes of the event. Card stock will be provided to draw on and some drawing tools too, but feel free to bring your favorite materials as well.
5:00 pm STOP
Clean-up and vote on your favorite warm-up drawing. The winner will get a prize of some sort.
** Each artist can get copy(s) of the final Mini-Comic for $5 each; a few extra copies will be available at the bookstore for a full price as our way of helping this wonderful non-profit museum out.
++ (Legal stuff) By participating in the Jam you are giving permission for your work to be placed on-line by the Cartoonist Conspiracy San Francisco and that a limited number of books can be sold as a fundraiser for the Cartoon Art Museum through its bookstore. Every effort to give credit and promote the participants will be made.
5:30 (optional) go out for food/drink and schmooze, draw more, network, have fun.
So, why not join us? Hope to see you there.