string #17

Now available for download — the latest issue of string, the regular anthology of comics from 7000 BC.

Download a PDF of string #17 and check out future issues every month. This issue sees the continuation of Courtney and Jeff’s Peoplings, Dale’s The Dead Rez, Bram and Caleb’s New West (see below to download previous issues), a new Otis story from Jamie, and a true story from Chuck’s wife, illustrated by Danny.

(If the link for the PDF isn’t opening the file up for you, it might work better to right or option-click and download it to your computer.)

Previous issues: string #1 | string #2 | string #3 | string #4 | string #5| string #6 | string #7 | string #8 | string #9 | string #10 | string#11 | string #12 | string #13 | string #14 | string #15 | string #16

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