Meet a real live Hill Cartoonist

Colin-logo-webshelter-cover-photo-xGreetings, Twin City Conspirators! I’ve roamed away from my home range (the hills of New Hampshire) to spend a little time here, and would love to meet some of you. Join me at 7pm at Diamonds Coffee Shop for Inter-Regional Exchange, Drawing, Chatting, Showing Off Of Comics, and Et Cetera! Sorry for the short notice; I’ve been trying to juggle a lot of things while I’ve been here & had trouble figuring out when to do this. So – the last minute it is! I’m here through the end of the week, so feel free to drop me a line at if you’d like to hang out. I’m hoping to make it to the Open Studio Saturday, schedule permitting.

You can see my comics here and the Trees & Hills Comics Group of VT, NH & west MA, which I co-organize, by clicking the name. I’ll have a suitcase full of comics by various New Englanders with me at the event. Hope to see you!

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