BAM TOO! (Big Ass Mini-Comic) Anthology Looking for Submissions

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It’s time to announce that BAM TOO, the follow up to the experiment BAM! (Big Ass Mini-Comic) Anthology is gearing up for a serious go at the title.
We’re looking for artists who wish to lend their voice along with others in the spirit of some good comics.

Submissions guidelines can be found here at the S.P.A.M (Super. Powered. Anthology. Makers) website.

A few guests that are contributing:

Matt Feazell
Jefferey Brown
Andy Hartzell
Matt Bellisle
MH Campos

Just to name a few. A full list of contributors will be forth coming at the site which is a work in progress but open now.

More info to come.

Hope to see you there!

-J.M. Hunter, Publisher/Co-editor of BAM TOO! (Big Ass Mini-Comic).

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