Category Archives: Public Domain Day

Come jam with us Thursday, January 4th for the first annual PUBLIC DOMAIN DAY JAM!

Public Domain Day 2024

The Minneapolis Cartoonist Conspiracy meets at 6:30 until 9:00 or so the first Thursday of every month at Insight Brewing in Northeast. This month we will be having our first annual Public Domain Day Jam, celebrating Mickey Mouse finally being given his freedom!

See some of what enters the public domain this year here:

Read about the history of Disney’s theft of our public domain, and what you are and are not now legally allowed to do with Mickey Mouse here (Disney’s trademarks and later interpretations still prevent some uses):

Read about the history of The Air Pirates, Disney’s most glaring example of legally harassing cartoonists for using their characters in fair-use parody here:

Generally, we draw collaborative jam comics, socialize and drink beverages.

The meetings are open to anyone who wants to draw with us, and the results are usually posted here sooner or later (and sometimes even printed).

Insight Brewing
2821 E. Hennepin Ave.

Please spend some money at Insight Brewing while you’re there, as we want to stay welcome there.