Category Archives: Classes

The Art of Writing Comics Class at The Loft

There is an upcoming Art of Writing Comics class at the Loft being taught by Tom Spence on Tuesdays from July 10th to August 14th. Here is the info:

Comics are, most often, a blend of words and images interwoven to produce a whole story. There is a certain alchemy to the process of comic making. And while there is no right or wrong kind of comic, the storytellers must know what it is they want to accomplish on their pages. That is why a well-structured script is essential. It not only establishes a strong foundation for the words, but also for the images, and is essential for a story’s success. Through exercise, discussion, and analysis of comic professionals like writers Alan Moore, Warren Ellis, and Garth Ennis and writer/ artists like Craig Thompson and Brian Lee O’Malley, students will find the advantages of scripting their stories and learn the fundamentals of a complete comic narrative.

Go here to register.