All posts by Erika Finne

Mini-Comics Day 2016!

logo_greyThis Saturday, March 12th, from 10am to 4pm.

At the Minnesota Center for Book Arts.

Mini-Comics Day is an annual event celebrating the art of cartooning and creating hand-made comic books (the first event was held April 9th, 2011). It happens on the second Saturday of March every year.

On Mini-Comics Day, participating cartoonists from around the world will write, draw, and print copies of a mini-comic, completing the entire process from start to finish in a day or less. Anyone in the world can participate.

Mini-comics have been democratizing the art of making comic books since the 70’s or earlier… with the popularization of photocopiers, it became apparent that anyone with an inclination and some spare change could print a little comic book. Wildly varying in both form and content, mini-comics are a wonderful synthesis of cartooning and hand-made art objects.

Guidelines: To participate, create a mini-comic from start to finish on Mini-Comics Day (including writing, drawing and printing it). You can make your mini-comic by yourself or with other artists.

Format: Your mini-comic can be any size, length and format you desire. A standard mini-comics size would be eight 4.25″x5.5″ pages (which can be made from one 8.5×11 sheet of paper printed on both sides).

for instructions ~

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Mini-Comics Day 2016!

Join us at the Minnesota Center For Book Arts, Saturday March 12th, 10 am to 4pm.

Mini-Comics Day is an annual event celebrating the art of cartooning and creating hand-made comic books (the first event was held April 9th, 2011). It happens on the second Saturday of March every year.

On Mini-Comics Day, participating cartoonists from around the world will write, draw, and print copies of a mini-comic, completing the entire process from start to finish in a day or less. Anyone in the world can participate.

Mini-comics have been democratizing the art of making comic books since the 70’s or earlier… with the popularization of photocopiers, it became apparent that anyone with an inclination and some spare change could print a little comic book. Wildly varying in both form and content, mini-comics are a wonderful synthesis of cartooning and hand-made art objects.

Guidelines: To participate, create a mini-comic from start to finish on Mini-Comics Day (including writing, drawing and printing it). You can make your mini-comic by yourself or with other artists.

Format: Your mini-comic can be any size, length and format you desire. A standard mini-comics size would be eight 4.25″x5.5″ pages (which can be made from one 8.5×11 sheet of paper printed on both sides).

for instructions ~

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