March 7000 BC Meeting

Send an email with any questions. New members and interested folks are always welcome
Wednesday, March 05, 2008March 7000 BC MeetingSunday, March 9 | 2:00 | Winning Coffee Company and Brickyard Pizza | Albuquerque, NM
![]() Send an email with any questions. New members and interested folks are always welcome Wednesday, February 13, 20087000 BC at Breakin HeartsBreakin Hearts | Saturday, Feb 16th |
6 pm-midnight | UNM Student Union Building Grand Ballroom | Albuquerque, NM ![]() 7000 BC will once again have a table at Breakin Hearts, Albuquerque's hip-hop festival, this weekend on Saturday, February 16. A larger venue with plenty of activities (including afternoon workshops) will make this their biggest and best yet. Look for Fakin' The Funk and other comics from local creators at the 7000 BC table. Friday, February 08, 2008See "Independents" and meet Windy Pini (Elf Quest) Tuesday February 12 7-9pmThis just came in from Andrew Farago at the Cartoon Art Museum...
We'll be screening comic-book documentary film Independents at the Cartoon Art Museum this Tuesday, February 12 from 7-9pm. Director/Fillmmaker Chris Brandt will be on hand for a Q&A session, and we'll also be featuring a brief live-and-in-person interview with Wendy Pini, creator of the classic indie comic Elfquest. They will be interviewed by manga authority Deb Aoki after the film. Admission is only $5, and the event is free to Cartoon Art Museum members. Best, Andrew Farago Gallery Manager Cartoon Art Museum Cartoon Art Museum Event: Tuesday, February 12, 2008 from 7pm to 9pm $5 General Public, Free for Cartoon Art Museum Members Please click on these links for more information: Sunday, February 03, 2008February 7000 BC MeetingSunday, February 10 | Noon | Backroads Pizza and Second Street Brewery | Santa Fe, NM
![]() Send an email with any questions. Wednesday, January 30, 2008Free Conventions For CartoonistsI'm curious how many conventions are out there that offer free table space and attendance for creators. I've mentioned the wonderful Minneapolis conventions FallCon and MicroCon as two examples of this rare practice in the past... they both offer free table space to any creator who asks for it until table space runs out. Josh Blair mentioned Syracuse Heroes Expo, Ithacon and the Ithaca Winter Comic Book Show on my personal blog here. Are any of you aware of any other conventions that do this? Please let us know in the comments.
Labels: Events Tuesday, January 15, 2008Sunday Comix February Gallery ShowsThat's right! Sunday Comix members' artwork will on display during the month of February at TWO gallery shows:
![]() "Komics @ Kerouac" is a Sunday Comix specific show featuring members Matt & Ellen Wyatt, Ray Tomczak, Max Ink and others' framed art on display as well as their books for sale all thru the month of February at the Kafé Kerouac (2250 N. High St. Columbus). Kafé hours are Mon-Fri, 8am to 11pm, Sat, 10am to 11pm, and Sun, Noon to 10pm. The opening reception will be held at the Kafé on Friday, Feb 1 from 7-11p. ![]() A few members of the Sunday Comix group will also be participating in the National Cartoonists Society, Great Lakes Chapter sponsored show, "LAUGHS AT LAKESIDE" at the High Road Gallery (12 E Stafford Ave, Worthington) from January 30 to February 23. Gallery hours are Wed-Fri, 12-4pm and Sat, 11:30am-4pm. Sunday Comix will be hosting a Comix Jam during the Opening Reception on Sunday, February 3, 2:00 - 4:00 pm. Labels: Columbus, Events, gallery show, hype, News, Sunday Comix Monday, January 07, 2008Art School Summer US PremiereConspirators Dave and Mary Sandberg have completed a feature length cartoon, Art School Summer, which is having its US premiere in Minneapolis on the 12th! Bill Plympton is the only other animator I'm aware of that has made feature length animated films basically on his own (although their probably have been some others), so big congratulations to them on this amazing and rare accomplishment.
Art School Summer Saturday Jan 12th at 7:30 Premiering at: MCAD 2501 Stevens Ave. Minneapolis, MN 55404 In the big auditorium 150 The screening is free but seating might be in short supply. Note that my understanding is that the film contains a whole lotta content that is not suitable for people under 18... so if you are under 18, please don't try to attend. If you are 18 or over, you won't want to miss it. There will be a reception afterwards in NE... information on that at the event. Labels: animation, Events, Minneapolis Thursday, January 03, 2008DOWNLOAD THE LUTEFISK SUSHI VOLUME C SUBMISSIONS DOC![]() Above: A rendition of the Conspiracy Logo Fiend by Lutefisk Sushi Volume C featured artist Kevin Cannon from the Big Time Attic Blog. Click it to download the submission info. You can download and print the Lutefisk Sushi submission info here. If you don't have software for viewing a word document, you can get high-quality, free office software at Labels: Events, Lutefisk Sushi, Opportunities LUTEFISK SUSHI "C"IT'S COMING!!!!!
LUTEFISK SUSHI VOLUME C CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS The third Cartoonist Conspriacy organized Lutefisk Sushi event, Lutefisk Sushi Volume C will be happening at Altered Esthetics in May 2008 (the month of Art-A-Whirl!). For those of you who aren't familiar with the previous events/compilations, you can see more about them here and here. We need submissions! The focus of the show will again be around a big ol' fancy hand-serigraphed box of mini-comics with a cover by featured artist Kevin Cannon. It will be limited to 150 copies... every participant will receive one. To participate: 1) You must live in Minnesota. 2) You must provide us with 160 copies of your comic. Not 161, not 159, not 2,364. 160. Your mini-comic can be no larger than 5.5" x 8.5", or it won't fit. It can be any format and length. For the first set we even had a scroll hand-silkscreened in invisible ink. Please only submit one title, as space is limited. 3) You may also include other comics or other items you wish to have sold at the gallery. Make sure your name is in the comic somewhere and put a price on the cover. Also include a folded 3x5 card with the name of the comic and the price on it for each comic you are selling. If we do not have an obvious way of telling how much your comic costs, we will not sell it (note when pricing that the gallery gets 30% of the sales price). We will do our best to be fair about the limited display space we have for various items... if you submit a lot of items, we may not have room to display them all. 4) You must matte, frame, or otherwise make presentable and hangable any originals you intend to have displayed. If you don't do this we will not hang your work... frames can be purchased cheaply easily enough at thrift stores and other places. It is not required that you display originals, but it is encouraged. Put your name and the price of the piece on the back of the piece (note when pricing that the gallery gets 30% of the sales price). 5) You must submit everything by no later than March 15, 2008. 6) You must include the form with your submission. Submissions without forms will not be included in the show. 7) Every participant will receive a bento box. You must show up on opening night to pick up your Bento Box, or you must make other arrangements before then if you plan on getting one. 8) You must pick up your remaining original artwork, unsold comics and money (if any) at the end of the show. Any money or artwork not picked up by the artists will be kept by the gallery to do with as they please. 9) While it is not required, your assistance would be greatly appreciated collating the Bento Boxes at the collating party. We will also be looking for many volunteers to hang out and draw jam comics during art-a-whirl. You're also encouraged to suggest and organize other related activities for the month. We intend to include in the box all submissions that meet ALL these criteria. Please read the criteria carefully before submitting, as it takes a LOT of our time and resources to go back and hassle people for items they are missing. Entries not meeting ALL of the above criteria will NOT be included in the box. No previous comic book making experience is necessary to participate. While we plan on having all entries meeting the criteria included in the Lutefisk Sushi Volume C Bento Box, if we get a lot of entries, we may have to cut it off somewhere- we'll let you know if the limit is getting close on the conspiracy website. We had around 50 participants last time, and the box was packed to overflowing. First come, first served, so get your submissions in early. In addition to the boxes, there will also be a lot of original artwork from the participating cartoonists on the walls. Using the artwork from the comic you submit to the Bento Box is preferred, although it is not required. ALL artwork should be priced for sale... let's make the gallery some money. Submitting multiple items for display is fine, although we can't guarantee we will have room for everything. In addition to the main show, there will also be a "sideshow" featuring the art of Kevin Cannon. Profits from the originals and comics will be split with the artists and gallery 70 (artists)-30 (gallery). Profits from the Bento Boxes will go first to reimburse our miscellaneous production expenses, and then to the gallery (which is a wonderful non-profit organization we are thrilled to be involved with). Lutefisk Sushi Volume B is being sponsored and organized by The International Cartoonist Conspiracy (, Altered Esthetics ( and Big Time Attic ( LUTEFISK SUSHI VOLUME C PARTICIPATION FORM Name: Address: Phone Number: Email Address: Name of the work you are submitting to the Bento Box: Indicate prices of any originals included here (and on the backs of the originals): Indicate prices and titles of any comics you are selling here (and on the books.. also include a folded 3x5 card with the name and price of each book you are giving us to sell): I am aware that The International Cartoonist Conspiracy, Big Time Attic, and Altered Ethetics do not insure or agree to be responsible for any theft, damage, or loss of any article. I freely choose to exhibit in Altered Esthetics and I agree to accept any and all loss, theft, or damage resulting directly or indirectly from registrant's participation in these activities. In return for the benefits I will receive from participation, I agree to not sue or to hold the organizers, their directors, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers responsible for any loss, theft, or damage connected with registrant's participation in the exhibition. SIGN HERE Send this form along with your submissions and the standard Altered Esthetics exhibition contract ( to: BIG TIME ATTIC 1618 Central Ave. NE Suite 216 Minneapolis, MN 55413 (612) 521-7423 Questions? Contact Danno at staplegenius at Labels: Events, Lutefisk Sushi, Opportunities Wednesday, November 07, 2007Leap of Faith at Susan Hensel GalleryTwo press releases for this weekend's Leap of Faith gallery show Minneapolis Conspirator Andrey Feldshteyn is featured in:
and Mark Your Calendars Labels: Events Wednesday, October 31, 2007Jam in Minneapolis this Thursday, November FirstThe Minneapolis Cartoonist Conspiracy meets at 6:30 until 10:00 the first Thursday of every month at Diamond's Coffee Shoppe in Northeast.
Generally, we draw collaborative "jam" comics, socialize and drink caffeinated beverages. Afterwards, we often have uncaffeinated beverages somewhere else. The meetings are open to anyone who wants to draw with us, and the results are posted on our website sooner or later (and sometimes even printed). Diamond's Coffee Shoppe 1618 Central Avenue Northeast Minneapolis, Minnesota Bus info here. Please spend some money at Diamond's while you're there, even if it is just a cuppa coffee... they are excellent hosts, and we wanna stay welcome there. Big Time Attic is now officially hosting our monthly jam meetings at Diamond's... they will be supplying us with a big old plate of pastries or something each month. Thanks fellas! ![]() Labels: Events Sunday, October 28, 2007November 7000 BC MeetingSunday, November 4 | 2:00 | Winning Coffee Company and Brickyard Pizza | Albuquerque, NM
![]() Send an email with any questions. Thursday, October 25, 2007Joe Sacco in Minneapolis November 13thFrom the Drawn and Quarterly blog:
Rain Taxi sponsors a reading series as a further demonstration of its commitment to literary culture. All events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted. Labels: Events Sunday, October 21, 200724 Hour Comics Day Minneapolis Coverage![]() I just wanted to note that if you are reading this blog, you will not automatically receive event coverage of the Minneapolis event which happened this weekend... and David Steinlicht did a phenomenal job covering it, so I really encourage you to check it out. Thanks much to David for foregoing drawing to blog on our behalves... thanks much to Danno for organizing the event and talking me into doing it for the fourth year in a row... thanks to our extremely generous sponsors The Minnesota Center for Book Arts, Big Brain Comics, Wet Paint, Pizza Luce, and Grumpy's for sponsoring this again this year... and, of course, thanks to everyone who participated. Labels: 24 Hour Comics, Events, Minneapolis Thursday, October 18, 200724 Hour Comics Day Minneapolis BannerHere's a banner for the Minneapolis Cartoonist Conspiracy cell's blog to cover our local exploits during the international 24 Hour Comic Day event this weekend. I encourage all you participants out there to put it on your websites, and go check out the blog by clicking the banner, if you haven't already.
![]() You can subscribe to the Twin Cities event blog here. Here is the international event site for 24 hour comics day. Here is the group blog for the international 24 hour comics day event. You can subscribe to the international event blog here. Thanks much to David Steinlicht for blogging for us during the event! Labels: 24 Hour Comics, Events, hype, Minneapolis Saturday, October 13, 2007FallCon: The SPX of the MidwestThe Twin Cities are a great place to be if you'ra a cartoonist or if you love comics... Minneapolis is the second most literate city in the country so, needless to say, we have a huge base of comic fans. We have more than our share of fantastic comic book stores. We also have what are certainly two of the best comic book conventions in the country for cartoonists, FallCon and it's little sister MicroCon. FallCon was last weekend. FallCon is always packed with cartoonists, both professional and amateur. Much of this is due to their incredibly generous (and very uncommon) policy of not charging creators anything for table space! This offer is extended to any comics creators regardless of experience, renown or talent (space is huge but it is obviously limited, so you want to let them know early if you'll be attending future conventions). As a result, there are small-press cartoonists all over the place... FallCon has got to be the best convention for small-press cartoonists in the midwest (with MicroCon in the Spring at a close second). FallCon is a huge convention, and growing every year (next year will be its 20th anniversary). It is also getting better every year... this year was easily the most fun FallCon I've attended yet. It has been held for a number of years in the vast Education Building on the fun, retro-quirky Minnesota State Fairgrounds. Next year it will be moving to an even larger building on the Fairgrounds. This year the International Cartoonist Conspiracy decided to do something different for FallCon. First of all, it was determined that any conspiracy worth a damn should have a funny hat. Since the Cartoonist Conspiracy is worth considerably more than a damn, we donned our new formal-wear 100% wool fezzes. ![]() Here I am proudly modeling my Conspiracy attire on Saturday before the convention... little did I suspect it would be 87 degrees outside! Yes, we had some sweaty wool fezzes this weekend. Let's take a look at some of them... ![]() The other big part of our FallCon initiative was to set up a Cartoonist Conspiracy lounge rather than a traditional table space. We easily had the most comfortable digs at the convention. The two couches were generously lent to us by Big Time Attic and Bud Burgy. Ryan Dow (pictured in the middle below) also lent us a nice drawing table which we made jam comics on all weekend. Ryan is flanked by Daniel Olson on the left and Matthew Kriske on the right, and the three of them (along with Vas Littlecrow of the Cartoonist Conspiracy Rice, MN local, who, alas, I didn't get a photo of) made the main group of Conspiracy volunteers manning the lounge and welcoming new members into our fold. Ryan is responsible for Introspective Comics, and also has a mysterious alter-ego that was also seen at the con this weekend. I went to school with Dan, and he is doing a fun, frequently updated webcomic at Matthew Kriske needs a website so I can link to him! Here is the comic he did for the recent City Pages comix issue the Conspiracy organized. Vas Littlecrow is a one-woman publishing empire... you can start digging into her comics here... she also runs the very reasonably priced Rice Print Shop, which we have gone through to publish a number of our projects, and I can not recommend highly enough. ![]() Here's another shot of the Lounge with the Conspiracy reading rack library visible (which Big Time Attic also brought to the convention... thanks again, guys)... the reading rack features numerous comics by anyone in our membership that wants to donate copies to it (if you want to have yours included, you can mail them to Big Time Attic 1618 Central Ave. NE Minneapolis, MN 55413). You can also see Conspirator Mike Sgier on the far right. ![]() Here's the Minneapolis Conspriacy Events Czar Danno (aka Dank aka Staplegenius) Danno is incredibly prolific and had many exciting new issues of his hilarious Manly Tales of Cowardice available, as well as cheap originals... I bought a Manly Tales cover to hang on my wall (pictured on top of the stack on the right). Danno recently got a rave review for his contribution to the Muscles and Fights anthology on Newsarama. Danno is currently very busy getting us ready for our upcoming 24 Hour Comic Day event later this month (as a part of the international event 24 Hour Comics Day, which we have participated in since it's outset 4 years ago). In addition to the event for the last three years, we have also published the 24 Hour comics we make the day after the event, the first year as an almost 200 page book, and the two subsequent years as a box set of mini-comics. This year we're planning on breaking the tradition of doing it the next day, and after talking to the friendly folks from MCAD Comic Heads who are putting together another Minneapolis 24 Hour comic event this year for 24 Hour Comic Day, it sounds likely that we will be collaborating with them to do an enormous box set collecting the comics from both events! ![]() Next we have Mike Toft of Brain Food. Mike and Danno have been with the Conspiracy since the first meeting (now almost five years ago!) Mike had a free FallCon giveaway issue of his long running comic book Brain Food that I'm looking forward to reading. ![]() Pictured above are Bud Burgy and Damian Sheridan. Bud and his publishing partner Amado (pictured below) were premiering the release of the brand new, even more enormous second volume of their Muscles and Fights anthology, Musclier and Fightier. The first volume was a blast, I can't wait to read the second (full disclosure: I contributed to both volumes... so did many of the other people in this FallCon post). The third volume is planned to come out early next year... if you are interested in contributing to it you'll want to do so before January 15th... details are on the website. Bud was nice enough to consolidate his table space with Amado to accomodate Damian, who was nice enough to put up with a ruthless aquisition of his planned space by the Conspiracy to build the lounge. Thanks much to both of you guys for making the lounge possible! ![]() Here's the other half of the Cream City Comics/Muscles and Fights publishing empire, Amado Rodriguez, on the left, and Jon Sloan, cartoonist and master of martial arts on the right. Amado and Bud are taking Muscles and Fights to a convention in the UK this week. ![]() Here is (L to R) Zander Cannon, Donn Ha (of the Chicago cell of the Cartoonist Conspiracy) and Gene Ha at the Big Time Attic table... Zander is talking to 13-year-old cartoonist Lewis Tuck, who had a cool little mini debut at the con this weekend called CRANEON (which includes a pinup by Sam Hiti!). Zander was the only other fella besides me smart enough to wear a tie with his wool fez in 85 degree weather! Zander is the brilliant cartoonist behind The Replacement God, Smax the Barbarian (in collaboration with author extrordinaire Alan Moore), Bone Sharps, Cowboys and Thunder Lizards (in collaboration with Jim Ottaviani and Big Time Attic) and many other things. He has a new series of Top 10 comics coming out in collaboration with Gene Ha in the near future... Zander is taking over the writing on this run (which was previously by Alan Moore). I read a preview of Zander's wonderfully detailed layout/scripts for the first number of issues, and they are going to be great. ![]() Here's Kevin Cannon, also of Big Time Attic, the man responsible for the (almost completed) Armitage Shanks graphic novel Far Arden, which I have mentioned before numerous times, and you can read online. Kevin was nice enough to give me an awesome sketch of heroic Shanks in fisticuffs with a fish. Watch for Far Arden to be nominated for awards all over the place next year after it sees print. Kevin, unlike his pseudo-brother Zander, was the only man with a wool fez smart enough not to wear it in 87 degree heat! Kevin also did a photographic report on FallCon on the Big Time Attic blog, which you can read here. ![]() Here's another picture of Donn... Donn used to live in Minneapolis, but now he is in Chicago... I forgot to ask Donn how things were going with the Chicago cell of the Cartoonist Conspiracy. In addition to cartooning talents, Donn is an amazing Flash developer... check out this hilarious game he developed a while ago, Five Minutes to Kill Yourself. ![]() Next we have Brett VonSchlosser and Tim Sievert. Brett and Tim had a number of beautifully screen-printed items at their table, and Tim had amazing stuffed dolls of his character The Canary Kid (which you can see on the Big Time Attic blog). Tim and Brett have recently been collaborating on a fight comic called Champions of Eternity. Tim has a book coming out soon from Top Shelf called That Salty Air. ![]() Tom Kaczynski makes some gorgeous mini-comics. He is also a regular contributor to the wonderful Fantagraphics MOME anthology... I bought one of everything on his table, and if you ever see him at a con, you should do yourself a favor and do the same. If you're going to SPX this weekend, you'll have a chance. ![]() Here's Sarah Morean, the founding member of the Sioux Falls, South Dakota Conspiracy Cell... she recently joined us in Minneapolis, so Sioux Falls is gonna have to get along without her. Sarah is very prolific cartoonist and a wonderful writer. She had some of my favorite contributions to the recent Alley Cat anthology we put together to benefit the family of Minneapolis cartoonist and Conspirator Eric Lappegard who died in July (The MNCBA thoughtfully dedicated FallCon to Eric this year). Sarah is also a thoughtful comics reviewer as the Mini-Comics Editor for the excellent blog The Daily Cross Hatch. Naturally, I hope to shamelessly hassle her into reviewing my webcomic Soapy the Chicken there some day (which has been on hiatus but will be resuming next week on an irregular schedule). Here's her FallCon review for the Cross Hatch. I bought everything Sarah had too... ![]() Sitting next to Tom and Sarah was Will Dinski... which was appropriate, as the three of them make some of the most beautifully printed hand-made comics in the Twin Cities. I got most of the stuff on Will's table too, although I stupidly passed on his gorgeous new handmade hardcover for budgetary reasons... I'm sure I will live to regret this decision. ![]() Next we have Sam Hiti and the previously mentioned Lewis Tuck. Sam has the most amazing stack of sketches for sale that you are likely to see anywhere for a mere ten to forty dollars... Sam printed a book of his sketches recently called Ghoulash, and from how many sketches he shows up with at every con, I think he could probably make a sketchbook a month if he was inclined to do so. Sam's best known for his deservedly critically acclaimed Tiempos Finales, as well as for starting the Fisticuffs blog. I eagerly await his upcoming WWI graphic novel, Death Day. ![]() Pictured here are ![]() Here is the previously mentioned Mike Sgier again with a plate of msg visiting the lounge. Mike has a couple of posts with his sketches from this year's FallCon on his site, here and here. ![]() One of the coolest things about FallCon is the huge glass cases on the left side of the building that they fill with an amazing selection of artwork... I meant to take more photos of this stuff... they literally cover one whole side of the building... it's gotta be 1000 feet of glass display cases, all full of amazing orignal artwork and other obscurities. They went all out this year and had some fantastic art for viewing. Pictured above is a whole case filled with rare underground comics from the sixties and seventies. As they do every year, they had a case full of the wonderful Joel Thingvall Gallery of Wonder Woman Art, which I've mentioned before. There was also a large collection of trading card sized renditions of Doctor Doom. ![]() Here's another case... I don't know what the specific theme of this case was, if there was one... note the Kurtzman Little Annie Fanny in the center. ![]() They didn't limit it to comic art either... here is a case displaying cheesecake art by George Petty. ![]() FallCon also features a huge charity auction every year with funds going to The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund and the Lupus Foundation of Minnesota. They go around to all of the artists' tables asking for donations, and they get a whole lot of nice stuff that ends up usually going for very affordable prices. This year the Conspiracy donated a jam poster comic strip we drew during the con along with two of the limited edition Lutefisk Sushi Volume B boxes of mini-comics we made last year. ![]() Here is a somewhat readable copy of the jam poster we donated. ![]() Here is the obligatory photo of superheroes... a whole goddamn Justice League of them. The Batmobile was off to the left... ![]() Here is a photo of my comic book scores from the weekend... I got some fun reading to do. In addition to all the great comics I bought from artists, FallCon has a lot of comics dealers as well. I barely had time to dig through their wares, but I scored a beat up but intact Walt Kelly Animal Comics comic I'm gonna have to scan for my blog and a coverless issue of Gabby Hayes for a buck each! Plus one of the comics issues of National Lampoon. All in all, a really great weekend. Hope to see you there next year! Labels: Events Wednesday, October 10, 2007John Porcellino at Big Brain Tomorrow Night! (Thursday, October 11th)John Porcellino (of King Cat Comics) is at Big Brain Comics tomorrow!
Big Brain Comics, 1027 Washington Ave. South, Minneapolis, MN 55415, (612-338-4390) 5:00 PM slide show, Q+A, and signing PLUS: Live music by John Porcellino and Zak Sally Slide Show begins at 6:00 PM Labels: Events Friday, October 05, 2007FallCon is this weekend!![]() FallCon 2007, Minnesota's Premier Comic Book Convention, is this weekend! You won't want to miss it. The Conspiracy will have a lounging area at the Con... please come visit, draw, and/or read comics with us. The wonderful annual event (now in its 19th year) is unparalleled in its generosity and hospitality to creators, and offers free tables for any creators who want them... as a result there is a wonderful variety to the work you will see there. Professional mainstream cartoonists and obscure amateur cartoonists are made equally at home at this delightful event... thanks much to the Minnesota Comic Book Association for continuing to host it. Fallcon is October 6th and 7th from 10AM to 5PM. You can see the guest list here. Admission to non-guests is $10.00. $1 off admission with a canned Food Shelf Donation. Children ages 9 and under are admitted FREE. First 500 paid attendees Saturday and the first 200 on Sunday will receive a free grab bag of goodies. FallCon is on the Minnesota State Fairgrounds in the Education Building at 1372 Cosgrove Ave. in St. Paul, MN. Here are banners for the event to put on your websites and blogs... lets help make this the biggest FallCon yet. 728x90 728x90 Alternate 300x250 300x250 Alternate 468x60 468x60 Alternate 170x50 88x31 Download all banners Link them all up the the Fallcon website here. Creators, here are the set-up times for the con if you are on the guest list... 1) CREATOR SET-UP HOURS - Friday October 5, 2007 - 3PM to 8PM Saturday October 6, 2007 - 7AM to 10AM Sunday, October 8, 2007 - 9AM to 10AM 2) CREATOR TEAR DOWN HOURS - Sunday, October 8, 2007 - 5PM to 8PM Labels: Events Thursday, October 04, 2007October 7000 BC MeetingSunday, October 7 | Noon | Backroads Pizza and Second Street Brewery | Santa Fe, NM
![]() Send an email with any questions. Jam in Minneapolis Tonight, October 4th!The Minneapolis Cartoonist Conspiracy meets at 6:30 until 10:00 the first Thursday of every month at Diamond's Coffee Shoppe in Northeast.
Generally, we draw collaborative "jam" comics, socialize and drink caffeinated beverages. Afterwards, we often have uncaffeinated beverages somewhere else. The meetings are open to anyone who wants to draw with us, and the results are posted on our website sooner or later (and sometimes even printed). This month we will also be working on posters for FallCon. FallCon is this weekend! Oh, it is gonna be fun! You won't want to miss it. Diamond's Coffee Shoppe 1618 Central Avenue Northeast Minneapolis, Minnesota Bus info here. Please spend some money at Diamond's while you're there, even if it is just a cuppa coffee... they are excellent hosts, and we wanna stay welcome there. Big Time Attic is now officially hosting our monthly jam meetings at Diamond's... they will be supplying us with a big old plate of pastries or something each month. Thanks fellas! ![]() Labels: Events Thursday, September 20, 2007Kim Deitch in Minneapolis TodayCourtesy of the Comics Reporter.
hey everyone, zak sally here. Labels: Events Tuesday, September 18, 2007An Open Studio Tour at Puny EntertainmentI thought some of you might be interested in this MNSiggraph event coming up this Thursday:
An Open Studio Tour at Puny Entertainment -- 9/20/07 - starting at 6:00 pm Labels: Events Thursday, September 06, 2007Jam in Minneapolis Tonight, September 6th!The Minneapolis Cartoonist Conspiracy meets at 6:30 until 10:00 the first Thursday of every month at Diamond's Coffee Shoppe in Northeast.
Generally, we draw collaborative "jam" comics, socialize and drink caffeinated beverages. Afterwards, we often have uncaffeinated beverages somewhere else. The meetings are open to anyone who wants to draw with us, and the results are posted on our website sooner or later (and sometimes even printed). Diamond's Coffee Shoppe 1618 Central Avenue Northeast Minneapolis, Minnesota Bus info here. Please spend some money at Diamond's while you're there, even if it is just a cuppa coffee... they are excellent hosts, and we wanna stay welcome there. Big Time Attic is now officially hosting our monthly jam meetings at Diamond's... they will be supplying us with a big old plate of pastries or something each month. Thanks fellas! ![]() Labels: Events Tuesday, September 04, 2007September 7000 BC MeetingSunday, September 9 | 2:00 | Winning Coffee Company | Albuquerque, NM
We'll be starting off September's 7000 BC meeting at Winning Coffee Company at 111 Harvard Dr SE around 2:00 in the afternoon. We'll work on a jam, tell stories from Bubonicon, and plan for upcoming appearances at Stumptown and SPX. Sometime in the evening, we're going to get some dinner; not sure where yet. Send an email with any questions. Thursday, August 23, 2007Schmapples Tribute September 8th![]() FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE SCHMAPPLES TRIBUTE SEPTEMBER 8... MARK YOUR CALENDARS Benefit to Honor Comic Artist & Bicycle Advocate Eric Lappegard What: Benefit to Honor Comic Artist & Bicycle Advocate Eric Lappegard When: Saturday, September 8th, 2007. 2pm—2am Where: Alley Cat Race to begin at Behind Bars Bicycle Shop, 208 13th Ave NE, Minneapolis 2pm-5pm Comic Art Show & Silent Auction/Raffle/Vegan Bake Sale at Altered Esthetics, 1224 Quincy St. NE, Minneapolis 5pm-10pm Minneapolis / St. Paul—Beloved local comic artist and bicycle advocate Eric Lappegard passed away on July 23rd from complications following an automobile accident. Eric was in the process of moving from Minneapolis to Portland, Oregon, when the accident occurred. Originally from Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Eric had spent the last number of years in Minneapolis, where he worked as a bicycle messenger and coffee shop java-slinger, artist, community organizer and bicycle advocate. Eric (a.k.a. Schmapples, a.k.a. Vegan Ninja) was an active member of the local comics collective The International Cartoonist Conspiracy, as well as a founding member of The Minneapolis Bicycle Federation, a group that advocates for a better cycling environment. Eric was a friendly face around town, a vegan who championed animal rights and environmental sustainability, and a friend to many people across the community. He will be greatly missed. On Saturday, September 8th, friends of Eric are partnering with local businesses and arts organizations to pay tribute to a dear friend and important member of the art, music, and bicycling communities. All proceeds from the event will go to Eric’s family to aid them with expenses incurred as a result of this tragic accident. The Schmapples Tribute event will include a messenger-style alley cat bike race beginning at Behind Bars Bicycle Shop in Northeast Minneapolis. Eric's artwork, as well as donated artwork from local artists & members of the Cartoonist Conspiracy (, will be on display at Altered Esthetics ( all day Saturday, with a silent auction and reception to begin at 5:00pm. Two original publications have been created specifically for this event & will be on sale; a collection of Eric's Schmapples comics, and a huge anthology by over 50 cartoonists. Additional items for auction will be included, including gift certificates and highly-desirable items from local bicycle, comic and other businesses. Raffle tickets will be purchased for $5 each. Prizes include artwork, comics, gift certificates and custom bicycle parts and products. A vegan bake sale will also help to raise funds for the Lappegard family. Live music will be provided by the Roe Family Singers. For a complete schedule of events visit: Also, please consider "friending" us & move us up to the top of your friends list to help promote the event. You can also help by putting one of these banners on your blog or website with a link to All Banners 728x90 300x250 468x60 170x50 88x31 You can download the printable poster here. We encourage you to print these and hang them around town before September 8th. Donations can be sent to: Account of Eric Lappegard, Voyager Bank, 500 Marschall Road, Shakopee, MN 55379 If you have pr/press questions, please contact Shanai Matteson at Miss.Matteson at If you have gallery event questions, please contact Danno Klonowski staplegenius at or Jamie Schumacher alteredesthetics at If you have other questions about the event, please contact Mary Rogers maryrogers37 at View Larger Map Note that the above map can easily be inserted into a website or email via Google Maps. Labels: Eric Lappegard, Events Fallcon Space is Filling Up FastI got the below message from our good friend Nick Postiglione...
Hey Conspirators, I will additionally mention that we want folks to help man our space during Fallcon... we're hoping to do something a little different year, which we'll have details about soon. Please email me if you're interested in helping out. You'll want to fill out the form and let the MNCBA know that you're attending, so you'll be able to get through the door... but make sure you let them know that you'll be at our area so that they don't reserve a separate space for you. Below is the registration info I posted previously.
Labels: Events Sunday, August 19, 20077000 BC at Bubonicon 39Bubonicon 39 | August 24-26 | 3:30-8:30 Friday; 10:00-7:00 Saturday; 10:00-4:00 Sunday | Wyndham Airport Hotel | Albuquerque, NM
7000 BC will be returning to the dealers room at Bubonicon, the New Mexico Science Fiction Convention. This annual event is one of the premier gatherings of science fiction writers, artists, and fans. This year's guest of honor is Vernor Vinge, the toastmaster is Jane Lindskold, and the guest artist is William Stout. Download the schedule for a complete listing of activities. Wednesday, August 15, 2007Sat. Open Studio, Aug. 18, noon - 4 p.m.![]() Sat., Aug. 18, noon-4 p.m., MCBA Pre-State Fair event Join us at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts for cartooning and conversation. If you can't find us in the MCBA building, ask the friendly person working in the bookstore. This is an open studio for all cartoonists, so come and hang out and draw. There's plenty of room. Also: The seventh installment of the 12-part 144-page graphic novel challenge will be going on during the open studio. Cheer on the page-crazed cartoonists. Or join in. They are starting today's 12 hours in the coffee shop at 8 a.m. Minnesota Center for Book Arts (Down the street from Big Brain Comics) 1011 Washington Ave S, Suite 100 Minneapolis, MN 55415 Phone: 612-215-2520 Future Sat. Open Studio dates: September 15 October 20 –21 (24 hour comic day!) November 24 December 15 Labels: Events Wednesday, August 08, 2007BEERWOLF!At the Eric Lappegard benefit planning meeting tonight, someone brought flyers for a free movie that Eric is in called Beerwolf, which is playing the Friday at Midnight at the Uptown Theater in Minneapolis. Apparently, Eric plays multiple roles. Here's the flyer...
![]() Uptown Theater 2906 Hennepin Ave S Minneapolis 612.825.6006 MAP Labels: Eric Lappegard, Events Monday, August 06, 20077000 BC Meeting This SundaySunday, August 12 | Noon | Backroads Pizza and Second Street Brewery | Santa Fe, NM
This month's 7000 BC meeting starts off at Backroads Pizza (807 2nd St # 1) up on the second floor (just follow the counter around to the stairs) and moves over to Second Street Brewery sometime after 2:00. We'll be working on a jam throughout the afternoon and making plans for exhibiting at Bubonicon, Stumptown, and SPX. Send an email with any questions. Tuesday, July 24, 2007Eric Lappegard Funeral on July 28thI just recieved this information from Eric's friend Mary Rogers:
Eric's funeral is this Saturday (July 28) at 10 am at Augustana Lutheran Church in Sioux Falls, SD. A family visitation/memorial will be held at Miller's funeral home Friday, July 27 from 5-7 pm. Eric will be buried at Hill's of Rest Cemetery. Cindy Lappegard is offering the Lappegard home for out of town friends. Please nobody pay for a hotel room, their house otherwise will go unoccupied. Otherwise, there's my parents home, and Erin Strait's. Cindy would like a bicycle procession to ride in front of the hearse from the church to the cemetery. (It's a haul, but we're all in shape, right?) I think this is a great idea, we'll wrangle up some bikes in SF if you can't bring your own. Cindy says she will also post this same Augustana Lutheran Church MAP 235 N Prairie Ave Sioux Falls, SD 57104 (605) 338-1672 Labels: Eric Lappegard, Events CALL TO ARTISTS: a tribute/benefit anthology for Eric LappegardFellow cartoonist, cyclist, and all around wonderful person Eric Lappegard passed away on July 23rd, 2007 from complications after a car accident that had left him paralyzed earlier this month. Eric was a charming fella, full of passion and enthusiasm, and talented as hell. Please take the time to check out some of his wonderful comics and get a glimpse of what we’ve lost. Eric's several communities of friends here in Minneapolis are putting together a day-long benefit/celebration of the life of Eric on SEPTEMBER 8th, 2007 which will include an "Alley Cat" bike race, an art show at Altered Esthetics gallery(, silent auction, music, and more. All money will go towards Eric's parents to help pay for the remaining hospital bills, etc. We here at the Cartoonists Conspiracy are doing our part by putting together an anthology and the art show- AND THAT'S WHERE YOU COME IN! The anthology we are now accepting submissions for is to be called: "ALLEY CAT: CATS ON BIKES(with Ninjas) a tribute to Eric Lappegard" The anthology's themes and your submissions are encouraged to be as wild and varied as Eric's interests(cats, bikes, ninjas, veganism, beer, or ANY COMBINATION THEREOF!). THE SPECIFICS: 1) Contributions of one or two pages of comics/pin-ups. The book will be BLACK AND WHITE. The DEADLINE is AUGUST 15th, 2007. PERIOD! 2) In addition to the book we will be auctioning off ALL the original art in the name of Eric. We must insist in order to contribute, you must be willing to have your original auctioned off. 3) The final size of the book will be the mini-comic "standard" of 8.5"x5.5". Your image will fit a 8"x5" area. Think proportionately! 4) Kevin and Zander Cannon of BIG TIME ATTIC have graciously offered to scan any art work not submitted via email or disk. (and in fact, unless you live outside the MPLS/ST PAUL area, I think they'd prefer to scan to keep a consistency.) Their offices are located at: Big Time Attic 1618 Central Ave NE, Suite 216 Minneapolis, MN 55413 (ph) 612-521-7423 (fx) 612-605-9216 4.5) For outlanders-- Scanned images must be at 300DPI greyscale or 800DPI B&W We encourage you to pre-size to 8"x5". They can be emailed to: Kevin at 5) All orginal art must also be dropped-off/recieved via mail to BIG TIME ATTIC at the above address by the Friday, August 31st. 6) All contributors WILL receive a copy of the anthology, but we ask you consider either buying more anthologys/drinks/original art/prints at the tribute party since all money goes to Eric's parents to pay for medical bills, etc. Also we strongly encourage donations directly via: Account of Eric Lappegard Voyager Bank 500 Marschall Road Shakopee, MN 55379 So there you have it! Get that ink to paper and get it to us as soon as you can. Any questions can be address to any of the below emails. Also, PLEASE forward this to any and all cartoonist friends/associates you have. And thank you! Steven Stwalley-- Steven at Kevin Cannon-- Kevin at Danno Klonowski-- staplegenius at Labels: Eric Lappegard, Events, Opportunities Wednesday, July 18, 2007Artists Unite, AgainMike Toft asked me to pass this on to you all...
Artists Unite, Again, on July 25 at Susan Hensel Gallery Labels: Events Sunday, July 15, 2007Time to Register for and Promote Fallcon 2007!![]() FallCon 2007, Minnesota's Premier Comic Book Convention, is coming up on October 6th and 7th, and you should register for it NOW. The wonderful annual event (now in its 19th year) is unparalleled in its generosity and hospitality to creators, and offers free tables for any creators who want them. Space is limited. DOWNLOAD THE REGISTRATION FORM TO PRINT OUT AND SEND THEM HERE. I've also whipped up some banners for you all to put on your websites and blogs... lets help make this the biggest FallCon yet. 728x90 728x90 Alternate 300x250 300x250 Alternate 468x60 468x60 Alternate 170x50 88x31 Download all banners Link them all up the the Fallcon website here. Labels: Events Friday, July 13, 2007Museum Looking for Artists for Midwestern Cartoonist ShowI thought this message board post should get wider viewing so here it is... go to the message board to respond:
Labels: Events, Opportunities Wednesday, July 11, 2007More on Eric LappegardAs Danno mentioned previously, the Conspiracy and others will be organizing a benefit for Eric to help him out a bit. Eric is known for his passion for biking, music, and comics, and he has a lot of friends from all these interests... we're having a meeting Tuesday that anyone who knows Eric and wants to help put together this benefit is encouraged to attend. I've started a thread on the message board here to help with organizing as well.
We're going to meet and discuss this next Tuesday at 8:30PM at: Diamond's Coffee Shoppe We'll also be drawing a jam card to send his way. If you have something you'd like to send his way, we'll also be collecting items for a care package. Your comics and mini-comics would be a great contribution to this. Updates on Eric's condition can be found here. If you know Eric, please take the time to sign the guest book and let Eric and his family know that they are in your thoughts. Here are the details of the accident and Eric's condition from that site: Eric was in a one vehicle accident on July 7, 2007 somewhere between Spokane and Seattle Washington. He was on his way to Portland, OR to see his cousin Kendall. Still unsure of what exactly happened, we do know that he over corrected his driving and rolled the vehicle. Eric is in the Neuro Intensive Care Unit at this time. He severely injured his spine, at this time he is paralyzed from the chest down. He is able to move his arms, but not able to move his hands or fingers. He is having some respiratory problems so they have a tube in him to help him with his breathing. They also now have him sedated to help his lungs heal. There has been one update on the journal there so far: 7-11-07 Labels: Eric Lappegard, Events Monday, July 09, 2007Sat. Open Studio, July 21, noon - 4 p.m.![]() Sat., July 21, noon-4 p.m., MCBA Back in the groove, schedule-wise. Join us at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts for cartooning fun. If you don't find us right away, ask the friendly person working in the bookstore. This is open studio time for all cartoonists. There's plenty of room for everyone. The sixth installment of the 12-part 144-page graphic novel challenge will be going on during the open studio. Cheer on the page-crazed cartoonists. Or join in. They are starting today's 12 hours in the coffee shop at 8 a.m. Minnesota Center for Book Arts (Just down the street from Big Brain Comics) 1011 Washington Ave S, Suite 100 Minneapolis, MN 55415 Phone: 612-215-2520 Future Sat. Open Studio: August 18 Labels: Events Saturday, July 07, 2007Scott McCloud in AlbuquerqueWednesday, July 18 | 7:00 pm | The Art Center Design College | 5000 Marble St NE | Albuquerque, NM
![]() As a part of the 50-state tour for Making Comics, author and comics artist Scott McCloud will be stopping in Albuquerque to put all these trends into perspective in a fast-moving visual presentation at The Art Center Design College (map). Presented by 7000 BC, North Fourth Art Center, and The Art Center Design College. Tickets are $10 ($8 for students), available at the door. Thursday, July 05, 2007Jam in Minneapolis Tonight, July 5thThe Minneapolis Cartoonist Conspiracy meets at 6:30 until 10:00 the first Thursday of every month at Diamond's Coffee Shoppe in Northeast.
Generally, we draw collaborative "jam" comics, socialize and drink caffeinated beverages. Afterwards, we often have uncaffeinated beverages somewhere else. This month, people will also be working on submissions for the City Pages "True Tales of the Twin Cities" feature and dropping off submissions they have created over the last week or so. You can read more about that on the blog at these links: The meetings are open to anyone who wants to draw with us, and the results are posted here sooner or later (and sometimes even printed). Diamond's Coffee Shoppe 1618 Central Avenue Northeast Minneapolis, Minnesota Bus info here. Please spend some money at Diamond's while you're there, even if it is just a cuppa coffee... they are excellent hosts, and we wanna stay welcome there. Big Time Attic is now officially hosting our monthly jam meetings at Diamond's... they will be supplying us with a big old plate of pastries or something each month. Thanks fellas! ![]() Labels: Events Friday, June 22, 2007Artist Hang June 27thMike Toft sent me this info for an "artist hang" that is being organized and wanted me to pass it on to y'all... it sounds like it will be a regular occurrence.
Southside Artists Unite! Wednesday, June 27, 7 pm. Bring art if you want. Bring snacks if you want. Very informal. Let's get to know one another. Labels: Events Monday, June 04, 2007Photos from Strip: Undressing Comics opening![]() Friday night was the opening of Strip: Undressing Comics, 7000 BC's exhibit of the comic-making process at North Fourth. It was a great time and the show looks terrific, with more than 200 pieces of art on the walls. More photos at Flickr. Monday, May 21, 2007Strip: Undressing Comics![]() Opening Reception: June 1 | 6:00-8:00 pm | VSA North Fourth Art Center | Albuquerque, NM Exhibtion: June 1-July 21 | VSA North Fourth Art Center | Albuquerque, NM Workshops: June 16th and 30th | 10am-4pm | VSA North Fourth Art Center | Albuquerque, NM N4th Gallery in VSA North Fourth Art Center has joined with 7000 BC to present Strip: Undressing Comics, an exhibition that exposes the process of making sequential art. The exhibit provides a unique look into the processes and products involved in comics creation. Fourteen creators from 7000 BC showcase nineteen projects, demonstrating a wide range of work across a variety of media and subject matter. The show documents the stages of taking an initial idea to finished product, from scribbled thumbnails to email exchanges, from photo reference to printed book. In conjunction with the show, 7000 BC will be conducting two day-long workshops, open to the public ages 15 and up, that will guide participants in making their own comics. Strip: Undressing Comics is sponsored in part by The Art Center Design College. For more information, or to register for the workshop, send an email. Update: Some photos of the show coming together. Thursday, May 17, 20077000 BC Meeting This SundaySunday, May 20 | Noon | Backroads Pizza and Second Street Brewery | Santa Fe, NM
Unfortunately, One World Coffee has shut down, so we're going to try holding the first phase of our meeting at Backroads Pizza (807 2nd St # 1); it's kind of diagonally across the street from Second Street Brewery, where we'll be moving the meeting around 2-3:00 (if not sooner). Another jam will be happening, along with the usual show-and-tell of recent work, and business around 5:00. Send an email with any questions. Sunday, May 06, 2007Sat. Open Studio, May. 12, noon-4 p.m.![]() (Seems like it's a lot earlier in the month this time.) Sat., May 12, noon-4 p.m., MCBA This is the date they gave us. Second week in the month. If this seems early, check out next month's date at the bottom of this note! Whew! In any case, join us at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts for cartooning fun and frolic. If you can't find us right away, ask the friendly person working in the bookstore. This is open studio time for all cartoonists, so come and hang out and draw. There's plenty of room for everyone. The fourth installment of the 12-part 144-page graphic novel challenge will be going on during the open studio. Cheer on the page-crazed cartoonists. Or join in. They are starting today's 12 hours in the coffee shop at 8 a.m. Minnesota Center for Book Arts (Just down the street from Big Brain Comics) 1011 Washington Ave S, Suite 100 Minneapolis, MN 55415 Phone: 612-215-2520 Future Sat. Open Studio dates: June 9 July 21 August 18 Labels: Events Friday, May 04, 2007It's the most wonderful time... of the year!![]() Tomorrow (Saturday May 5th) is Free Comic Book Day! And it is Cartoonist Day! And it is Free Mini-Comic Day! And it is Cinco De Mayo! Today (May 4th) is No Pants Day! Pictured above: The cover to the Free Comic Book Day book I'm most looking forward to... Lynda Barry's Activity Book from Drawn and Quarterly! Labels: Events Wednesday, May 02, 2007Jam in Minneapolis this Thursday, May 3rdThe Minneapolis Cartoonist Conspiracy meets at 6:30 until 10:00 the first Thursday of every month at Diamond's Coffee Shoppe in Northeast.
Generally, we draw collaborative "jam" comics, socialize and drink caffeinated beverages. Afterwords, we often have uncaffeinated beverages somewhere else. The meetings are open to anyone who wants to draw with us, and the results are posted here sooner or later (and sometimes even printed). Diamond's Coffee Shoppe 1618 Central Avenue Northeast Minneapolis, Minnesota Bus info here. Please spend some money at Diamond's while you're there, even if it is just a cuppa coffee... they are excellent hosts, and we wanna stay welcome there. Big Time Attic is now officially hosting our monthly jam meetings at Diamond's... they will be supplying us with a big old plate of pastries or something each month. Thanks fellas! ![]() Labels: Events Tuesday, April 24, 2007MicroCon is This Sunday, April 29th![]() We'll be at MicroCon 2007 this Sunday. MicroCon is the little sister convention of the wonderful FallCon, both run by Midwest Comic Book Association. They are gracious and generous hosts to cartoonists, and offer free tables to all cartoonists who request them in time at both their conventions. Please stop by and see us and check out the fun. Our table will be run by Danno, Bud Burgy (selling copies of his cool new anthology Muscles and Fights) and myself. Please check out the MNCBA site for the latest info. MCBA MICROCON COMIC BOOK CONVENTION Sunday April 29, 2007 10AM to 4PM Minnesota State Fairgrounds Progress Center 1621 Randall Ave Saint Paul, Minnesota 55108 (Enter through the main gate on Snelling Ave, go 2 blocks and go right) Labels: Events Sunday, April 15, 20077000 BC at APEAPE | Saturday, April 21-Sunday, April 22 | 11:00 am-7:00 pm/11:00 am-6:00 pm | The Concourse | San Francisco, CA
7000 BC is returning to APE in San Francisco. There will be new comics, some seeing the light of day for the first time stop on by table 109 to check out offerings from the group. Wednesday, April 11, 2007April 7000 BC Meeting This SundaySunday, April 15 | Noon | North Fourth Art Center | Albuquerque, NM
We're back in Albuquerque at North Fourth at 4904 Fourth Street NW (map here) for April. It's going to start up around noon and there will be another jam going on over the course of the day. Business around 4:00 to allow time for dinner at Garcia's across the street. Questions? Send an email. Tuesday, April 10, 2007Scott McCloud in Minneapolis this Wednesday April 11thAs part of his Making Comics 50 State Tour, Scott McCloud will have a discussion and signing at Dreamhaven in Minneapolis this Wednesday, April 11th at 7:30.
![]() Regardless of whether you can make it to that, I highly recommend Making Comics... it is the best book I've read on the subject, and has a lot to offer the experienced as well as the novice cartoonist. Labels: Events Sunday, April 08, 2007New Location for the San Francisco Cell - Muddy Waters Café - April 12On Thursday April 12, 2007 San Francisco Cartoonist Conspiracy Cell will be having our next gathering at a new location, Muddy Waters Café. This will be the last JAM before APE so it's a good time to get feedback on your in-progress books and mini-comics before you put them into production.
The new location can easily be reached from BART/MUNI. The café is funky and high-energy and they stay open past 9pm (till 11). The new location is: For more information, comments, questions .... e-mail Doc Popular. Labels: Events, Jam Comics, San+Francisco Thursday, April 05, 2007Sat. Open Studio April 21, noon - 4 p.m.![]() Saturday Open Studio Maybe it won't be raining Sat., April 21, noon-4 p.m., MCBA We'll be somewhere in the Book Arts Building. If you don't see us right away, ask the friendly person working in the bookstore. This is open studio time for all cartoonists, so come and hang out and draw. There's plenty of room for everyone. The third installment of the 12-part 144-page graphic novel challenge (pages 25 through 36!) will be happening during the open studio. Cheer on the page-crazed cartoonists. Or join in! Participants start drawing in the MCBA coffee shop at 8 a.m. Minnesota Center for Book Arts (Just down the street from Big Brain Comics) 1011 Washington Ave S, Suite 100 Minneapolis, MN 55415 Phone: 612-215-2520 Future Sat. Open Studio dates: May 12 June 9 July 21 August 18 Labels: Events Wednesday, April 04, 2007Jam in Minneapolis April 5th!The Minneapolis Cartoonist Conspiracy meets at 6:30 until 10:00 the first Thursday of every month at Diamond's Coffee Shoppe in Northeast.
Generally, we draw collaborative "jam" comics, socialize and drink caffeinated beverages. Afterwords, we often have uncaffeinated beverages somewhere else. The meetings are open to anyone who wants to draw with us, and the results are posted here sooner or later (and sometimes even printed). Diamond's Coffee Shoppe 1618 Central Avenue Northeast Minneapolis, Minnesota Bus info here. Please spend some money at Diamond's while you're there, even if it is just a cuppa coffee... they are excellent hosts, and we wanna stay welcome there. Big Time Attic is now officially hosting our monthly jam meetings at Diamond's... they will be supplying us with a big old plate of pastries or something each month. Thanks fellas! ![]() Labels: Events Tuesday, March 27, 2007Scott McCloud in Minneapolis April 11th![]() Scott McCloud's Making Comics 50 State Tour is coming through Minneapolis April 11th... here's the info. April 11 Minneapolis, MN Minneapolis College of Art and Design One day workshop Not open to public April 11 Minneapolis, MN Dreamhaven Books 912 West Lake Street Discussion & Signing 7:30 pm Details | Directions Speaking of McCloud's Making Comics, it is the best book I've ever read on making comics... you'll probably get a lot out of it whether you are a seasoned cartoonist or a beginner. I can't recommend it highly enough. Labels: Events Friday, March 09, 2007March 7000 BC Meeting this SundaySunday, March 11 | Noon | One World Coffee and Second Street Brewery | Santa Fe, NM
This month's meeting begins around noon at One World Coffee where we'll be working on a jam, with participants contributing a panel to a group story. Later in the afternoon, we'll head next door to Second Street Brewery, and do the business portion of the meeting around 5:00. Note: even though it's a brewery, all ages are welcome at Second Street. Send an email with any questions. Thursday, March 01, 2007Minneapolis Jam Meeting RescheduledThe first Thursday jam meeting in Minneapolis has been rescheduled from tonight to next Thursday (March 8) this month due to snow, snow, snow.
![]() Labels: Events, Jam Comics Date Set For 24 Hour Comics Day This YearAs most of you already know, the date for 24 Hour Comics Day changes from year to year. This year it will be October 20th. Read more on the 24 Hour Comics Day Blog.
I picked this date after consulting with the hosts of the 2006 events. While there is certainly nothing they all agreed on, they were generally happier with a fall date for the event, and generally happy with this particular date. Labels: 24 Hour Comics, Events Wednesday, February 28, 2007Come Jam In Minneapolis Thursday March First!The Minneapolis Cartoonist Conspiracy meets at 6:30 until 10:00 the first Thursday of every month at Diamond's Coffee Shoppe in Northeast.
Generally, we draw collaborative "jam" comics, socialize and drink caffeinated beverages. Afterwords, we often have uncaffeinated beverages somewhere else. The meetings are open to anyone who wants to draw with us, and the results are posted here sooner or later (and sometimes even printed). Diamond's Coffee Shoppe 1618 Central Avenue Northeast Minneapolis, Minnesota Bus info here. Please spend some money at Diamond's while you're there, even if it is just a cuppa coffee... they are excellent hosts, and we wanna stay welcome there. Big Time Attic is now officially hosting our monthly jam meetings at Diamond's... they will be supplying us with a big old plate of pastries or something each month. Thanks fellas! ![]() Labels: Events, Jam Comics, Minneapolis Monday, February 26, 2007May 5th: Free Mini-Comics Day!![]() My second favorite holiday of the year (after 24 Hour Comics Day) just got a lot better... Free Comic Book Day on May 5th is now also Free Mini-Comic Day! Read the information about how to submit your mini-comics here. SUBMISSIONS Don't know how to make a mini-comic? Download and print our How to Make Mini-Comics mini-comic to learn how. Labels: Events, mini-comics Thursday, February 22, 2007San Francisco cell meeting Tonight - Feb 22, 2007There is a Cartoon Jam in San Francisco tonight starting at6:30 pm. It will be at Cafe International on Height st, so bring your drawing materials and jam with us.
WE NEED YOUR JAM ART: if you have pages, corpses and other art created at the SF-Cell Jams please bring it tonight so that we can figure out what to use for our APE publication(s). Meet: Start at 6:30 address: 508 Haight St San Francisco, CA 94117-3407View Map 4155527390 Labels: Events Worlds of Wonder Opening and Benefit at the Cartoon Art Museum - San FranciscoThe Cartoon Art Museum will have a benefit and opening on the first day of Wondercon 2007, March 2. The show features 12 artist and the worlds they have created through their art. The cost for those who are attending Wondercon and have their badge with them (and museum members too) is only $5.00. Thats a savings of $1 on the regular admission and you also get to have some refreshments, meet some talented artist, and help a unique institution.
From the website: February 24 - June 17, 2007
Labels: Events Wednesday, February 21, 20077000 BC at Breakin' HeartsFebruary 24 | 6:00-11:00 PM | Heights Community Center | Albuquerque, NM
7000 BC will have a table at the Breakin' Hearts hip-hop jam and b-boy competition, presented by the Albuquerque League. Fakin' the Funk will be available, along with other books from the group. Update: Some of what went on there. Wednesday, February 14, 2007Sat. Open Studio, Feb. 17, noon-4 p.m.![]() Saturday Open Studio It's danged cold outside edition Sat., Feb. 17, noon-4 p.m. MCBA We'll be somewhere in the Book Arts Building. If you don't see us right away, ask the friendly person working in the bookstore. This is open studio time for all cartoonists, so come and hang out and draw. There's plenty of room for everyone. (During this session Stwalley may be try to convice you to draw 12 pages a month for a year. But you don't have to agree to that in order to attend the Sat. Open Studio.) Minnesota Center for Book Arts (Just down the street from Big Brain Comics) 1011 Washington Ave S, Suite 100 Minneapolis, MN 55415 Phone: 612-215-2520 Future Sat. Open Studio dates: March 17 April 21 Labels: Events, Minneapolis Saturday, February 10, 2007RICE JAM - Tonight! (And we don't mean jelly.)The Rice Cartoonist Conspiracy is back in business at their new location and time from 7:00 -9:00 pm at the Rice Print Shop art gallery in the 2nd floor of 310 Division St S, in Rice, MN. We are somewhere between St. Cloud and Little Falls, not too far from Highway 10.
We usually jam, exchange or purchase comic books from each other, chat about everything under the sun, plot road trips to Minneapolis, drink caffeine-filled goodness, and order something YUMMY from the Creamery or Twin Pines for delivery paid for by VAS Littlecrow. Art supplies are available for those who lack them, but for maximum joy, bring your favorite implements of destruction. We would like to announce the official opening of the Central, MN Branch of the Cartoonist Conspiracy library. We are always accepting donations of indie and manstream comic books of all sorts, and we have a ton of cool comics to share with the masses. Free food, free coffee and stuff to draw with. Call our weekend line at 320-492-0475 for directions or visit the Rice Print Shop website. Hope to see you there! Labels: Events, Jam Comics Sunday, February 04, 2007February 7000 BC MeetingSunday, February 11 | Noon | North Fourth Art Center | Albuquerque, NM
7000 BC's monthly meeting will be in Albuquerque at North Fourth at 4904 Fourth Street NW (map here). We're going to spend some time looking at the galleries, where we'll be having a show later this year, and then move into the studio/classroom and work on comics. Business will likely happen around 4:30-5:00 to allow us time to head across the street to Garcia's Kitchen for dinner. New members are always welcome visit the Web site or send an email for more info. Friday, February 02, 2007New Time for Cartoonist Conspiracy Rice, MN LocalBy request: The Cartoonist Conspiracy Rice, MN Local is now meeting on the 2nd Saturday of every month at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm at the Rice Print Shop gallery located in the second floor of the Midwest Fur Dressing Building in Rice, MN. For directions, click here.
We hope to see you there! Labels: Events Thursday, February 01, 2007JAM TONIGHT IN MINNEAPOLIS! (February 1st)The Minneapolis Cartoonist Conspiracy meets at 6:30 until 10:00 the first Thursday of every month at Diamond's Coffee Shoppe in Northeast.
Generally, we draw collaborative "jam" comics, socialize and drink caffienated beverages. Afterwords, we often have uncaffienated beverages somewhere else. The meetings are open to anyone who wants to draw with us, and the results are posted here sooner or later (and sometimes even printed). We're currently seeking people interested in participating in beta testing a cartooning textbook... please consider participating! Read more about it here. Diamond's Coffee Shoppe 1618 Central Avenue Northeast Minneapolis, Minnesota Bus info here. Please spend some money at Diamond's while you're there, even if it is just a cuppa coffee... they are excellent hosts, and we wanna stay welcome there. Big Time Attic is now officially hosting our monthly jam meetings at Diamond's... they will be supplying us with a big old plate of pastries or something each month. Thanks fellas! ![]() Labels: Events, Jam Comics, Minneapolis Monday, January 22, 20077000 BC at Phoenix Cactus Comicon7000 BC will exhibiting at the Phoenix Cactus Comicon 2007, January 26-28 at the Mesa Convention Center in Mesa, Arizona at table A6 in the Small Press Creators area. All kinds of self-published comics from members will be available.
Labels: Events Panel on Anthologies at the CAM Creators' Group Meeting: Tuesday, January 23, 7-9pmThe Cartoon Art Museum of San Francisco is having there next Creators Meeting on Tuesday Jan 23 (tomorrow).
CAM Creators' Group Meeting: Tuesday, January 23, 7-9pmThese events are put together by Andrew Farago who also has a new on-line strip: The Chronicles of William Bazillion Labels: Events Saturday, January 13, 2007Kansas City Sketchbook PartyComic Creators Network of Kansas City
Date: Sunday, January 21, 2007 Time: 3:00 PM (leave when your drawing hand cramps up) Place: FRIC & FRAC 1700 W. 39th Street Moderator: Mark Stinson - ![]() This Kansas City Sketchbook Party is all about getting together with other artists and writers...and creating in a fun social environment. Bring your sketchbook and doodle or bring a project you are working on and put a couple of hours of solid work into it. And since its at Fric and Frac...enjoy some food and beer while you're at it! Its all about our focus for 2007: Draw more, draw better, and support each other in reaching our personal goals... ![]() ![]() Labels: Events Thursday, January 11, 2007San Francisco cell meeting Tonight - Jan 11, 2007There is a Cartoon Jam in San Francisco tonight starting at6:30 pm. It will be at Cafe International on Height st, so bring your drawing materials and jam with us.
The last meeting was very very small so we would love to invite new artist to come out tonight and cartoon with us. It's a new year, let's create! address: 508 Haight St San Francisco, CA 94117-3407View Map 4155527390 Labels: Events Monday, January 08, 2007Sat. Open Studio Jan. 20, noon to 4 p.m.![]() Saturday Open Studio It's cold outside edition Sat., Jan. 20, noon-4 p.m. MCBA We'll be somewhere in the Book Arts Building. If you don't see us right away, ask the friendly person working in the bookstore. This is open studio time for all cartoonists, so come and hang out and draw. There's plenty of room for everyone. Minnesota Center for Book Arts (Just down the street from Big Brain Comics) 1011 Washington Ave S, Suite 100Minneapolis, MN 55415 Phone: 612-215-2520 Future Sat. Open Studio dates: Feb. 17 March 17 April 21 Labels: Events, Minneapolis Wednesday, January 03, 2007Jam in Minneapolis this Thursday, January 4thThe Minneapolis Cartoonist Conspiracy meets at 6:30 until 10:00 the first Thursday of every month at Diamond's Coffee Shoppe in Northeast.
Generally, we draw collaborative "jam" comics, socialize and drink caffienated beverages. Afterwords, we often have uncaffienated beverages somewhere else. The meetings are open to anyone who wants to draw with us, and the results are posted here sooner or later (and sometimes even printed). Diamond's Coffee Shoppe 1618 Central Avenue Northeast Minneapolis, Minnesota Bus info here. Please spend some money at Diamond's while you're there, even if it is just a cuppa coffee... they are excellent hosts, and we wanna stay welcome there. Big Time Attic is now officially hosting our monthly jam meetings at Diamond's... they will be supplying us with a big old plate of pastries or something each month. Thanks fellas! ![]() Labels: Events, Jam Comics, Minneapolis Monday, December 11, 2006International Cartoonist Conspiracy Conference(or whatever you wanna call it)(virtual)show of hands who want's to or would be willing to attend this event in mpls? after enough serious responses i'll post more specific details. but the idea is basicly a jam in mpls including at least one delegate from each of the existing/future conspiracy cells. i think it'd be super cool if we could make this an annual thing... move it from city to city each year? what d'ya'll think. let me know.
Labels: Events San Francisco cell meeting this Thursday - plus APE newsThe San Francisco cell of the Cartoonist Conspiracy will meet this Thursday (Dec 14, 2006) at Cafe International on Height St. So come on by with your favorite drawing material and join us for some cartooning fun.
ALSO any one interested in being part of the cell's table at APE should contact Doc Popular TODAY! TODAY is the last day to do so. Labels: Events Sunday, December 10, 2006MCBA Sat. Open Studio, Dec. 16, noon - 4 p.m.![]() Saturday Open Studio -- Christmas-in-December edition. Put off that holiday shopping and draw some cartoons. Sat., Dec. 16, noon-4 p.m. Minnesota Center for Book Arts We'll be somewhere in the Center for Book Arts. If you don't see us right away, ask the friendly person working in the bookstore. This is open studio time for all cartoonists, so come and hang out and draw. There's plenty of room for everyone. The Minnesota Center for Book Arts (Just down the street from Big Brain Comics) 1011 Washington Ave S, Suite 100 Minneapolis, MN 55415 Phone: 612-215-2520 Labels: Events, Minneapolis Sunday, December 03, 2006News from the Rice Side (x-posted)If you enjoy truly warped cartoony art, be sure to visit us at the Rice Print Shop. This month's exhibit features Kelly Meyer and Brandy Wolf. I watched them putting up the exhibit and I am truly thrilled, because this one is a must see! The opening of "Excuse Me, You Have Some String Hanging" happens on Friday, December 8th, 6:00 - 8:00 pm. The exhibit will run through the month of December. If you can't make it to the opening be sure to stop by for the preview during the Cartoonist Consipracy meeting this Wednesday, starting at 7:00 pm, or at any other time. We hope to see a few of you there! ;-)
Labels: Events Friday, December 01, 2006World Wide Sketch Crawl is Dec 9, 2006!The World Wide Sketch Crawl will be on December 9th. I hear the San Francisco group will be meeting at the zoo. Here is the flyer to gaze at, taken from the site:
Labels: Events Thursday, November 30, 2006December Events at the Cartoon Art Museum (San Francisco, CA)Original art by Charles Schulz! a Cartooning class for Adults! Pet Noir, Pogo Possum! Artist Davis Kellett! Stand Up Comedy! All this cartoon goodness can be found this December at the Cartoon Art Museum in San Francisco. What a great way to celebrate the winter Holiday(s).
To start with the Animation Gallery at the museum has been re-located to the back area and is now joined by an HD monitor to show animation thanks to a generous donation. The news below is taken from the museums newsletter. 1. Peanuts Holiday Parade: A Celebration of the Art of Charles M. Schulz November 24, 2006 through March 18th, 2007 The Cartoon Art Museum kicks off the holiday season with Peanuts Holiday Parade: A Celebration of the Art of Charles M. Schulz, featuring 20 original Peanuts comic strips from the Cartoon Art Museum's permanent collection, including a special selection of holiday-themed strips featuring Snoopy in his classic Santa/Bell-Ringer guise. 2. Tuesday, December 5, 2006, 7:00-9:00pm Pet Noir Book Release Party - Free and open to the public The Cartoon Art Museum and Manic D Press are pleased to celebrate the release of Pet Noir: An Anthology of Strange But True Pet Crime Stories, conceived and edited by Shannon OLeary and drawn by todays finest comic book artists, this innovative, compassionate illustrated anthology sheds fur on some of the most peculiar animal offenses in recent headlines and examines our individual relationships with animals in true stories of oddly humorous and heartbreaking personal pet crimes. O'Leary and 11 artists will be on hand to greet fans, sign books and celebrate the release of Pet Noir. A portion of the profits from the sales of Pet Noir will be donated to the Animal Legal Defense Fund (, which protects and advances the interests of animals through the legal system. This special event is free and open to the public. 3. Cartooning Workshop: Design 101 with Jon "Bean" Hastings Saturday, December 9, 20061:00-4:00pm Cost per individual class: $50; $40 for CAM members The latest installment of our ongoing series of workshops for aspiring comic artists, writers and fans of all ages features Jon "Bean" Hastings, creator of the comic Smith Brown Jones: Alien Accountant , the children's book Terrabella Smoot and the Unsung Monsters as well as the current artist on Disney's Haunted Mansion comic. Hastings will teach students how to create and design a character, layout a page and prep artwork for printing. 4. Sunday December 10, 2007, 1pm to 3pm Cartoonist in Residence: David Kellett 5. Draw Me A Possum: 63 Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Years of Pogo Tuesday, December 12, 2006, 7:00pm to 9:00pm $5 General Admission, FREE for Cartoon Art Museum Members In conjunction with current exhibition Draw Me A Story: A Century of Children's Book Illustration, the Cartoon Art Museum is proud to host a special presentation by three authorities on the life and artwork of beloved cartoonist and children's book creator Walt Kelly and his most famous creation, Pogo. Pogo aficionados Mark Burstein, Scott Daley and Steve Leialoha will discuss Kelly's impact on the comics medium and the world at large. Original artwork, rarely-seen publications and other Pogo ephemera will be exhibited during this special presentation. Please join us for an evening of personal anecdotes, an appreciation of Kelly's children's books and his lesser-known comics and a unique discussion of one of the most talented cartoonists of the 20th century. 6. i, Mascot: A costumed travelogue by Michael Capozzola Tuesday, December 19, 2006 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm Tickets: $10 ($5 for CAM members) The Cartoon Art Museum presents i, Mascot, an evening of Cartoon and Comedy with comedian (and cartoonist) Michael Capozzola. Part stand-up comedy and part cartoon travelogue recounting Capozzola's 4-month PR road-trip across the United States on the eve of the collapse of the economy at the tail end of the era. Four months and 17,000 miles in a mascot costume yielded photos, drawings, stories and anecdotes providing comic insight into the effects of marketing to various regions of the country and the resulting misunderstandings that occurred on the road. For more information, EXPERIENCE: Uncertainty and cultural misgivings! THRILL TO: Tales of humorless armed guards! WITNESS: Cartoons and photos intercut with smart-alecky commentary that is as clunky as this sentence! All proceeds for this event will benefit the Cartoon Art Museum. Book and merchandise sales will benefit the starving cartoonist and comedian. To purchase tickets in advance, call 415 CARTOON (227-8666) ext. 300. The evening will start at 7:00pm, tickets are $10 ($5 for CAM members). All contributions will benefit the museum. More information on these events will be posted at our website shortly: Labels: Events Monday, October 16, 2006826 Valencia Volunteering Opps![]() I've talked to a lot of Bay Area cartoonists about volunteering at 826 Valencia as a field trip artist and a lot of people have asked me what to expect. I posted the most recent book that I helped create and a little breakdown of what the process is like on my blog, so if you've wondered what to expect if you volunteer for a field trip read this entry. It's super fun and at the end of each session all the kids and volunteers get a bound copy of the book the story they just created. There are always volunteering spots open for field trips, so if you are interested let Jory at 826 know. I've posted his most recent list of field trip dates in our San Francisco Cartoonist Conspiracy forum. Sunday, October 15, 200624 Hr. Comics in San Francisco![]() Our first 24 hr. comic from Conspiritor Jeff Plotkin in now online. Jeff has posted a journal about his experience as well as the pages of his comic. It was held at my old school, the California College of Art. So I went down. There were just five of us there: me, Meredith, Mike, Jeffrey M. and Carmen. I knew everyone except Carmen. The turnout was small, probably because there were no SF Bay Area locations listed for the nationwide event. Some of my buddies in the Cartoonist Conspiracy had their own, unofficial 24-Hour Comics Day, and Scott McCloud was probably miffed about it. To read the whole report on Deviant Art -- LINK And to read Jeff's comic visit HERE! The comic features a cameo from Cartoonist Doc Popular! CLICK the link under each page to see the read the next one. We will link to more 24 hr comics when they become avalible. Labels: 24 Hour Comics, Events, Projects Friday, October 13, 2006Rejected in San Francisco, CAThe cartoon art museum has a new exhibit, The Rejection Collection: Not in The New Yorker cartoons. There will be an opening next Monday night, October 16th from 7pm to 9pm. The special Guests: Gahan Wilson and Mike Twohy!!
The show is free to the general public, but the museum is also looking for volunteers to help with the event. To volunteer, give them a call at 415-CAR-TOON. Besides checking out the new show, the exhibit of children’s book illustrations as well as kid's art from 826 Valencia...a large part of the Permanent Collection has been updated to include ALL NEW WORK! Be there or be Square. To find out more, visit: (note: the info on the new exhbit is going up soon, so if you don't see anything give them a call at the number above) Labels: Events Thursday, October 12, 2006SF Jam Tonight!! October 12, 2006October 12, 2006 The San Francisco Cartoon Conspiracy Cell will be having it's monthy jam tonight at Cafe International from 6:30 pm to aprox 10 pm. Join us for an exciting evening of cartooning. We will be continuing/finishing our ALL ACTION jam.
The second jam this month with be on October 26 at the same location. Cafe International 508 Haight St San Francisco, CA 94117-3407 Labels: Events, Jam Comics Tuesday, October 10, 2006Madhappy's birthday partyFirst off, congrats to all the cartoonists that made it out to our 24 Hour Comics event in SF last weekend. A big shout out to Jeff Plotkin and Carmen for completing the full 24 pages. Can't wait to see all the books.
Nate from Madhappy's sent out this email about the local publication's 1 year party: Madhappys Birthday party!! Oct. 21st!!! 8pm-midnight @ ArtSF 110 Capp St. (16th & Capp) 5th floor (dial 5-0-0) SF, CA --> 415 55-ARTSF ($5-15 donation requested) Live music! DJs! Art! some of you we haven't seen in awhile, but since you've been contributors to the magazine in the past, we'd like to encourage you to submit a piece for this show. We'll be hanging work in the evenings the tuesday & wednesday before the show, work will be up for around two weeks... but whatever you do, you should attend the party! madhappys is a unique creature in the publishing/comix/visual art world, and we'd like to think of it like a tortoise living to one hundred. thanks for being part of it, we'd love to have you continue! Come on down and meet your fellow collaborators! ¡¡coffee! and ¡exclamation points!! do not mix! ask me if you have any questions.... peace, Nate Labels: Events Friday, October 06, 2006More Cartooning Events this Weekend in MinneapolisThe following info was posted on the message board by conspirator Cedric Hosnstadt, who is also a member of the National Cartoonists Society... the NCS has a bunch of cool events going on this weekend with the crew they have in town for Fallcon. Here is the info from Cedric:
I know this is short notice, but the North Central Chapter of the National Cartooists Society is having their annual chapter meeting this weekend in Minneapolis to correspond with FallCon. Some well-known members include Bill Amend (Foxtrot), Michael Jantze (The Norm), Tom Richmond (MAD Magazine), and Jerry Van Amerongen (Ballard Street). Make sure to let them know the Cartoonist Conspiracy sent you! Labels: Events, Minneapolis Wednesday, October 04, 2006FALLCON THIS WEEKEND!FALLCON IS HERE! Fallcon is the most creator-friendly convention in the country... they generously offer free table space to all cartoonists, amateur or professional, and they put on a fun show. Check out the enormous guest list for this year... it should be quite an event. Even if you're not going as a guest, I imagine you'll want to check it out anyhow... don't miss checking out the art in the display cases, which is always extremely cool.
Here is the form to send to be a guest, assuming you are not already too late, which is most likely the case. Send it to: Midwest Comic Book Association P.O. Box 131475 St. Paul, MN 55113 Make sure to note somewhere if you want to sit in the same area as the Conspiracy. We are taking names for volunteers to man our table at the convention, so let me know if you're interested by replying to this email. Labels: Events, Minneapolis Tuesday, September 26, 20061st ever Silicon Comic Jam - San Jose, CA - October 7FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER Silicon in San Jose will be having it's own Comic Book Jam. So anyone in the bay area who is not doing the 24 hour jam come is invited to help collaborate on a comic book story Saturday October 7th from 1pm to 12am. The guests will (hopefully) join in on the fun. The finished storie(s) will be auctioned off for chairty as well as posted on the web. Convention Membership is required.
Silicon is a small Sci-Fi/Fantasy convention that is a fundraising event for the Diabetes Society of Santa Clara Valley. Featured guest are Robert Meyer Burnett, Mark Bode, and Phil Yea as well as local cartoonist/creators/writers Joe Borelli of Golden Gate Universe, Alexis Fajardo of Lexpress, Mat Nastos of Nifty Comics, and Brian Kolm of Atomic Bear Press. There will be panels/workshops/discussions given by the guests as well as a dealers room featuring everything from sword replicas to authors like Peter S. Beagle (the last unicorn). To find out more, visit: Labels: Events, Jam Comics Monday, September 25, 2006>23 and <25 Hour Sequential Art Event Box SetThe Minneapolis >23 and <25 Hour Sequential Art Event this weekend was a blast... Thanks much to Minneapolis Conspiracy Events Monkey Danno for all his efforts in making this a huge success. Thanks also to our sponsors The Minnesota Center For Book Arts, Wet Paint Art, Big Time Attic, Pizza Luce, Grumpy's, Sip Coffee Bar, Big Brain Comics.
I believe we had 34 cartoonists participating... not sure how many completed 24 pages, but I'm pretty sure it was a majority. I can't wait to read them. What will certainly be one of the best, Kevin Cannon's comic, is already online: Kevin has done it for the past two years as well, and now has produced three of the best 24 Hour comics I've ever read... they don't read or look at all like they were produced in 24 hours. Kevin was born to do this stuff... I keep hassling him to do it once every month and he could have a 288 page best-selling graphic novel in a year. If you agree with me, you should hassle him too... I desperately want to read "The Ballad of Armatage Shanks." Any of the rest of y'all who get your comics from the event online, send me the links and I'll post the links to them in the blog and the gallery. We will be collecting all of the >23 and <25 hour comics from folks who want to collect theirs in boxes at the October Jam meeting at Diamond's on October 5th. To do this, simply print 100 of them into mini-comics and we'll collate them into a box with a groovy Bob Lipski cover. Boxes will be for sale (in limited quantities) to the artists for 50 cents each, after which you can sell them for whatever you want (ten bucks will most likely be the suggested retail) and hopefully recoup the costs of printing your minis. Labels: 24 Hour Comics, Events, mini-comics, Minneapolis, Projects Friday, September 22, 2006<25 But >23 Hour Sequential Art Event Tomorrow!The Minneapolis Conspiracy's 3rd Annual <25 But >23 Hour Sequential Art Event is tomorrow! We currently have 32 participants. Get some sleep tonight, fellas. Click on the below poster to read all about it.
![]() Note that 24 Hour Comics Day is on October 7th... we're doing this tomorrow because October 7th and 8th is the same time as the notoriously creator friendly Twin Cities comics convention Fallcon. Labels: 24 Hour Comics, Events, Minneapolis, Projects Wednesday, September 20, 2006SF Zine Fest PicsThis is long overdue, but I'm posting pictures up from the recent Zine Festival at Cell Space in San Francisco. Here is a picture of Ryan Shiga, the author of Fleep. Meeting Ryan was probably the coolest part of the whole fest for me.
![]() I spent the friday before the event printing up two new comics that were pretty much intended as giveaways or trade for any other cartoonists. The one on the left is sort of an introductory book on what we do at the SFCC and the one on the right is an 8 page linear story called Unicorns Unvenge. ![]() Here is a crowd shot from the main area of the event. Table s around the outer walls, and an island in the middle. Apparently this was the most successful Zine Fest at Cellspace yet, both for the vendors and the promoters (who sold out of tables about two months before the event). ![]() Another crowd shot, you can see fellow conspirator Brian from Atomic Bear Press in the teal shirt. ![]() Speaking of Big Bear, here is Brian's table featuring his Great Chimney comics and Other Worlds (his newest book). ![]() Another conspirator, Jeff Plotkin, tabling his Happy Freak Show comics. I've tabled with Plotkin at APE before and let me say that this man is very popular. He's been plugging away at the comics scene for a long time and has been a fixture of the Conspiracy since the early days. People love his comics and he gets respect for being an extremely consistent creator. ![]() Mary Van Note; comedian, crafster, stalker, comics writer, and perv. Her newest book is about her obsession with local comedian Brent Weinbach. I'd guess it's about 400 pages long. ![]() A pic from the entrance to the event, you can see part of a silkscreen workshop in progress. ![]() Labels: Events Monday, September 11, 2006SF ZineFest 2006 followupWell San Francisco ZineFest 2006 was an amazing event. There was a good turnout and it served to be an excellent meeting place for artist of all kinds.
SF Cell member Jeff Plotkin said it was his best Zinefest ever. In attendance was cell members Doc, Maradith, and Kraig who passed out mini-mini comics with information about the Cartoonist Conspiracy. It looks like we might have some fresh faces in the near future. A 4 page jam comic was created during the convention that many of the talented artist perticipated in. Want to take a look, visit this LINK. Check out some photos from the Fest: LINK Labels: Events Sunday, September 10, 2006REGISTER FOR FALLCON!Fallcon (October 7-8) is one of the most creator-friendly conventions in the country... they provide free tables space to cartoonists who request it! Don't miss it.
Here is the form to send. Send it right now to: Midwest Comic Book Association P.O. Box 131475 St. Paul, MN 55113 Make sure to request to sit next to the Cartoonist Conspiracy if you wish to sit next to us. See you there! Labels: Events, Minneapolis Tuesday, September 05, 2006SF ZineFest this weekend!!! September 9-10San Francisco Zine Fest
September 9th & 10th, 2006, 10 am–5 pm. CELLspace (2050 Bryant St, in the Mission) admission FREE! Here is the discription from the official site: After a short spell of uncertainty, the SF Zine Fest is back at CELLspace for 2006. (2050 Bryant St, in the Mission). This year's show promises to be a lot of fun, with workshops, film and animation screenings, and of course dozens of local artists with everything from zines and mini-comics to hand-made apparel and prints. As always, admission will be FREE! Highlights: SF Conspiracy Cell member Jeff Plotkin will be on hand with copies of his title Happy Freak Show. (more coming soon) Labels: Events Friday, July 14, 2006In the midst of the SF 24 Hour Comic Day![]() At about 7pm we moved our get together to Muddy Waters to meet join the normal Cartoonist Conspiracy get together (which consisted of ; Jeff Plotkin). That's were we started losing people, sore backs, not enough sleep, yadda yadda. So it looks like there are 6 of us going the full 24, one of those is only focusing on a 7 page project, so... yeah. Brian is doing something about a Fairy that gets lost in the city. Tanya is doing a 7 page web comic about Jack and Daxter. Craig (with a K) is doing a "space opera" comic. He doesn't like to talk about it though. Rio is trying a stream of conscious comic.. It has a roach in it. I'm doing a 1001 Arabian Nights type comic... Labels: 24 Hour Comics, Events, Projects 24 Hour Comic Book Challenges happening RIGHT NOW in San Francisco, CAIt started at 5:45 pm...Members of the San Francisco Cell are, right now, working to complete a 24 Hour Comic Book challenge. That is 24 pages in 24 hours.
The group started in a private residence but moved to Muddy Waters in the Castro district. There the artist plugged away at their stories, stopping only to drink coffee and pastries. At 11pm they kicked the group out and then ........ Stay tuned to find out more from the folks drawing right now, poster here on the blog. Labels: 24 Hour Comics, Events, Projects 24 Hour Comic Book Challenges happening RIGHT NOW in San Francisco, CAIt started at 5:45 pm...Members of the San Francisco Cell are, right now, working to complete a 24 Hour Comic Book challenge. That is 24 pages in 24 hours.
The group started in a private residence but moved to Muddy Waters in the Castro district. There the artist plugged away at their stories, stopping only to drink coffee and pastries. At 11pm they kicked the group out and then ........ Stay tuned to find out more from the folks drawing right now, poster here on the blog. Labels: 24 Hour Comics, Events, Projects Tuesday, June 20, 200610th international Sketchcrawl! Saturday July 1, 2006I just received a reminder email about the International Sketch Crawl which will be on Saturday July 1, 2006. What is a Sketch Crawl you may ask? This is from founder Enrico Casarosa, a talented artist who lives and works in the San Francisco bay area:
The basic idea: to record nonstop everything I could around me with my pencil and watercolors. A drawn journal filled with details ranging from the all the coffee I drank to the different buses I took. After a whole day of drawing and walking around the city the name seemed quite fitting: “SketchCrawl” - a drawing marathon. .... So why not set up a day of sketching in your home town. The whole event seems very fun and cool. make sure you check out the samples from previous crawls, here is a link to the results of the first time. AND for those of us who need a kick in the ass to get drawings, here is a perfect excuses to do so, and a great way to see someplace from a different way. Thursday, June 01, 2006SF Cell Field Trip: Art Materials in Japan TownFirst of all let me introduce myself, my name is Brian Kolm and I am part of the San Francisco cell.
On Tuesday, May 30, 2006 was the first field trip for the SF Cell, beyond our regular jam sessions at Café International. Our buy awesome art supplies in San Francisco's Japantown. The three of us who attended first met at the plaza between the two halves of Japantown Center, at 6pm. The plaza is quiet and pleasant, with a fountain and tall tower, as well as interesting areas to sit and sketch. The Japantown Center is a great place to explore, since there is so much cartoon/art everywhere you turn. There's the usual cutesy characters like Hello Kitty and action stars like Neruto, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Dragon Ball Z, but also places selling handmade paintings and craft pieces. But we had a goal, to visit the Kinokuniya Stationery & Gift. Kinokuniya Stationery & Gift is a great store if you like unique art materials, particularly their large selection of brush pens. They have everything from fancy re-fillable brushes to the kind that you can throw away after you're done. They even had some amazing brush pens filled with brightly colored ink (see image below). The secret is to go to the front counter and ask to try their samples. Then you can see what works best for you. ![]() Kinokuniya Stationery & Gift is also great if you like cute little novelty erasers, interesting containers, origami paper, stickers, and beautiful greeting cards. I particularly liked some of the collectible statues from Studio Ghibli films like Totoro and Kiki's Delivery Service. After we had made our buys, we headed over to the Kinokuniya Bookstore. The place is huge and has pretty much any kind of book or magazine from Japan that you could want. Doc Popular, one of the SF Cell's founders, lead us to their selection of Deleter comic book supplies. The Deleter brand of comic book paper is quite good with the smaller sized sheets (with non-repo blue rules) running 40 sheets for $4.60. The aspect is for what they call a Dojinshi/B5 size books, so it's more square then American size aspect ratio. The paper seems to be a good choice for someone who wants to have the pre-ruled sheets, but does not want to spend a lot of money. It would also be great for kids in cartooning classes. The store also sells the popular markers and pens from Copic. By this time we were all getting hungry, so we headed to Mifune, a restaurant serving big bowls of noodles or rice topped with tasty treats. The price is reasonable and the environment is cozy. We sat and ate our food and drew a bit with our new pens and paper. What a great way to end our field trip....drawing. All in all this outing was a lot of fun and our little group agreed that we wanted to plan more events like this. So for those in the San Francisco Bay Area or those visiting, check out the message board or right here at the ol' blog to see what exciting things are going on. NOTE: I want to invite my cohorts to comment below on what they bought on this Field Trip and their feelings about them. Labels: Events Wednesday, May 31, 2006Estrus release party, send-off and open studios![]() Conspirator Mari Naomi will have an open studio Sunday June 11th. Mari will be celebrating the release of her newest comic book, Estrus #4 and will be saying goodbye to her old studio. Neworangeland Atelier 1313 mason st. @ jackson, san francisco, ca June 11, 2006 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Labels: Events Tuesday, May 16, 2006![]() Wednesday night there will be a Comic Book Art show at Queens Nails Annex in San Francisco's Mission District. The event will feature some local Cartoonist Conspirators and out of towners (like Jeffrey Brown). It's one night only and proceeds from the event go towards will go to benefit 826 Valencia’s cartooning workshops and other comics-related programming for Bay Area youth. After party at 12 Galaxies w/ Hey Willpower.
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