Monthly Archives: June 2010

Mpls. Sat. Open Studio, June 12, noon to 4 p.m.

[Artist in the sun]

Something new! We get to meet in the basement! Will there be ghosts? Demons? Echos? Spiders? Scary florescent lighting? We’ll see. (Well, I won’t see because I’ll be in Rhode Island at a wedding. Sorry. — David St.)

Sat., June 12, noon to 4 p.m., MCBA basement!

If you can’t find us in the MCBA building, ask the friendly person working in the MCBA bookstore. This is an open studio — all are welcome.

Minnesota Center for Book Arts
(Just down the street from Big Brain Comics)
1011 Washington Ave S, Suite 100
Minneapolis, MN 55415
Phone: 612-215-2520

Future Sat. Open Studios:
July 3 – Bindery
August 14 – Flexi Space

Union of Concerned Scientists feature Andy Singer!

Conspirator Andy Singer’s work was just featured as the cartoon of the month in the Union of Concerned Scientists’ e-newsletter “The Pulse.”  Check it out HERE.  Congratulations, Andy!  And way to make a valuable statement about kinds of pollution we often overlook in the summertime, but shouldn’t.  On a related note, how excited are you to try Nice Ride MN, Minneapolis?  The program starts on Thursday.  Read all about it HERE.

If you like this, you might also enjoy the Union of Concerned Scientists’ annual wall calendar which includes 12 editorial cartoons and has featured the artwork of Kevin Cannon in its 2009 and 2010 publications.  Find “Science Idol: The Scientific Integrity Editorial Cartoon Contest” cartoons and purchasing information on the UCSUSA website HERE.

MPLS Jam meeting is Thursday, June 3rd

Artist's Rendering

Dang!  Already?!  Thanks to returning Conspirator ATHENA CURRIER for the reminder!

The Minneapolis Cartoonist Conspiracy meets at 6:30 until 10:00 the first Thursday of every month at Diamond’s Coffee Shoppe in Northeast.

Generally, we draw collaborative “jam” comics, socialize and drink caffeinated beverages. Afterwords, we often have uncaffeinated beverages somewhere else.

The meetings are open to anyone who wants to draw with us, and the results are posted here sooner or later (and sometimes even printed).

Diamond’s Coffee Shoppe
1618 Central Avenue Northeast
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Bus info here.

Please spend some money at Diamond’s while you’re there, even if it is just a cuppa coffee… they are excellent hosts, and we wanna stay welcome there.