Monthly Archives: October 2005

Draw a Hobo

Mark Frauenfelder of has announced a fun public art project for cartoonists to draw one of 700 hoboes mentioned in a song by John Hodgman and Jonathon Coulton that can be found at

Images for the project are being posted on Flickr here:

This is a good opportunity for your work to get a lot of exposure potentially… boingboing is one of the most read blogs on the web… don’t forget to include your website in the image (and a mention of the Cartoonist Conspiracy would be great if you wanna).

Here’s one by me, although my account on flicker hasn’t been approved yet, so it isn’t in the gallery… hopefully they will improve it in spite of the fella’s name…

Flickr seems to be a good way to do this sort of thing… we’ll probably have some drawing projects of our own along these lines soon. I encourage you all to get Flickr accounts now if you think you’ll want to participate in this sort of thing, so you won’t have to wait for your account approval later to participate.