This year’s Free Comic Book Day edition of string, 7000 BC’s ashcan anthology, is available for download:
Pasatiempo, Santa Fe’s arts weekly, also ran an article on 7000 BC this week, featuring interviews with several members.
This year’s Free Comic Book Day edition of string, 7000 BC’s ashcan anthology, is available for download:
Pasatiempo, Santa Fe’s arts weekly, also ran an article on 7000 BC this week, featuring interviews with several members.
February 7000 BC Meeting | Saturday, February 22 | 1:00–4:00 | Big Adventure Comics | 801 Cerrillos Rd., Suite B | Santa Fe, NM
For the February 7000 BC meeting, we’ll gather in the new gaming space at Big Adventure Comics in Santa Fe. We’ll be making our last preparations for STAPLE and planning for ACE (which will be here sooner than we think), as well as sharing recent working and creating a jam comic.
All interested in independent comics are welcome — send an email with any questions.
Creating Comics Workshop at Big Adventure Comics | Thursday, February 20 | 6:30–8:30 pm | Big Adventure Comics | 801 Cerrillos Rd., Suite B | Santa Fe, NM
Word and image combine in comics to form a storytelling medium like no other. Discover the visual language that makes comics unique in this free fast-paced, hands-on workshop. Learn how comic techniques apply to other forms of communication. Get a fresh perspective on your own creative work. Take the first steps to becoming a comic creator. Though you will be drawing, this is not an illustration class — stick figures are just fine!
Presented by 7000 BC and AIGA New Mexico.
Update: check out this video by Narrative Media:
“Creating Comics” Workshop with Bram Meehan from Narrative Media on Vimeo.
Independent Creator Explosion 2013 | Saturday, October 19 | noon–4:00 | Kaboom Test Labs Westside | 10250 Cottonwood Park Road, Suite E,
Albuquerque NM
Kaboom Test Labs in Albuquerque is partnering with 7000 BC to present the first Independent Creator Explosion. Local comic creators will have their books for sale in the gaming area of the shop on Saturday, October 19 starting at noon. Support the comic writers and artists of Northern New Mexico and discover their creator-owned books!
7000 BC members will also be available to answer your questions about the group and independent publishing. If you’ve ever wanted to see what local comic creators are producing, or learn more about making your own, be sure to stop by I.C.E.
7000 BC Meeting | Saturday, September 7 | Noon | Astro-Zombies | 3100 Central Avenue, SE | Albuquerque, NM
For the September 7000 BC meeting, we’ll be in the gaming area at Astro-Zombies. We’ve got a busy October coming up, and will be looking for help with 24 Hour Comics Day and other events.
New members are always welcome. Send an email with any questions, or check out the Membership page.
July 7000 BC Meeting | Saturday, July 13 | Noon–3:00 | Kaboom Test Labs West Side | 10250 Cottonwood Park Road, Suite E | Albuquerque, NM
May’s 7000 BC meeting will be Saturday, July 13 at noon at Kaboom Test Labs West Side, 10250 Cottonwood Park Road, Suite E in Albuquerque.
We’re looking forward to meeting everyone we saw at ACE. This meeting’s an informal gathering, bring along your work if you’ve got something to show. We’ll be making our plans for Bubonicon and other upcoming conventions and events.
Our next meeting will be Saturday, August 10 in Santa Fe; then, it’s September 9 back at Page One in Albuquerque.
New members are always welcome. Send an email with any questions, or check out the Membership page.
January 7000 BC Meeting | Sunday, January 6 | 1:00–2:30 | Winning Coffee | 111 Harvard SE | Albuquerque, NM
It’s a full day of comics and 7000 BC on Sunday, January 6:
1:00–2:30 — our monthly meeting will be held at Winning Coffee at 111 Harvard SE, just off Central, across from UNM. We’ve got conventions to plan, education programs to organize, and much catching up with each other to do.
3:00–5:00 — Stranger Factory presents Jimmy Palmiotti in a writing workshop. Several of our members are going, and we hear that spaces are still available; register with Stranger Factory at or (505) 508-3049.
5:00–on — we’ll be getting together at the Frontier to discuss and share what we learned in the workshop, and for some food after a busy day.
New members are always welcome. Send an email with any questions, or check out the Membership page.
July 7000 BC Meeting and Workshop | Saturday, July 21 | 1:00–4:00 | Twin Suns Comic Books & Gaming Center | 6301 Riverside Plaza NW, Suite L-1 | Albuquerque, NM
For the July 7000 BC meeting, Ben will be presenting a short workshop on using a tablet — a great opportunity for anybody who’s wondered about working on one, but never had the chance to try it out.
We’ll also be making plans for upcoming conventions; the fall’s starting to fill up with events, so we’ll be looking for help.
All interested in independent comics are welcome — if we met you at ACE, we hope to see you there. Send an email with any questions.
Mini-Comics Day | Page One Books | Saturday, May 26 | 1:00–5:00 | Free! | 11018 Montgomery Blvd NE, Albuquerque
Join 7000 BC as we host the second annual Mini-Comics Day, an international celebration of the art of cartooning and creating hand-made comic books.
On Mini-Comics Day, participating cartoonists (this means YOU!) will write, draw, and print copies of their own mini-comics. Wildly varying in both form and content, mini-comics are a wonderful synthesis of cartooning and hand-made art objects. This is a FREE event and everyone is welcome!
Comics creators from 7000 BC will will be on hand throughout the event to answer questions and give guidance. We’ll provide some art supplies, or bring your own. We’ll even help you print, fold and staple your mini-comics as you complete them. Bring your papers, pens, and imaginations!
1:00-2:00 pm – For those who would like some guidance, a short lesson on making mini-comics and comics in general will be presented by 7000 BC.
1:00-5:00 pm – Make your minis!
Comics, mini-comics, and books by 7000 BC creators will also be available. Sponsored by Page One Books, and 7000 BC – independent comics from New Mexico!
Page One Books is located at 11018 Montgomery Blvd NE, Albuquerque, the SW corner of Montgomery and Juan Tabo.
Once again, 7000 BC will distribute a Free Comic Book Day edition of its anthology string at comic shops in Albuquerque and Santa Fe. Look for it (and maybe a few group members) at:
Download a PDF of the 2012 Free Comic Book Day edition of string!