The Cartoonist Conspiracy Group Blog

The Latest News and Events of The International Cartoonist Conspiracy

Sunday, January 20, 2008

24 Hours in New Mexico

On 24 Hour Comics Day 2007, more than 40 creators in Santa Fe and Albuquerque accepted the challenge of creating a 24-page comic in 24 hours.

Now, 24 Hours in New Mexico, a 389-page collection of the work produced that day, is available for download.

Click here to download the Zipped PDF at MediaFire. The file is around 58 MB, so if you'd rather get mailed a CD, just send an email. You can also see the book at the 7000 BC ComicSpace page.

We encourage you to link to the PDF, and make copies (digital or paper) and distribute it free of charge — please don’t remove, add, or modify any pages; and note that each creator retains copyright to their respective contribution.

Note: this book contains some adult language and subject matter.

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Wednesday, October 24, 2007


See my 24 Hour comic OUTSOURCED FROM HELL at the Faithmole blog - Avidor



Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Report from New Mexico's 24 Hour Comics Day

We had a couple great 24 Hour Comics Day events here in New Mexico, at True Believers Comics and Gallery in Santa Fe and Harwood Art Center in Albuquerque. Around 22 participants over the course of the event in Santa Fe, 19 in Albuquerque.

Below a few photos (click for larger). There are plenty more at our posts (listed below) to the 24 Hour Comics Day blog; and James, who couldn't join us, worked from home in Los Alamos and blogged about his experience.

Thanks to Chris and Danny at True Believers, and to Darby, Susan, Don, Jimmy, Kathy Meidel, and Scott Owen at Harwood; to Walter Burke Catering, Java Joe's, Upper Crust Pizza , RB Winning Coffee Company, and Einstein Bros. Bagels for their gracious food donations; to Nat and the rest of the organizers; and to all our participants.

We're still trying to figure out an efficient way to scan all the pages, so hopefully we'll have a digital collection posted here sometime soon.


Santa Fe posts to the 24 Hour Comics Day blog: Santa Fe Starts; Santa Fe, Still Going; Santa Fe: One Down; Cutest 24 Hour Comics Day Post Ever; Sunset in Santa Fe; Dinnertime and Beyond in Santa Fe; Morning in Santa Fe; Two More Completed in Santa Fe; More Completions in Santa Fe; Wrapped up in Santa Fe

Albuquerque posts to the 24 Hour Comics Day blog: 12:00PM Draw Albuquerque New Mexico!; Hour 6 Albuquerque; Hour 12 in Albuquerque; Courtny Finishes with her 24 hour comic Mother; Hour 18 Albuquerque; Albuquerque Nick completes his 24 hour comic at 8:45AM; Belated Albuquerque Wrap Post

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Sunday, October 21, 2007

24 Hour Comics Day Minneapolis Coverage

I just wanted to note that if you are reading this blog, you will not automatically receive event coverage of the Minneapolis event which happened this weekend... and David Steinlicht did a phenomenal job covering it, so I really encourage you to check it out.

Thanks much to David for foregoing drawing to blog on our behalves... thanks much to Danno for organizing the event and talking me into doing it for the fourth year in a row... thanks to our extremely generous sponsors The Minnesota Center for Book Arts, Big Brain Comics, Wet Paint, Pizza Luce, and Grumpy's for sponsoring this again this year... and, of course, thanks to everyone who participated.

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Friday, October 19, 2007

24 Hour Comics Day Publicity in New Mexico

It's been a good week for getting out the word about comics, making comics, and 24 Hour Comics Day in New Mexico.

Chris from True Believers and Jett were guests on Santa Fe Radio Cafe on KSFR on Wednesday morning, talking about comics and the event. The MP3 is available here

7000 BC is featured prominently in this week's comic feature in The Alibi, Albuquerque's alternative newsweekly. There's an article on the group, a look at some of our comics, and piece about 24 Hour Comics Day.

Update: the second letter talks about 7000 BC's predecessor. Kathy Dee, if you see this, please send us an email.

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Thursday, October 18, 2007

24 Hour Comics Day Minneapolis Banner

Here's a banner for the Minneapolis Cartoonist Conspiracy cell's blog to cover our local exploits during the international 24 Hour Comic Day event this weekend. I encourage all you participants out there to put it on your websites, and go check out the blog by clicking the banner, if you haven't already.

You can subscribe to the Twin Cities event blog here.

Here is the international event site for 24 hour comics day.

Here is the group blog for the international 24 hour comics day event.

You can subscribe to the international event blog here.

Thanks much to David Steinlicht for blogging for us during the event!

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Saturday, October 06, 2007

24 Hour Comics Day in Albuquerque and Santa Fe

24 Hour Comics Day 2007 | Sat. Oct. 20 - Sun. Oct. 21 | Noon - Noon | Harwood Art Center | Albuquerque, NM | True Believers | Santa Fe, NM

In Albuquerque:
Harwood Art Center
1114 7th Street NW
Albuquerque, NM 87102

In Santa Fe:
True Believers Comics and Gallery
801 Cerrillos Rd
Santa Fe, NM 87505

Sign up to participate by emailing or calling Jeff at 505-262-2952.

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Thursday, March 01, 2007

Date Set For 24 Hour Comics Day This Year

As most of you already know, the date for 24 Hour Comics Day changes from year to year. This year it will be October 20th. Read more on the 24 Hour Comics Day Blog.

I picked this date after consulting with the hosts of the 2006 events. While there is certainly nothing they all agreed on, they were generally happier with a fall date for the event, and generally happy with this particular date.

The next step is to start signing up hosts. We’ve already started to hear from people who wanted to host events in countries that have not had events in the past, so there’s a very good chance that this year will once again be bigger. However, we resisted officially taking any sign-ups before now. We’re ready — go to to see what hosts are required to agree to, and fill out the form there if you agree to it all (there’s an email address there if you have relevant questions.)

The step after this will be to try to organize some of those hosts into also taking care of some of the behind-the-scenes aspect of running this event. I think there’s a lot of growth left in this thing, but we’re reaching the limits of my competencies in a lot of aspects. And besides, I’d really like to participate in the Day, if not this year then in 2008.

Anyway, set Saturday, October 20, 2007 aside on your calendar. You won’t get much sleep, but you’ll get a lot done.

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Sunday, February 25, 2007

Chapter Five of Kevin Cannon's 288 Hour Comic Far Arden

Chapter five of Far Arden, Kevin Cannon's 288 Hour comic featuring Armitage Shanks, Arctic Pirate (which you can read more about here) has been posted! You can start at the beginning here, or click on the image below to start at chapter four if you already read the first three.

I recommend starting at the beginning even if you've already read it, as even in its incomplete state (currently one third completed!), the story is complex and layered, and already greatly rewards rereading.

Make sure to leave comments and encouragement for Kevin on the Big Time Attic blog here!

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Participate in The Gross Comics Project

This month, some members of the Minneapolis Cartoonist Conspiracy cell embarked on the Gross Comic Project at our monthly Saturday Open Studio. It isn't what it sounds like.

Like 24 hour comic day, the goal of the Gross Comic Project is to produce a certain number of pages in a certain amount of time… in this case 144 pages in 144 hours… a gross of pages, get it? 12 hours a month for a year.

Unlike 24 hour comic day, however, the goal of these comics is quality more than speed… if we are going to invest this much time in it, we want to produce something fun, readable and well-drawn, rather than just quickly produced. To that end, we allow all the planning, drawing, and even working on actual pages outside of the monthly 12 hour sessions that a cartoonist chooses to do. However, the 12 pages should be completed by the end of the 12 hours.

If you go over, that's fine, just get it done as quickly as possible after that... if it takes you until the next month, though, I'd say that would be a definite failure.

Here are the completed first month's 12 pages from this weekend:

Here are the first 12 pages of Kevin Cannon's Oceanis.

Here are the first 12 pages of Zander Cannon's Heck.

Here are the first 12 pages of Steven Stwalley's Ezekiel Fishman Versus the Martians.

Note that this project was inspired by the stellar work Kevin Cannon is doing on his 288 Hour Graphic novel Far Arden. Since he is doing a Gross Comic this year as well, I think he will probably hold some sort world's record for this sort of thing (he probably already does). That's right, Kevin will be doing (at least) 432 pages in an hour this year... more pages than there are days in the year!

We have at least 6 other cartoonists joining us in this undertaking next month... Dank!, Shad Petosky, Tim Sievert, Maxeem, Curtis Square-Briggs and Eric Lappegard.

You can join us too!

We'll link to all participants from this blog... just send the link to us, or put it in the comments.

Our next 12 hour session in Minneapolis will be at the next Minneapolis Saturday Open Studio (where it will be every month). The Saturday Open Studios happen on a different day every month, so you'll have to check the site for the dates. The next two are March 17th and April 21st at:

Minnesota Center for Book Arts
(Just down the street from Big Brain Comics)
1011 Washington Ave S, Suite 100
Minneapolis, MN 55415
Phone: 612-215-2520

Those of you participating other places may want to consider doing it on the same day, because it will be more fun to have all this stuff hit at once, but it isn't a requirement.

Judging from the pages so far, I think this is going to be a pretty amazing project to look back on in a year.

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Monday, January 22, 2007

Chapter Four of Kevin Cannon's 288 Hour Comic "Far Arden"

Hooray! Chapter four of Far Arden, Kevin Cannon's 288 Hour cliffhanger serial of a comic featuring Armitage Shanks, Arctic Pirate (which you can read more about here) has been posted! You can start at the beginning here, or click on the image below to start at chapter four if you already read the first three.

I recommend starting at the beginning even if you've already read it, as even in its incomplete state (currently one third completed!), the story is complex and layered, and already greatly rewards rereading.

Make sure to leave comments and encouragement for Kevin on the Big Time Attic blog here!

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Saturday, December 23, 2006

Chapter Three of Kevin Cannon's 288 Hour Comic "Far Arden"

Chapter three of Far Arden, Kevin Cannon's 288 Hour cliffhanger serial of a comic featuring Armitage Shanks, Arctic Pirate (which you can read more about here) has been posted! You can start at the beginning here, or click on the image below to start at chapter three if you already read the first two.

I recommend starting at the beginning even if you've already read it, as even in its incomplete state (currently one fourth completed), the story is complex and layered, and already greatly rewards rereading.

Make sure to leave comments and encouragement for Kevin on the Big Time Attic blog here!



Sunday, November 26, 2006

Chapter Two of Kevin Cannon's 288 Hour Comic

Chapter two of Far Arden, Kevin Cannon's 288 Hour comic featuring his seafaring rapscallion Armitage Shanks, Arctic Pirate (which you can read more about here) has been posted! You can start at the beginning here, or click on the image below to start at chapter two if you already read the first one.

Make sure to leave comments and encouragement for Kevin on the Big Time Attic blog here!



Friday, November 17, 2006

Danger Duck

David Steinlicht just posted his hilarious 24 hour comic Danger Duck from the 24 hour event we had in Minneapolis a little while ago... in color yet! Here it is for your reading pleasure.

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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Chapter One of Kevin Cannon's 288 Hour Comic

My friend, madman Kevin Cannon, accepted the 288 Hour Comic Challenge. He is drawing a 288 Hour graphic novel in 12 24 Hour chunks over the next year or so. He completed the first chunk the other weekend... it features Kevin's enigmatic action anti-hero (who some of you may have already met) Armitage Shanks, Arctic Pirate. As with all of Kevin's work, it is quite wonderful. Read it here:

Make sure to leave some encouraging words for his mad venture on the blog there.

Here are Kevin's previous 24 Hour comics he produced at the three Minneapolis 24 Hour events we've had so far:

2004: The Next 24 Hours
2005: Armitage Shanks: Arctic Pirate
2006: A General Theory of Love



Sunday, October 15, 2006

24 Hr. Comics in San Francisco

Our first 24 hr. comic from Conspiritor Jeff Plotkin in now online. Jeff has posted a journal about his experience as well as the pages of his comic.

It was held at my old school, the California College of Art. So I went down. There were just five of us there: me, Meredith, Mike, Jeffrey M. and Carmen. I knew everyone except Carmen. The turnout was small, probably because there were no SF Bay Area locations listed for the nationwide event. Some of my buddies in the Cartoonist Conspiracy had their own, unofficial 24-Hour Comics Day, and Scott McCloud was probably miffed about it.

To read the whole report on Deviant Art -- LINK

And to read Jeff's comic visit HERE! The comic features a cameo from Cartoonist Doc Popular! CLICK the link under each page to see the read the next one.

We will link to more 24 hr comics when they become avalible.

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Monday, October 02, 2006

24 Hour Comic Book Day in San Francisco!

Join the Cartoonist Conspiracy cell of San Francisco for 24 Hour Comic Book Day at the California College of Arts (and Crafts) on October 7th.

San Francisco Cartoonist Conspiracy 24 Hour Comic Jam
October 7th @ Noon until October 8th @ Noon.
At CCA 1111 Eighth ST, San Francisco CA 94107
More details on the message board.
or email Meredith: to sign up.

Good luck to everyone, and don't forget to post your work or a link to your work on the comments here or the message board link above.

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Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Just finished laying out and scanning my >23 and <25 hour comic from this year's festivities... here it is for your reading pleasure (750k PDF)...



Monday, September 25, 2006

Kevin McCarthy's The Black Phantom


Please Hassle Cartoonist Kevin Cannon to do the World's First 288 Hour Graphic Novel

The Mineapolis cell of the International Cartoonist Conspiracy had it's third annual >23 and <25 Hour Comics event this weekend (we couldn't do it on 24 Hour Comics day this year due to a conflict with the wonderful Twin Cities comics convention Fallcon).

I believe we had 34 cartoonists participating... I'm not sure how many completed 24 pages, but I'm pretty sure it was a majority. I can't wait to read them.

What will certainly be one of the best, Kevin Cannon's comic, is already online. Kevin has done it for the past two years as well, and now has produced three of the best 24 Hour comics I've ever read... they don't read or look at all like they were produced in 24 hours. They are amazing, beautiful and unique comics in my view.

Kevin was born to do this stuff... I keep hassling him to do it once every month and he could have a 288 page best-selling graphic novel in a year.

Please, help me intimidate this poor bastard.

I'm starting an informal campaign to get him to do this, as I think he will cave in to a "friendly lynch mob" of people interested in reading whatever he would come up with in 288 hours. If you are a publisher smart enough to see how amazing such a project would be, you should really move fast to make him an offer now.

To hassle him post a comment on his blog post here.

Since it would be the only 288 hour graphic novel I propose throwing some 24 hour comics rules out the window.

1) I think the goal of the 288 hour graphic novel should be totally different than the 24 hour comic. The goal should be to make a quality read rather than a quick comic. Thus, I think the artist should be free to PLAN all they want to outside of the 288 hours. They just shouldn't put any lines on the final pages outside of the 288 hours. Planning would include research, preparatory sketches, and all of the writing and plotting they want. Nobody would want to spend 288 hours on something that sucks, so they should have the leeway to make it as good as they possibly can.

2) The 288 hours must be done in 12 24 consecutive hour chunks of time, rather than 288 hours straight, since the goal is not to actually kill the cartoonist, but merely to exhaust them 12 times in the production of the book. These chunks of time should be no more than two months apart from each other, so the longest one of these projects could take would be two years.



>23 and <25 Hour Sequential Art Event Box Set

The Minneapolis >23 and <25 Hour Sequential Art Event this weekend was a blast... Thanks much to Minneapolis Conspiracy Events Monkey Danno for all his efforts in making this a huge success. Thanks also to our sponsors The Minnesota Center For Book Arts, Wet Paint Art, Big Time Attic, Pizza Luce, Grumpy's, Sip Coffee Bar, Big Brain Comics.

I believe we had 34 cartoonists participating... not sure how many completed 24 pages, but I'm pretty sure it was a majority. I can't wait to read them. What will certainly be one of the best, Kevin Cannon's comic, is already online:

Kevin has done it for the past two years as well, and now has produced three of the best 24 Hour comics I've ever read... they don't read or look at all like they were produced in 24 hours. Kevin was born to do this stuff... I keep hassling him to do it once every month and he could have a 288 page best-selling graphic novel in a year. If you agree with me, you should hassle him too... I desperately want to read "The Ballad of Armatage Shanks."

Any of the rest of y'all who get your comics from the event online, send me the links and I'll post the links to them in the blog and the gallery.

We will be collecting all of the >23 and <25 hour comics from folks who want to collect theirs in boxes at the October Jam meeting at Diamond's on October 5th. To do this, simply print 100 of them into mini-comics and we'll collate them into a box with a groovy Bob Lipski cover. Boxes will be for sale (in limited quantities) to the artists for 50 cents each, after which you can sell them for whatever you want (ten bucks will most likely be the suggested retail) and hopefully recoup the costs of printing your minis.

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Friday, September 22, 2006

<25 But >23 Hour Sequential Art Event Tomorrow!

The Minneapolis Conspiracy's 3rd Annual <25 But >23 Hour Sequential Art Event is tomorrow! We currently have 32 participants. Get some sleep tonight, fellas. Click on the below poster to read all about it.

Note that 24 Hour Comics Day is on October 7th... we're doing this tomorrow because October 7th and 8th is the same time as the notoriously creator friendly Twin Cities comics convention Fallcon.

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Friday, July 14, 2006

In the midst of the SF 24 Hour Comic Day

So, we started with ten cartoonists at 5:45 pm all crammed into Craig's apartment.

At about 7pm we moved our get together to Muddy Waters to meet join the normal Cartoonist Conspiracy get together (which consisted of ; Jeff Plotkin). That's were we started losing people, sore backs, not enough sleep, yadda yadda. So it looks like there are 6 of us going the full 24, one of those is only focusing on a 7 page project, so... yeah.

Brian is doing something about a Fairy that gets lost in the city.

Tanya is doing a 7 page web comic about Jack and Daxter.

Craig (with a K) is doing a "space opera" comic. He doesn't like to talk about it though.

Rio is trying a stream of conscious comic.. It has a roach in it.

I'm doing a 1001 Arabian Nights type comic...

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24 Hour Comic Book Challenges happening RIGHT NOW in San Francisco, CA

It started at 5:45 pm...Members of the San Francisco Cell are, right now, working to complete a 24 Hour Comic Book challenge. That is 24 pages in 24 hours.

The group started in a private residence but moved to Muddy Waters in the Castro district. There the artist plugged away at their stories, stopping only to drink coffee and pastries.

At 11pm they kicked the group out and then ........

Stay tuned to find out more from the folks drawing right now, poster here on the blog.

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24 Hour Comic Book Challenges happening RIGHT NOW in San Francisco, CA

It started at 5:45 pm...Members of the San Francisco Cell are, right now, working to complete a 24 Hour Comic Book challenge. That is 24 pages in 24 hours.

The group started in a private residence but moved to Muddy Waters in the Castro district. There the artist plugged away at their stories, stopping only to drink coffee and pastries.

At 11pm they kicked the group out and then ........

Stay tuned to find out more from the folks drawing right now, poster here on the blog.

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Monday, July 10, 2006

24 Hour Comic Jam

This Thursday at 5pm, a group of 4 San Francisco Cartoonists will start a 24 hour comic jam. Similar to the super big mega official 24 Hour Comic Day that happens every year, except locally organized.

We have two people signed up for sure, and would like to host two more local cartoonists for the marathon, anyone interested can contact

This even will not supersede the October 7th 24 Hour Comic day event at Last Gasp Publishing, but is just something to tide some of us over until then.

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Tuesday, November 01, 2005

24 Hour Comic Anthology Out

The Big Time Attic blog points out that the new 24 Hour Comics anthology is out in stores... it features three cartoonists from the Minneapolis Big Brain Comics/Conspiracy 24 Hour Event from earlier this year. They are also three of the best 24 hour comics you're likely to ever read... by Quillan Roe, Kevin Cannon, and Zander Cannon.

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Sunday, June 19, 2005

3 Conspirators in new 24 Hour Comics Anthology

Congratulations to the brothers Cannon and Quillan Roe on their inclusion in the new 24 Hour Comics anthology... a total of 24 cartoonists are included in the anthology, chosen out of hundreds of entries from around the world. Great work fellas!

"Kevin Cannon delves into adventure on the high seas (created at the Cartoonist Conspiracy event)"

"Quillan Roe brings a walk to the page (created at the Cartoonist Conspiracy event)"

"Zander Cannon, known for his work on Top Ten and The Replacement God, has an unusual take on the private eye (created at the Cartoonist Conspiracy event)"

Nat Gertler also notes on the blog:

"One interesting note: most of the selections were created by females. The traditional view of cartooning as a male-dominated interest is certainly being challenged by this new generation."

We've also had a lot more women showing up at the Conspiracy meetings lately... this is a really great trend. It is nice to see that comics are no longer alienating half of the population.

"The book is slated to ship in October. If you saw last year’s book, the format is basically the same: 496 pages, conveniently sized (5.5″x7.75″) paperback, for $24.95."

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Saturday, April 23, 2005

24 Hour Comic Day Blog

The Cartoonist Conspiracy is participating in 24 Hour Comic Day.

Follow along here:

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Friday, April 22, 2005

24 Hour Comic Day Freebies

You may be wondering what we have sponsors for, so here is the scoop...

Big Brain Comics and The Minnesota Center For Book Arts are both generously providing us with space to work in... a lot of it. In addition, Big Brain will be providing some food. Michael Drivas from Big Brain and Jeff Rathermel from Book Arts have both generously offered to stay up with us too... thanks guys!

Wet Paint Art will be giving us a lot of art supplies to use (you will still want to bring your own, however, to make sure you're covered). Tim from Wet Paint Art (who will be participating in the event) tells me participants will be provided with a bag containing:

- a Copic brush pigment liner (black) & Copic SP refillable .2mm pen (very
nice pen!)
- sample bluelined Manga bristol sheets from Copic
- Staedtler 5-pen set of black pigment liners, various points
- a group of Sakura pens with a variety of points and colors
- sample Strathmore 500 professional bristol sheets and swatchbook from
- Wet Paint newsletter & comics supplies flyer

Big Time Attic's Zander Cannon provided the poster for the event, and BTA's Shad Petosky will be covering the event live on the web. The brothers Cannon will both be participating.

Grumpy's Bar will be providing us with some of their delicious food stuffs... if you have never tried deep fried macaroni and cheese, this could be your chance!

We just had two new sponsors sign on for the 24 Hour Comics event in Minneapolis today. Pizza Luce' has offered to give us some pizzas, and Dunn Bros Coffee has offered to give us some coffee to keep us going (both pizza and coffee will be arriving in the evening on Saturday sometime).

Thanks much to all our sponsors for their efforts and generosity.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2005

And another one.

Garrick Van Buren just signed on to join us as well.

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And another one.

Garrick Van Buren just signed on to join us as well.

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Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Another one

I should note that some more people may have signed on since I got the information the other day... Andy Singer just signed on as well.

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Monday, April 18, 2005

Roll Call for 24 Hour Comics Day Minneapolis

Here's who's in at this point (in the order they signed up, with an asterik next to those who are in for their second year)... we may end up with a few more stragglers...

Quillan Roe
*David Steinlicht
*Danno Ochsendorf
Nathan Lauster
Troy Cummings
David Wolter
Carl Nelson
*Sean Tenhoff
Tone Redmon
*Ken Avidor
Phil Redmon
Scott Williams
*Kevin Cannon
Zander Cannon
Tim Jennen
Dan Frye
Gail Catheryn
Andy Devore
*Adam Wirtzfeld
Shane Stevenson
*Steven Stwalley

That would be 21 noble fools. Three more and we have one for every hour.

Shad Petosky will also be returning in his role as intrepid reporter on the scene.

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Write Up in Skyway News

The Conspiracy just got a great write up in Skyway News.


"There's so much energy and passion in that group," he (Nick Post of The Source) said. "The storytelling and the variety of topics that they tackle are just amazing. To watch them work makes me want to pick up a pen and piece of paper. They just have to get something out. That's how they feel, like they're nine and a half months pregnant all the time."

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Thursday, April 14, 2005

24 Hour Comics Box

Last year, the participants in the Cartoonist Conspiracy's Minneapolis 24 Hour Comic Day event took their completed comics and published them the Sunday after the event in an almost 200 page book (the first time any of us read them all was in book form).

This year, we're thinking of taking a different approach.

Using the "box full of mini-comics" format we used in the Lutefisk Sushi show last September, we plan to have interested participants contribute copies of a mini-comic of their completed 24 hour comic to collate into a limited edition box set.

Doing this is easier than you might think (although doing it on the tight timeline we are hoping to do it in is NOT easy).

You can order blank boxes online here:

We will be getting this one for our project:

Here are a couple other good inexpensive options:

For a box cover, you could silkscreen it, use a sticker, or use a rubber stamp.

Here is our plan:

1. Each person who participates in the box MUST complete the full 24 pages. Besides the comics completed within the 24 hours, noble failures will also be accepted.

2. Each box participant must print up 100 copies of their comic by 1:30 PM Sunday and deliver them to a location to be announced. That gives you 4 hours from the end of 24 Hour Comics Day to get them printed and delivered. Yikes.

3. Each participant must sign all their comics.

4. Every participant must help collate the boxes, starting at 1:30PM Sunday. We're all going to be loopy as hell, so we'll have to double check the collated boxes.

5. Participants are encouraged to join us at MicroCon to sell boxes as soon as they are collated on Sunday, assuming we finish in time. Microcon closes at 4:00PM.

6. Each participant will be able to buy copies at cost (which will be cheap... they should be under fifty cents each). The number each person will be able to purchase will be limited, and will depend on how many people participate.

7. Leftover copies, if there are any after participants buy their copies, will be sold. Out of the 100 copies, at least 10 will be sold at Big Brain, and at least 10 will be sold elsewhere (probably Microcon if we make it in time).

8. Any profits made will go into the hosting costs of the Cartoonist Conspiracy website.

Groups around the country participating in 24 Hour Comics Day are encouraged to imitate this method. It is a great, fairly simple way to give participants a cool memento of the event.

(Participants in the event should note that participation in the box is not required)

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me, or post them on the board.

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Wednesday, April 13, 2005


I've updated the Minneapolis 24 Hour Comics Day website with Zander's poster and some additional info:

Also, I've posted info to the blog on the national site.

24 Hour Comics Day is coming up fast... we'll be discussing it in a bit more detail at the Sunday Funnies meeting this weekend. If you want to volunteer to help, come on over to Grumpy's... and if you know anyone who wants to volunteer, tell them to come (or contact me).

If you want to hang posters to promote the event, please do so! You can either arrange to get some from me, or, better yet, you can print them up yourself using the downloadable poster here.

If you aren't a Minneapolis conspirator, check here to find a location near you.

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Monday, April 11, 2005

24 Hour Comics Day Poster

Here is the wonderful poster by Zander Cannon for this year's Minneapolis 24 Hour Comics Day event... thanks much to Zander for taking the time to put this together. Click on the image or click here to see a larger version. They will be printed up some time this week. Contact me and let me know if you are interested in getting some to hang around town to help promote the event.

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Wednesday, April 06, 2005


Although we have a number of folks who have already registered for the 24 Hour Comics Day event going on at Big Brain in Minneapolis this month (14 or 15 at last count)... we still want more! You can still register at Big Brain, or you can register at the monthly Conspiracy jam meeting at the Spyhouse on the 7th. Read more about that event here.

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Tuesday, March 29, 2005



Just a reminder... Saturday is the deadline for registering for the 24 Hour Comic Day event in Minneapolis on April 23-24... so those of you wanting to participate should get down to Big Brain and register ASAP. Seating is limited. More info here:

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Sunday, March 20, 2005


Minnesota cartoonists can now register for the Minneapolis 24 Hour Comic Day event... read the details here:

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