Just Add Ink Schwag

Opening night may seem like it’s a long way off, but you know how summer can fly by. Before we know it, copies of Just Add Ink will be in our greedy hands, and we’ll be partying at AE. So we’re starting to think about schwag to accompany the books. Here are some of the ideas we’ve kicked around:

  • refrigerator magnets
  • buttons
  • button magnets–two birds, one stone!
  • mugs
  • potholders
  • aprons (possibly screen-printed?)
  • turkey basters
  • napkins
  • measuring cups
  • egg timer
  • magnetic bottle openers
  • jar openers
  • recipe/note tablet
  • magnetic list pads

Lots of great ideas so far, but we’re still in the brainstorming phase. Help us narrow down the list by letting us know what kinds of tchotchkes and/or useful things you’d like to have in your kitchen.