Monthly Archives: November 2005


Speaking of Picasa… I downloaded it yesterday and it is easily the best thing I have ever used to browse images on my computer. Picasa is a free image browsing/searching/editing tool that has come out from Google… it is pretty mind-blowing how much better it does this task than anything else I’ve seen previously. You would think they would build this sort of functionality into operating systems. I can see all of the Conspiracy jams at a glance with this thing… it’s really amazing. It also has quick and basic image editing that does a nice job of simplifying photo editing tasks. I highly recommend it.

More Homeless Hoboes

One of the best and definitely the most prolific drawer of hoboes, Ape Lad, recently had his pictures removed from the main 700hoboes gallery.

Apparently, Flickr has a policy against posting more illustrations than you have photographs, if you can believe that.

So, anyhow, you can see the hoboes that have been 86ed here.

More on this story here and here and here.

What is Flickr thinking? Why would you want to alienate any of your users by being a bunch of busybodies about the sort of content people are publishing (assuming it is legal)? What suicidal idiots… I’m betting Picasa will eat them alive when they inevitably add photo sharing.

Flickr has definitely rubbed me the wrong way. Anyone know any good alternatives to Flickr?

Welcome Maple Ink Comics of Calgary/Edmonton

We’ve just added a new Conspiracy cell, Maple Ink Comics of Calgary/Edmonton… they are a pre-existing entity that you can read more about here. The Calgary/Edmonton cell is our 7th cell around the world (the others being Minneapolis, Montreal, Lancaster, PA, San Francisco, Sacramento, and Milwaukee). Welcome guys!

This seems like a good time to remind folks that any cartoonist anywhere can start their own cell of the Cartoonist Conspiracy in their community, and we will happily conspire, collaborate and promote with you. More information can be found out about how to do that here and here, and you can contact me directly with any questions.

Web Comics Growing and Making Money Sometimes

Here’s an interesting article on webcomics from the Washington Post. Good to hear that some people are starting to make some sort of a living doing comics on the web… hopefully this is a trend that will continue to grow.

If you are a web cartoonist, here is a site that is organizing comics on the web,

Here’s what their “about this site” area reads:


The Webcomic List primarily helps you keep track of which of your favourite comics have updated. To do this we monitor over 4300 comics, checking them several times a day; this enables us to keep you updated as fast as possible.

Some things you should check out while you are here:

* Latest Updates – Check out which comics have updated recently. See it really does work!
* Comic News – Want to know what’s going on in the comic world? Well look no further this is the place for you.
* Comic Profiles – Over 4300 comic profiles, go check them out. You might find some hidden gems you never knew about!
* Register – Once registered you can grab yourself a personalised favourites list and change how the site works to suit your needs.
* Submit Your Comic – Do you have a webcomic that isn’t on this list? Well get it added!


4300 comics!

If you are doing web comics, I imagine this is probably a very good place to register.

CIA propaganda comic from 1984

I’ve always had an interest in comics used for advertising and propaganda… here’s an example I just ran across that the CIA air dropped on Grenada in 1984 (of all years) after the US invasion.

Looks like the same site also has some other cool stuff… here is an atomic revolution comic book from 1957 and Hooked! and anti-drug comic from 1966. It seems they have a bunch of great stuff along these lines…