The Cartoonist Conspiracy Group Blog
The Latest News and Events of The International Cartoonist Conspiracy
The Twin Cities Rock Atlas in this Week's City Pages
 If you're in the Twin Cities, do yourself a favor and don't miss this week's City Pages (December 19, 2007). Kevin Cannon has done an absolutely stunning spread on pages 50 and 55 titled The Twin Cities Rock Atlas that has to be seen to be believed. It highlights numerous music oriented locations around the Twin Cities. It isn't currently online, which is good, because only print could do this justice. The text for the piece is written by City Pages' Peter S. Scholtes (and written well, although it unavoidably and painfully covers the art!) One of the most outstanding things about Kevin's work is his vast skill at distilling things down to the bare minimum of what they need to be effective. This has never been more evident than in this piece. If you think of icons of Minneapolis, you probably think of the big Grain Belt Bottle cap, the cherry in the spoon, and maybe First Ave. (pictured in the tiny excerpt above from the spread). This spread makes it seem like icons are everywhere, as Kevin beautifully distills the architectural souls of probably a minimum of 50 Twin Cities structures. Not many cartoonists could pull this off, and Kevin makes it look easy. Happily, City Pages is apparently going to make it into a poster... I don't yet know how they will be making them available, but I sure want one. I just got an update from Kevin on the posters: I think CP is going to give away the posters for free. Word is that they'll be available at the venues that are on the poster. I'm working on a (Big Time Attic) blog post that shows the process of making the poster, and there you'll be able to see all the easter eggs hiding behind the text (actually there aren't many easter eggs, but I do have a little Conspiracy guy standing next to diamond's)... Labels: comics, Minneapolis
Soapy the Chicken is Back.
Far Arden Chapter 12!
Pre-Order Yourself an Alley Cat
 We're taking pre-orders this Friday (today) only for the Alley Cat anthology we're putting out soon, featuring 92 pages of work by 50 cartoonists honoring our fallen comrade Eric Lappegard, who recently died from complications following an auto accident... they will be available at the Schmapples Tribute event September 8th, and will probably be pretty hard to come by after that. You can get all the details here. If you like cats, bikes, and/or ninjas you won't want to miss it. Funds sent will go towards printing more copies of the anthology, which we would really like to do, and all proceeds from the book will go to the family of Eric Lappegard. The contributor list is: Anthony Ken Avidor ( Bud Burgy (, Kevin Cannon (, Zander Cannon ( Chole Chris Coffey Cindy Cyrus Cords Danno ( Will Dinski ( Doctor Popular ( Ryan Dow ( Cival Einstein Andrey Feldshteyn ( Michael Furious ( Naomi Johnson Loki Kaspari Max Konrardy ( Matthew Kriske Bob Lipski ( Vas Littlecrow ( Roger Lootine ( Gypsy-Maria Lorimer Earl Luckes Kevin McCarthy ( MJ ( Sarah Morean ( Anders Nilsen ( Daniel Olson ( Rita Panton Jeff Plotkin Anna Pratt Kraig Rasmussen Connor Rice Rio Amado Rodriguez ( Zak Sally ( Jenny Schmid ( Damian Sheridan Tim Sievert ( Mark Simonson ( Andy Singer ( Jon Sloan ( Bill Spears David Steinlicht (, David Strong Andy Sturdevant Steven Stwalley (, Mike Toft ( Brett VonSchlosser ( Jeff Walker Kevin Wind ( Adam Wirtzfeld ( GO HERE TO FIND OUT HOW TO ORDER A COPY OF ALLEY CATLabels: comics, Eric Lappegard
Armitage Shanks in Eglinton Island Mini-Comic
Eric Lappegard's Final Transmission
 The final week of my friend Eric Lappegard's semi-autobiographical comic strip Schmapples, drawn the week before his ultimately fatal car accident, can now be seen on his website (as can the comic strip he had in the Comix issue of City Pages the week he died). I recommend reading Schmapples starting from the beginning if you haven't already read them. You won't want to miss them. Eric gave himself one hell of a conclusion. Life can be terrible, but sometimes art can be perfect. Please note that we'll have a complete Schmapples collection available at the benefit show for Eric's family on September 8th at Altered Esthetics. Labels: comics, Eric Lappegard
City Pages: True Tales of the Twin Cities
Chapter 10 of Kevin Cannon's Far Arden is Online
Albert Lea gallery show for Midwest Comics
Hello! In Albert Lea, MN I was offered a gallery room to organize a show. I think it would be quite the delight if some of us could contribute to it. If you are in the Minneapolis NE area, Tim Sievert ( who has a book "That Salty Air" coming out with Top Shelf in November, has volunteered to be your convenient delivery-man to bring your comic art down to Max's Albert Lea Comics Show when he drives down on the 21st. The show is open to the public and will last from August 2nd or so to August 30th, with an opening on the 5th. More information and a press release will appear soon. Bring two of your favorite black and white pages of comic art (as in, with panels in it, preferably) mounted or unmounted as your preference to Tim before the 21st, probably to Puny office/studio behind Diamond's coffee shop ... like early next Friday at the latest. I might be mounting some of your stuff on black foamcore before the show if I have time, but probably not. If you miss Tim's drive and still can't find that darling page, you could just snail it to me. Let me know if you want to be in the show and I'll give you the "postal address!" But I think I want to make up little mini-comic style brochures or something, too. So ideally, I know you're contributing before the last week of July. Oh, and please include information about yourself and the pages on some sort of paper! Everyone will be curious what your stuff is about and I want to label stuff correctly, including the name of the work, the page numbers, what the story is about or what magazine it was for, etc. An artist statement or something wouldn't be bad either for the little 'guide to the show' I'll be making. Would anyone be able to get something of Eric's and his permission if he is interested? Labels: albert lea, comics, gallery show, show
Kevin Cannon's Far Arden Chapter Nine
Kevin Cannon's Far Arden Chapter Eight
Far Arden Chapter Seven
Chapter seven of Kevin Cannon's epic 288 hour comic, Far Arden, is online, and continues to get better and better... Kevin is blowing me away with this stuff every month. You would think, producing this stuff under such time constraints (all chapters drawn in 24 hours) that something would suffer... art, storytelling, plot, composition, layouts, design... hell, lettering! Kevin continues to make it all flow perfectly and beautifully, and make it look deceptively easy. Click here to start reading at chapter seven.Click here to start at the beginning.Click here to read more about Kevin Cannon's mad, mad project. Click here to cheer Kevin on in his comments.Labels: comics, Projects
Far Arden Chapter Six
Raised By Squirrels: Los Alamos now available
 Reluctantly reunited, Tyler and Rose have rejoined the S.Q.R.L., the covert agency that nearly destroyed them. Now, in Los Alamos, the discoveries they make about the organization's history will lead to even more mystery and greater danger. This book collects issues 8 through 11 of Raised By Squirrels, a gallery of new art, and the first four Squirrel Tales. Available, along with volume 1, at the Raised By Squirrels site. Labels: 7000 BC, comics, hype
Chapter Five of Kevin Cannon's 288 Hour Comic Far Arden
Chapter five of Far Arden, Kevin Cannon's 288 Hour comic featuring Armitage Shanks, Arctic Pirate ( which you can read more about here) has been posted! You can start at the beginning here, or click on the image below to start at chapter four if you already read the first three.  I recommend starting at the beginning even if you've already read it, as even in its incomplete state (currently one third completed!), the story is complex and layered, and already greatly rewards rereading. Make sure to leave comments and encouragement for Kevin on the Big Time Attic blog here! Labels: 24 Hour Comics, comics
Stwalley's New Blog
I've altered my personal website at to be a blog. You can subscribe to it here, if you're inclined. It will talk a lot about comics and cartooning, as well as a multitude of other topics that interest me (old music, weirdness, animation, technology, etc, etc, etc).  In addition to the mail feed on the site, there is a feed on the right side of the page that is also "Stwallskull's Interesting Links" a very frequently updated list of choice articles that I run across on the web on a wide variety of topics of interest, including, of course, comics and cartooning. You can subscribe to that here. Labels: comics, hype, Useful Information
Chapter Four of Kevin Cannon's 288 Hour Comic "Far Arden"
Hooray! Chapter four of Far Arden, Kevin Cannon's 288 Hour cliffhanger serial of a comic featuring Armitage Shanks, Arctic Pirate ( which you can read more about here) has been posted! You can start at the beginning here, or click on the image below to start at chapter four if you already read the first three.  I recommend starting at the beginning even if you've already read it, as even in its incomplete state (currently one third completed!), the story is complex and layered, and already greatly rewards rereading. Make sure to leave comments and encouragement for Kevin on the Big Time Attic blog here! Labels: 24 Hour Comics, comics
Danger Duck
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